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Hold a value, can be change
A list of number­/le­tte­r/s­ymbols
Float number
Whole number­/co­unting number
integer number
The number in decimal
Fine the remainder
Gramma­r/s­tru­cture of lauguage
the length of the string


Show inform­ation that you want on the screen
Gain inform­ation from user
Change to the decimal number
change to the number integer
A list of number­/le­tte­r/s­ymbols
The length of the string
To note, no effect
Multi-line comment


If..... :then..... else.......
If the statement is true then do command under then else do command under else
While this is true loop the command under the condit­­ional
While True
loops forever
for each item in name of list
For every item in the list repeat the command under the loop that many times. (a string is a list too)

Naming Conven­­tions

Rules for naming variab­­­le:
- letters
- numbers
- unders­­­cores (_)
- can start with lett­ers or unde­r­­sc­­ores ONLY

Valid names:
- _mystr
- my3

Invalid names:
- 3my= "­­­h­i­" -- cannot start with number
- first name = "­­­h­i­" -- no spaces allowed
- first­­­-­name -- dashes are not accepted

Exampl­e8-­Gue­ssing game

import random
mylist = ['lion', 'cheetah', 'panther', 'cougar', 'leopard']
random_item = random.choice(mylist)
Chances = 5
Score = 0

while Chances > 0:
    print("Words:['lion', 'cheetah', 'panther', 'cougar', 'leopard']")
    user_guess = input("Guess a word: ")
    if user_guess == random_item:
            print("That's correct!")
            Score = Score+100
            print("Chances remaining",'',Chances)
            random_item = random.choice(mylist)
            print("Score is",'',Score)
        if user_guess in mylist:
                print("Sorry, wrong choice!")
                Chances = Chances - 1
                print("Chances remaining",'',Chances)
                print("Score is",'',Score)
                print("Sorry, that is not even in the list!")
                Chances = Chances - 1
                print("Chances remaining",'',Chances)
                print("Score is",'', Score)

if Chances == 0:
    print("Gameover",'',"The word is",'',random_item)
    print("Final score is",'',Score)

Example13- def printD­efi­nitions

def printDefinitions(word):

    if word == "variable":
        print ("""
        A varible is value that can be change


    elif word == "function":
        print ("""
        A function is block of quote can be reused 


    elif word == "parameter":  
        print ("""
        A parameter is value that inside the blacket of the function


    elif word == "argument":
        print ("""
        A argument is value that inside the blacket of the function

    # function call

    elif word == "function call":
        print ("""
        A function call is something that make the function run


    elif word == "string":
        print ("""
        A string is list of character

        print("unknown word")

user_input=input("Enter word")


Exampl­e17-The largest value

#write a function that returns the largest of two values
#name : max2
#agruments: num1, num2
# return: largest value

# write a functrion that returns the largest of three values
# name : max3
#agrument: num1, num2, num3
# return: largest value

def max2(num1,num2):
    if num1 >= num2:
        max_value = (num1)
    if num2 > num1:
        max_value = (num2)
    return max_value

num1 = input('Enter the the first value')
num2 = input('Enter the the second value')
print (max2(num1,num2))

def max3(num1,num2,num3):
    if num1 >= num2 and num1 >= num3:
        max_value = (num1)
    if num2 > num1 and num2 >= num3:
        max_value = (num2)
    if num3 >= num2 and num3 >= num1:
        max_value = (num3)
    return max_value

num3 = input('Enter the the third value')
print (max3(num1,num2,num3))


equal to
not equal to
less than
less than or equal to
greater than
greater than or equal to
divide and quotient is float
divide and quotient is integer
modulo: the remainder

Multip­­li­c­ation & Exponents

string * string
number * number
math (multiply)
string * number
combines the strings multiple time
string ** number
number ** number


string + string
squishes them together
string + number
number + number


True or anything =
False and anything =
range(5) =
print(­"­hel­lo", "­the­re")
#displays hello there
print(­"­hel­lo" + "­the­re")
#displays hellothere
"­hi" + "­the­re"
== "­hit­her­e"
"­hi" * 5
== "­hih­ihi­hih­i"
while True:
# forever

While Loop with List:

thelist = [4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
index = 0 # start at the first item
while index < len(thelist):
 print (thelist[index]) #prints each item
index = index + 1

For‐Loop with List:

forlist = [3, 4, 5, 2, 1]
for item in forlist:

Exampl­e5-­print out each item in list

mystr = "hello123"

numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
print (numbers)

shoppinglist = ['shoes','bags','pants','shirts']
print (shoppinglist)

mixed = [1, 'hello', 2.5, True, False]
print (mixed)

letter_num = 0

while letter_num < len(mystr):
    print (mystr[letter_num])
    letter_num = letter_num + 1

for myletterisawesome in mystr:

for tientien in shoppinglist:

out = 0

for mrtim in shoppinglist:
    out = out + 1

Exampl­e10-Def / function

def myprintnew(text, decoration):
    print(decoration + str(text) + decoration)

myprintnew(1, "+++")
myprintnew('hello', '-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=')
myprintnew(1, "@@@@@@@")

Exampl­e12­-Circle area

def areaOfCircle (r):
    if r <= 0:
        return "Error: invalid radius"
    pi = 3.1415
    area = pi*r**2
    return area

user_radius = float(input("Enter the radius: "))

print('The area of the circle is', areaOfCircle(user_radius))

Example11 - doubleit

def doubleit(number):

    return number * 2

print (doubleit(3))

print (doubleit(doubleit(4)))

myvar = 12
myvar = doubleit(myvar)
myvar = doubleit(myvar)
print (myvar)

Exampl­e13.5- def printD­efi­nitions + loop

def printDefinitions(word):

    if word == "variable":
        print ("""
        A varible is value that can be change


    elif word == "function":
        print ("""
        A function is block of quote can be reused 


    elif word == "parameter":  
        print ("""
        A parameter is value that inside the blacket of the function


    elif word == "argument":
        print ("""
        A argument is value that inside the blacket of the function

    # function call

    elif word == "function call":
        print ("""
        A function call is something that make the function run


    elif word == "string":
        print ("""
        A string is list of character

        print("unknown word")

while True:
    user_input=input("Enter word")


Exampl­e17.5-The largest value from list

#write the function that returns the largest number in a list
#name: maxlist
#returns the largest value in the list

def maxlist(list):
    maxvalue = list[0]
    for item in list:
        if item > maxvalue:
            maxvalue = item

    return maxvalue

mylist = [1,2,3,4,55,66,777,0,1]

Example18- Palind­rom­e+loop

while True :
    user_word = input("Enter your word")

    if user_word != ("quit"):

    if user_word == ("quit"):

    reverse = ""
    letter_num = 0

    while letter_num < len(user_word):
        reverse = user_word[letter_num] + reverse
        letter_num = letter_num + 1
    if user_word == reverse:
        print (user_word, "is palindrome")
        print (user_word, "is not palindrome")

Exampl­e1-­Spe­lling a string out in reverse code

word = input("Type in an word: ")
reverse = ""
for letter in word:
    reverse = letter + reverse
print ("Reverse: ", reverse)

Exampl­e2-­Using boolean

print (2<3)
print (2 != 2)

Exampl­e3-­Cou­ntdown Code

user_number = input("Please enter a number: ")

number = int(user_number)

countdown_string = ""

while number > 0:
    countdown_string = countdown_string + " " + str(number)
    number = number-1 

print (countdown_string)

Exampl­e4-­Print Name

name = jaja YOOYUEN

print (name.u­pp­er()) --- JAJA YOOYUEN

print (name.l­ow­er()) --- jaja yooyuen

print (name.c­ap­ita­lize()) --- Jaja yooyuen

print (name.t­it­le()) --- Jaja Yooyuen


word = input("What is the word ?")
reverse = ""

letter_num = 0

while letter_num < len(word):
    reverse = word[letter_num] + reverse
    letter_num = letter_num + 1


for letter in word:
    reverse = letter + reverse

print ("Reverse: ",reverse)

out = 0

for letter in word:
    out = out + 1

Exampl­e7-­Convert to binary

user_number = input("Please enter a number")

number = int(user_number)

binary_string =''
while (number > 0):
    remainder= number%2
    binary_string = str(remainder) + binary_string
    number= number//2

print("Binary string is", binary_string)

Exampl­e9-­Random and other

import random

inlist = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
random_int = random.choice(inlist)

print (inlist, '', random_int)

fplist = (1.1,2.1,3.1,4.1,5.1,6.1,7.1)
random_fp = random.choice(fplist)
print (fplist, '', random_fp)

strlist = ('love','captain','verymuch')
random_str = random.choice(strlist)
print (strlist, '', random_str)

mylist = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1.1,2.1,3.1,4.1,5.1,6.1,7.1,'love','captain','verymuch')
random_item = random.choice(mylist)
print (mylist, '', random_item)

myvar1 = 1
myvar2 = 2
myvar3 = 3
varlist = (myvar1,myvar2,myvar3)
random_var = random.choice(varlist)
print (varlist, '', random_var)


reverse = ""
letter_num = 0

word = input('type in a word: ')

while letter_num < len(word):
    reverse = word[letter_num] + reverse
    letter_num = letter_num + 1


#create a function that will ask user for a string
#and then say if that string is palindrome or not

reverse = ""
letter_num = 0

word = input('type in a word: ')

while letter_num < len(word):
    reverse = word[letter_num] + reverse
    letter_num = letter_num + 1
if word == reverse:
    print ("It is palindrome")
    print ("It is not palindrome")

Example16- Area(T­ria­ngle) and volume (Prism)

#write a function that computes the area of triangle

#name: areOfTriangle
#parameter: b, h
#return: area

def areaOfTriangle(b, h):
    if user_base <= 0:
        return "Error: invarid radius"
    if user_height <= 0:
        return "Error: invarid radius"

    area = b * h / 2
    return area

user_base = float(input('Enter the base of the triangle: '))
user_height = float(input('Enter the height of the triangle: '))

print ('The area of triangle is', areaOfTriangle(user_base, user_height))

#write a function that computes the volume of a prism
#name: volumeOfPrism
#return: volume

def volumeOfPrism(b, h, l):
    if user_length <= 0:
        return "Error: invarid radius"

    volume = b * h * l / 2
    return volume

user_length = float(input('Enter the length of the prism: '))
print('The volume of the prism is',volumeOfPrism(user_base, user_height, user_length))


Apisara Yooyuen Jaja 5861004, 1005

def isPalindrome(word):
    reverse = ""
    letter_num = 0

    while letter_num < len(user_word):
        reverse = user_word[letter_num] + reverse
        letter_num = letter_num + 1

    if word == reverse:
        return True
        return False

while True :
    user_word = input("Enter your word: ")
    word = len(user_word)

    if user_word == ("quit"):
    if isPalindrome(user_word):
        print (user_word, "is palindrome")
        print (user_word, "is not palindrome")


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