player.additem [item ID] [amount] |
Adds a quantity of a specified item to your inventory. See sections below for item IDs. |
player.additem f [#] |
Adds credits to your inventory. Replace [#] with desired amount. |
player.additem a [#] |
Adds a digipick to inventory. Replace [#] with desired amount. |
[Reference ID].amod [mod ID]** |
Attaches a mod to a weapon. Drop a weapon, open the console, and then click on it to obtain its reference ID. More info in sections below. |
player character variables
player.setlevel [#] |
Raise or lower your player level. Replace [#] with the desired level* |
player.setav health [#] |
Sets your max health level. Replace [#] with the desired amount* |
player.setav speedmult [#] |
Set player speed multiplier. Set this number to anything more than 100 to speed up movement. |
player.setav carryweight [#] |
Sets your maximum carry weight to specified amount. |
player.setpos x [#] |
Moves the player character on the x axis. Eg, player.setpos x 10 on your ship will put you in space. |
showlooksmenu player 1 |
Opens the full character creator. |
showlooksmenu player 2 |
Opens partial character creator (traits and background remain intact). |
sexchange |
Change your character's body type and returns character to a default look. |
player.addperk [perk ID] |
Adds a skill, trait, or background. (See relevant sections below for IDs.) |
player.removeperk [perk ID] |
Remove a skill, trait, or background. (See relevant sections below for IDs.) |
psb |
Add every power. |
player.setav starpower [#] |
Raises total power to number specified. |
setforcespeechchallengealwayssucceed [1 or 0] |
If set to 1, all speech challenges will succeed. setforcespeechchallengealwaysfail does the opposite. |
player.paycrimegold 0 0 [faction ID] |
Pays off the bounty with a given faction. (Find faction IDs below.) |
player.kill |
Kills the player character. :( |
movement and world variables
tm |
Hides all UI. Type it again to un-hide UI. |
tfc |
Enables free cam. |
tcl |
Toggles collision, letting you walk through walls and into the air. |
tgp |
Toggles pause state. |
tmm 1 |
Adds map markers for all locations on a planet's surface. Note: This appears to be permanent, and typing tmm 0 does not remove those icons. |
tdetect |
You won't be detected when in stealth. |
sgtm [#] |
SetGlobalTimeMultiplier or sgtm changes the game speed. Less than 1 slows time down, more than 1 speeds it up. |
showmenu sleepwaitmenu |
Open the "pass time" menu. |
passtime [#] |
Passes a number of hours. |
unlock |
Unlock the targeted door or object. |
setgravityscale [#] |
Change the local gravity. Weeeee! |
setscale [#] |
Reduce or enlarge the targeted NPC or object. (Doesn't work on the player.) |
RefuelSpaceship |
Refuels the targeted spaceship, or the player's ship if nothing is targeted. |
kill |
With the console open, click an NPC to target them, then type kill to kill them. Important characters may only be incapacitated. |
kah |
Kills all hostile entities nearby |
killall |
Kills all entities nearby |
resurrect |
Resurrect targeted corpse (in the case of generic NPCs, another generic NPC). |
forcedbleedout |
Make a character bleed out. (Not very nice.) |
tai |
Toggles AI on and off: NPCs will stop where they are and won't do anything at all. |
tcai |
Toggles NPC combat AI, making all NPCs passive. |
paying of bounties
Crimson Fleet [00010B30] |
player.paycrimegold 0 0 00010B30 |
Freestar Collective [000638E5] |
player.paycrimegold 0 0 000638E5 |
Neon/Ryujin Industries [0026FDEA] |
player.paycrimegold 0 0 0026FDEA |
Trade Authority [0022E53D] |
player.paycrimegold 0 0 0022E53D |
United Colonies [0005BD93] |
player.paycrimegold 0 0 0005BD93 |
companion affinity
getav com_affinity |
Tells you a companion's affinity toward you. |
setav com_affinity [#] |
Changes a companion's affinity toward you. It appears that unique conversations happen when affinity naturally hits 100, 200, 300, etc. Set affinity just below the next level (eg, 99, 199) to speed things up. |
Setav com_affinitylevel [#] |
According to Objective_Tailor607: 0.00 is Neutral, 1.00 Friendship, 2.00 Affection, 3.00 Commitment. |
If you open the console with a companion in view, you can click on them to set them as the target for these commands, which tell you their affinity level and let you set it to what you want. These aren't perfectly straightforward, as redditor Objective_Tailor607 has discovered through experimentation.
adding skills
Use the player.addperk [id] console command to add one level to a skill. Use player.removeperk [id] to remove the skill entirely. |
physical skill IDs
Boxing |
002C59DF |
Fitness |
002CE2DD |
Stealth |
002CFCB2 |
Weight Lifting |
002C59D9 |
Wellness |
002CE2E1 |