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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

ptsd fun for you and me

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


One of the Primary symptoms of PTSD
feeling of being in danger all the time
Staying away from reminders of the traumatic event
Easily stressed or angered
Having strong emotional reactions
heart rate increase, sweating, feeling like you can't breathe


Mayo Clinic. (2018, July 6). Post-t­rau­matic stress disorder (PTSD). Mayo Clinic. Retrieved December 8, 2022, from https:­//w­ww.m­ay­ocl­ini­c.o­rg/­dis­eas­es-­con­dit­ion­s/p­ost­-tr­aum­ati­c-s­tre­ss-­dis­ord­er/­sym­pto­ms-­cau­ses­/sy­c-2­0355967

Medlin­ePlus. (2020, October). Post-t­rau­matic stress disorder. Medlin­ePlus. Retrieved December 8, 2022, from https:­//m­edl­ine­plu­s.g­ov/­pos­ttr­aum­ati­cst­res­sdi­sor­der.html

National Institute of Mental Health staff. (2022, May). Post-t­rau­matic stress disorder. National Institute of Mental Health. Retrieved December 8, 2022, from https:­//w­ww.n­im­h.n­ih.g­ov­/he­alt­h/t­opi­cs/­pos­t-t­rau­mat­ic-­str­ess­-di­sor­der­-pt­sd#­par­t_2241

National Center for PTSD. (2013, August 15). PTSD: National Center for PTSD. US Department of Veterans Affairs. Retrieved December 8, 2022, from https:­//w­ww.p­ts­d.v­


SSRI medica­tions such Zoloft or Paxil can help
Exposure therapy, by exposing someone to a trigger in a safe enviro­nment over time it will reduce th impact of the trigger
Anti-a­nxiety medication can reduce anxiety in response to triggers
Talk therapy may help people come to terms with the trauma­tizing event
Cognitive behavioral therapy can give people insight into their mental proccesses in response to trauma

Effects on military Veterans

According to the National center for PTSD 10-18% of military veterans have PTSD
Military members who recieve poor support from their commanding officers were more likely to develop PTSD

Signs of PTSD in children and teens



Military veterans frequently develop PTSD while on active service
Women are more likely than men to be diagnosed with PTSD
People who have been abused or gon through extreme experi­ences are more likely to develop PTSD

Coping with PTSD