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Minecraft Server Administration Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Commands for Minecraft Server Administration

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Admini­str­ation Commands

Start server
java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar <jar locati­on> nogui
Stop server
Backup server

screen commands

screen -S minecraft
create a screen names "­min­ecr­aft­"
screen -x minecraft
attach to an existing screen names "­min­ecr­aft­"
screen -ls
Shows all screens running
detach current screen
Go to next window
Go to previous window
Kill current window
For more:h­ttp­://­­eat­ogr­aph­y.c­om/­gis­seh­el/­che­at-­she­ets­/sc­reen/

In game commands

Lists players on the server.
Displays a message about yourself.
Saves the server to disk.
Disables automatic server saves.
Enables automatic server saves.
Displays the world seed.
Stops a server.
Summons an entity.