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AWS Cloud Practitioner Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Cheatsheet about AWS Cloud Practitioner

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Amazon Cognito
Add user sign-up and sign-in features and control access to your web and mobile applic­ations. It scales to millions of users
AWS Security Token Service (STS)
Request temporary, limite­d-p­riv­ilege creden­tials for AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users
Directory Services
Also known as AWS Managed Microsoft AD, it's a fully managed Microsoft Active Directory service
AWS IAM Identity Center
Create and manage user identities in AWS, or connect your existing identity source, including Microsoft Active Directory, Okta, Ping Identity, JumpCloud, Google Workspace, and Azure Active Directory (Azure AD).


AWS Compute Optimizer
Avoid overpr­ovi­sioning and underp­rov­isi­oning EC2 instances, EBS volumes, ECS on Fargate, and Lambda functions
AWS Pricing Calculator
AWS Pricing Calculator lets you explore AWS services, and create an estimate for the cost of your use cases on AWS. Useful when you are migrating to the Cloud
AWS Billing Dashboard
Used to gain a general view of your AWS spending
AWS Billing Alarms
It will notify you by email when your AWS account charges for the month have exceeded a monetary amount you have set
AWS Budgets
You can set custom budgets to track your costs and usage, and respond quickly to alerts received from email or SNS notifi­cations if you exceed your threshold.
AWS Cost Anomaly Detection
Service that uses advanced Machine Learning techno­logies to identify anomalous spend and root causes, so you can quickly take action
AWS Service Quotas
It helps you manage your quotas for many AWS services
AWS Trusted Advisor
It provides cost and security recomm­end­ations that help you follow AWS best practices
TODO: HABLAR DE Pricing Models, Savings Plan,

Reliab­ility Pillar - Design Principles

Automa­tically recover from failure
Test recovery procedures
Scale horizo­ntally to increase aggregate workload availa­bility
Stop guessing capacity
Manage change through automation

Perfor­mance Efficiency - Design Principles

Democr­atize advanced techno­logies
Go global in minutes
Use serverless archit­ectures
Experiment more often
Consider mechanical sympathy

Cost Optimi­zation Pillar - Design Principles

Implement cloud financial management
Adopt a consum­ption model
Measure overall efficiency
Stop spending money on undiff­ere­ntiated heavy lifting
Analyze and attribute expend­iture

Sustai­nab­ility Pillar - Design Principles

Understand your impact
Establish sustai­nab­ility goals
Maximize utiliz­ation
Anticipate and adopt new, more efficient hardware and software offerings
Use managed services
Reduce the downstream impact of your cloud workloads