import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
SERIES (similar to numpy array)
pd.Series(data = list) |
create series from list |
pd.Series(data=list, index=labels) |
create series with index |
pd.Series(np_arr) |
create series from numpy array |
pd.Series(np_arr, labels) |
create series with index |
pd.Series(dict) |
create series from dictionary |
pd.Series[num] |
indexing |
ser1 + ser2 |
sum two Series |
Pandas series differs from numpy arrays because series can have axis labels, instead of just a number location. It also doesn't need to hold numeric data, it can hold any arbitrary Python Object, also functions (although unlikely used).
Note: the terms "data=" and "index=" can be omitted.
df = pd.DataFrame() * |
create dataframe |
df['col'] * |
select col |
df.loc['row'] |
select row |
df.iloc['row'] |
select a row by its index |
df.col |
select a column (opt.2 - avoid) |
df[['col1','col2']] * |
take two columns |
type(df['col']) |
column type |
df['new_col'] = [1,2,3] |
insert column |
df.drop('row',axis=0)* |
drop row |
df.drop('col',axis=1) |
drop column |
df.drop('col',axis=1, inplace=True)* |
permanent drop |
df.loc['row1','col1'] |
select a row and a column |
df.loc[['r1', 'r2'],['c1','c2']]* |
select 2 rows and 2 columns |
df>condition |
return boolean |
df[df>cond] |
return values |
df[df['col']>0] |
return rows of col that satisfy condition |
df[df['col1']>0]['col2'] |
return col2 that satisfy cond. on col1 |
df[df['c1']>0][['c2','c3']] |
return c2 & c3 that satisfy cond. on col1 |
df[(cond1) & (cond2)] |
return values that satisfy cond1 & cond2 |
df[(cond1) | (cond2)] |
return values that satisfy cond1 | cond2 |
df.reset_index() |
add num index |
df['new_col'] = 'NY LA' .split() |
add col quickly |
df.set_index('col') |
set a column as index |
df.set_index('col', inplace=True) |
make it permanent |
DataFrame function take a data (the values), index (the name of the index column), columns (the name of the column) parameters.
Columns are series.
take two columns: note the double brackets [[ ]]
axis=0 can be omitted, is the default value.
inplace=True will apply the result to the original dataframe. Without it, you are not changing the dataframe.
r = row.
c = column.
df.isnull() |
check for na |
df.dropna() |
drop all rows with at least 1 na |
df.dropna(axis=1) |
drop all cols with at least 1 na |
df.dropna(thresh=n) |
keep with at least n value/s |
df.fillna(value='value') |
replace na |
df['col'].fillna(value= df['col'].mean()) |
replace using funct |
df.groupby('col') |
group rows by a col |
grouped_df.count() |
use cnt function |
grouped_df.mean() |
use mean function |
grouped_df.std() |
use std function |
grouped_df.min() |
use min function |
grouped_df.max() |
use max function |
grouped_df.describe() |
df descriptives |
grouped_df('col') .count().loc['row] |
apply function and take a row |
... .transpose() |
rotate results |
... .transpose()['row'] |
rotate and take a row |
pd.concat([df1,df2,df3]) |
concatenate dfs |
pd.concat([...],axis=1) |
concatenate by col |
pd.merge()* |
merge two dfs |
df1.join(df2) |
join two dfs |
pd.merge() takes "df1", "df2", "how=", "on=" parameters. "how=" can be "inner"/"outer"/"left"/"right", "on=" has to be a column/s key.
join() is similar to merge but works on indexes that can be different. It also cn take the "how=" argument.
df['c'].unique() |
return unique values |
df['c'].nunique() |
count unique val |
df['c'].value_counts() |
count how many of same values |
df['c1'].apply(func) |
apply func to df |
df['c1'].apply(len) |
apply len |
df['c1'].apply(sum) |
apply sum |
... .apply(lambda x:x+2) |
apply lambda |
df.index |
return idx names | |
return df info |
df.describe() |
return df stats |
df.columns |
return col names |
del df['col']* |
delete col from df |
df.sort_values(by='col') |
sort df values |
df.pivot_table()* |
create a pivot tbl |
del differs from ".drop()" because it will permanently remove a column from the df.
pivot_table() takes "values=", "index=", "columns=" parameters. It reads: "Create a table from df, with values of colx, index of colx2, and divided by values in colx3"
INPUT and OUPUT code to start
# to import HTML tables
conda install lxml
conda install html5lib
conda install BeautifulSoup4
# to use SQL
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:')
df.to_sql('data', engine)
sql_df = pd.read_sql('data',con=engine)
INPUT and OUPUT operations
pwd |
ask nb route |
df = pd.read_csv('example') |
read csv |
df = pd.read_excel ('name',sheet_name='name') |
read excel |
df = pd.read_html('address') |
read html |
df.to_csv('str',index=False) |
save as csv |
df.to_excel('name', sheet_name='name', index = False) |
save as xlsx |