Ember.js cheat sheet made from
Basics allows you to add routes and resources to your app
App.advanceReadiness() call this function when your app is ready to be initialized
App.deferReadiness() delays initialization until advanceReadiness is called
App.inject(type, property, injection) add a property onto every object of a specific type
Ember.ArrayController.extend( {} ) represents several objects
Ember.Controller.extend( {} ) grouping of specific, non object related functionality (e.g authentication or search)
Ember.Object.create( {} ) create an instance of an object
Ember.Object.createWithMixins(mixins, {} ) create an instance of an object with mixins
Ember.Object.destroy() set isDestroying to true and schedule removal of all bindings and observing for the end of run loop
Ember.Object.get(keyName) return value of property by given name while respecting computed and observed properties
Ember.Object.reopenClass( {} ) add methods and properties to a class
Ember.Object.set(keyName, value) set the value of property while respecting computed properties, unknown properties, property observers and chaining
Ember.ObjectController.extend( {} ) represents a single object
Ember.isNone(obj) Returns true if the passed value is null or undefined.
after: 'someInitializer' name of the initializer to run before running this initializer
name: 'preload' name for this initializer
initialize: function(container, application) function to execute when an app is initializing
Ember.Application.create: ( { creates an instance that will be your app and your app's namespace
LOG_ACTIVE_GENERATION: true activate logging of automatically generated routes and controllers
LOG_STACKTRACE_ON_DEPRECATION: true activate logging of deprecated method or property usage
LOG_TRANSITIONS: true activate basic logging of successful transitions
LOG_TRANSITIONS_INTERNAL: true activate detailed logging of all routing steps
LOG_VIEW_LOOKUPS: true activate logging of results of view and template searches by routes
rootElement DOM element or jQuery-compatible selector string where your app will be rendered
} ); |
Ember.Route.extend: (mixins, { |
beforeModel: function(transition) hook executed before resolving models (use for early redirection)
activate: function hooked called when router enters route the first time
afterModel: function(model, transition) hooked called after models are resolved (use for late redirect)
deactivate: function hook executes when the router completely exits this route
model: function(params) provides data to be used by the controller and the view
renderTemplate: function(controller, model) hook to override default template rendered for this route
serialize: function(model) converts model into parameters for the url
setupController: function(controller, model) function that can be used to configure the controller
actions object with properties
actions: { willTransition: function(transition) } called whenever transition triggered on current route
actions: { error } |
} ); |
Ember.View.extend: (mixins, { |
attributeBindings: ['dataSize', 'href'] array of View's property names used to calculate View's DOM element's attributes
classNameBindings: ['isAvailable', 'color'] array of View's property names used to calculate View's DOM element's class attribute
classNames: ['color', 'size'] array or string of View's class attribute
controller: Ember.Controller.create( {} ) instance of descendants of the Ember.Controller
defaultTemplate: Ember.Handlebars.compile('...') compiled Handlebars template used when the view doesn't have the template or templateName property specified
eventManager: {} an object with properties named after events that this view handles and values are functions that process these events
layout: Ember.Handlebars.compile('...') compiled Handlebars template that wraps the view
tagName: 'em' string HTML tag to be used for View's DOM element
template: Ember.Handlebars.compile('...') compiled Handlebars template used to render this view
templateName: 'some-template' string name of the template to be used to render this view (used instead of template)
} ); |
Ember.Object.extend: (mixins, { |
init: function() method called when an instance of this class is created
} ); |
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