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india size and location Cheat Sheet by

class 9 geography india size and location


india lies in the northern hemisp­here.
main land latitudes and longit­udes: 8°4'N and 37°6'N and longitudes 68°7'E and 97°25'E.
the tropic of cancer­(23­°30'N) divides the country into 2 equal parts
southeast of the mainland: andaman and nicobar islands in the bay of bengal
southwest of the mainland: laksha­dweep islands in the arabian sea.
southe­rnmost point of the indian union is the indira point which got submerged under the sea water in 2004 during a tsunami.

India's neighbours

india occupies an important strategic position in south asia.
india has 28 states and 8 union territ­ories
india shares its boundaries with Pakistan and Afghan­istan in the northwest, china(­tibet), nepal and bhutan in the north. and myanmar and bhutan in the east
our southern neighbours across the sea consist of the two island countries namely Sri Lanka and Maldives.
sri lanka is seperated from india by a narrow channel of sea formed by the palk strait and the gulf of manner.
maldives are situated to the south of the laksha­dweep islands


india has an area of 3.28 million km sq.
indias total area accounts for about 2.4% of the total geogra­phical area of the world.
india is the 7th largest country in the world.
india has a land boundary of 15,200km and the total length of the coastline of the mainland, including andaman and nicobar islands and laksha­dweep is 7,516.6km
the longitude and latitude extent of the mainland is 30°. Despite this the east-west extent appears to be smaller than the north-­south extent.
From Gujurat to Arunachal Pradesh there is a time lag of 2 hours. hence time along the standard meridian of India(­82°­30'E) passing through Mirzapur is taken as the standard time for the whole country.

India and the world

The trans indian ocean routes which connect the countries of europe in the west and the countries of east asia provide a strategic central location to india.
The Deccan Peninsula protrudes into the indian ocean thus helping india establish close contact with west asia, africa and europe from the western coast and with southeast and east asia from the eastern coast.
no other country has a long coastline on the indian ocean as india has and indeed it is india's eminent position in the indian ocean which justifies the naming of the indian ocean after it.
since the opening of the suez canal in 1869, indias distance from europe has been reduced by 7000km.**
the land routes are much older than the ocean routes.
the various passes across the mountains in the north have provided passages to ancient travellers while the ocean restricted such intera­ctions for a long time.
these routes have contri­buted in the exchange of ideas and commod­ities since ancient times.
The ideas of Upanis­hads, the ramayana, and stories of pancha­tantra, indian numerals and the decimal system could reach other parts of the world.spices, muslin and other mercha­ndise were taken from india to other countries.
on the other hand influence of greek sculpture and archit­ectural styles of dome and minarets from west asia can be seen in india.


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