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psychopathology unit 1 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Unit 1: Introduction. • Definition, historical & Scientific consideration of Psychopathology. • Paradigms – Psychoanalytic, Behavioral, Cognitive, Humanistic and Existential. • Need for and types of classification DSM and ICD. • Research methods in the study of Abnormal Behavior.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

definition and history

The study of psycho­logical and behavioral dysfun­ctionoccurring in mental illness or social disorg­ani­zation.

historical consid­era­tions

roots in ancient times
-earliest record of mental disorder is dated 6th century BCE.
-Egyptian papyri with the earliest diseases and behavi­oural disorders treatm­ents.
-The Greek, Roman & Hebrew writings shed light on differing illnesses.
-With the develo­pment of early medical concepts, views on mental illness began to change.

Middle Ages

-during the middle ages, a culmin­ation of views approached (scien­tific, philos­ophical & religious)
--Renais­sance, scientific questi­oning reemerged in the form of humanism movement.

world war

- during world war major changes were noted in the field of psycho­logy.
-these changes can be traced thru three distin­ctive phases:
--Magico religious models
--Medical models
--Psyc­ho-­social models

Magico­-re­ligious model

AKA Mistic­o-r­eli­gious model
-Belief in the Supern­atural Forces controlled human behaviour.
-A time when mental illness was equated to Supern­atural causes**
-treating them in accordance to the dominant spiritual thinking that existed (exorcism, penance)
-Consisted of supers­titious beliefs & horrific rituals (confi­nement, beating, torture, trephi­nation, bloodl­etting)


-Subliminal sugges­tib­ility is used to manipulate the patient & their caregi­vers.
-Most rituals practised are more inclined t cause harm than help .

Medical model

Somato­genic approach
-This model explains disorders as a bodily disease (somat­ogenic approach)
-Hippoc­rates was probably considered the first to link disorders to bodily dysfun­ctions (Humoral theory)

--Phrenitis (brain fever)

He believed if the body was taken care the mind will be alright

Psycho­-social model

-A psycho­logical and socio-­cul­tural point of view
-Parac­elsus (1490-­1541), a swiss doc was an early critique of beliefs of possession.
-16th century asylums, places of refuge solely for the mentally ill grew in number
-Mentally ill were excluded from mainstream society

Psycho­-social model pt-2

-Real focus on mental illness probably started with an attempt to deinst­itu­tio­nalize mentally ill and demand more humane treatment
--many people fought for better treatment
-Philippe Pinel (France)
-William Tuke (England)
-Benjamin Rush (America)
-Dorthea dix (England)

Psycho­-social model pt-2

-Real focus on mental illness probably started with an attempt to deinst­itu­tio­nalize mentally ill and demand more humane treatment
--many people fought for better treatment
-Philippe Pinel (France)
-William Tuke (England)
-Benjamin Rush (America)
-Dorthea dix (England)

Psycho­-social model pt-3

-Start of Mental health and hygiene Movement in the 19th ce had a great impact.
-20th century many reforms were made in treating mentally ill people including them in mainstream society.