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City of Sac. Sitecore Content Editor Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Sitecore CMS beginners cheat sheet for content editors.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Logging In

Navigate to http:/­/ew­web­cm0­1/s­itecore
Click Options, and select either the Content Editor or Page Editor interface.
Login using Windows E_COFS authen­tic­ation.

Check-In All of Your Items

Within the Content Editor, navigate to the ribbon and select the "­Rev­iew­" tab.
Click the "My Items" button to view the items you have locked.
Manually unlock specific items using the checkb­oxes, or click the "­Unlock All" button.

Upload Media Files

In the Media Library, select a destin­ation folder.
In the right-hand pane, within Options, click Upload Files (Advanced).
In the dialog box, hold the CTRL key as you select multiple files.
Always add Alternate Text to each image you upload.
Click Upload.

Workflow (CLECU)

Create new version of the item.
Lock the version.
Edit and Save the item.
Check for grammar, spelling, and validation errors.
Unlock the item.
/Depending on your role, once the item has been edited and is unlocked it will either be immedi­ately published or it will be sent for approval./

Archive An Item - Schedule Publishing

In the content tree, navigate to the item you want to archive.
On the Review tab, in the Schedule group, click Archive then Archive Item Now.
Restore item in Sitecore Desktop, Start button then All Applic­ations, Archive.
Automa­tically archive:
In Content Editor, on the Review tab, in the Schedule group, click Archive, then Set Archive Date.
Set the Date and Time and Version.

Edit a Simple Text Field in Page Editor

Navigate to the item you want to edit.
Click on a simple text field to edit.
Edit text directly on the page.
Click the Save button to record your changes!

Edit a Rich Text Field in Page Editor

Select a rich text field and Sitecore displays a floating toolbar with several options.
Either edit text directly on the page or in the Rich Text Editor (RTE).
Editing directly on the page:
Click the line where you want to type and start typing.
Add bold, Italics, links, and images into the item.
Save your changes.
Editing in the Rich Text Editor (RTE):
Click the Edit Text button to edit in the RTE.
Insert links, photos, symbols as needed.
Click Accept to save your changes.
Note: The Rich Text Editor gives you access to more functi­onality than inline editing.

Add New Items in the Page Editor

Navigate to the page you want to edit.
Click the Edit button at the top of the page.
On the ribbon, click Insert Page to open the Insert Page dialog box.
Select the type of item you want to insert and name it in the Item Name field.
Click Insert to create the new section.

Preview Pages in the Page Editor

Navigate to the Mode Group in the ribbon (under the Home tab) and click Preview.
On the Experience Tab select preview parame­ters.

Navigate the Site in the Page Editor

Hold the Ctrl key and left-click a link with the mouse.

Create a New Item in the Content Editor

Open the Content Editor.
In the Navigation Tree, click Corpor­ate­/Home/ and the depart­men­t/s­ection you'd like to add an item to.
Right-­Click on the section and select Insert - Page from the popup menu.
In the Content
You must remember to unlock items once you are done with them so that other users can edit them.

Editing an Item in Content Editor

Pasting Content from MS Word:
Copy the text in MS Word.
Select the item you want to edit and open the RTE.
Click the Paste Word button. All of the fonts, sizes, and formatting will be removed.
Working with Internal Links:
Select the image or text that you want to be a link.
Click Insert Sitecore Link button.
Select Internal Link tab and select the item to link to.
Altern­ati­vely, select the Media Items tab to select a graphic or other media item.
Click Link to create the link.
Working with External Links:
Click Insert Link button.
In the Hyperlink Manager dialog box, enter inform­ation about the website.
Click OK.

Setting Reminders in Content Editor

In the Content Editor, in the Review tab, in the Schedule group, click Reminder.
In the resulting list, select Set Reminder.
In the Set Reminder Wizard, click Next.
Enter text that you want to be sent, then click Next.
In the Date and Recipients dialog box, enter date and time, recipients (by email addres­ses), and click Set.
Click Finish.
Verify reminders by going to the Review tab, in the Schedulegroup, and click Reminder.
Currently, you can only create one reminder. In order to write a second reminder, you must overwrite the first.