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Radial Tunnel Syndrome Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Radial Tunnel syndrome, Rx, Hx, PE

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


- Radial tunnel = space, made up of posterior forearm, radioc­api­tellar joint and supinator, surrou­nding radial nerve
- Irritation or compre­ssion of the radial nerve within the tunnel
- Compre­ssion of PIN = motor weakness of finger, hand and wrist extensors
- Compre­ssion more common at Arcade of Frohse (thickened proximal edge of supinator)
- Overuse - handgrip, wrist ext, pronation, supination vibration
- Other areas - distal border of supinator and beneath origin of ECRB


- Depends on mixed, sensory or motor branches affected
- Superf­icial sensory = pain parest­hes­ia/­dim­inished sensit­ivity along dorsal aspect of forearm
Can radiate into hand (1st web space, back of the thumb and index finger)
- Deep, aching and diffuse - mimicks lateral epicon­dylitis (diffe­rence being RTS tenderness is at 4 finger breadths below lateral epicodyle, LE has tenderness further up and RTS more likely to wake the patient up at night)
- Compre­ssion of PIN - weakness of MCP joint extension and thumb extension


- +ve radial tunnel compre­ssion (4 finger­bre­adths from lateral epicon­dyle)
- Symptoms increased with resisted wrist ext, supination (arcade of Frohse), resisted middle finger ext (PIN beneath ECRB) and pronation
- Tinels sign not always present
- +ve NTT Radial
- May have Cx and Tx findings (limited flex and ext)
- Occurs less frequent than other entrap­ments
- Assess for comorb­itities - pronator syndrome, Guyvon's syndrome, medial epicon­dyl­itis, deQuer­vain's tenosy­nov­ities, trigger finger, lateral epicon­dylitis


- Warten­berg's syndro­me/­che­iralgia paraes­thica (distal radial nerve)
- Brachial plexus injury
- Cx radicu­lopathy
- DeQuevains tenosy­novtis
- Bone pathology
- Elbow bursitis
- Elbow strain­/sp­rai­n/t­end­ino­pathy
- Peripheral neuropathy


- Usually not needed unless bony pathol­ogy/SOL
- X-ray, MRI, US, EMG/NCS


- Rest
- Ice and Ice massage
- Electr­oth­erapy
- US (1MHz, 1 watt, 25% duty cycle)
- Limit excess­/re­pet­itive wrist ext, forearm pronation, supination
- Splinting
- tennis elbow counte­rforce brace aggravates RTS
- STW and nerve flossing
- Stretching and myofascial release of supinator, brachi­ora­dialis, wrist extensors (ECRB)
- Cx and upper Tx manipu­lat­ion­/mo­bil­isation
- Surgery if failure to respond within 12 weeks or signif­icant motor deficit