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English Lit/Lang Anthology [Julia Gillard] Cheat Sheet by

A Level English Lit/Lang [OCR Exam Board] In October 2012, Julia Gillard, then Australlia's Prime Minister, spoke against Tony Abbott's motion to remove Peter Slipper as Speaker. The speech, from which this extract is taken, has become known as the "Misogyny Speech", attracting attention - both positive and negative - around the world.

Julia Gillard's speech (full)

About this speech


Genre: Speech
Register: Formal
Audience: The parlia­ment, the public
Mode: Spoken
Purpose: To stand against misogyny and fight for equal opport­unity as men
Subject: Gillard stands against those with sexist views and calls out those in power that contradict what they say about misogyny. She goes through "­women's roles in societ­y" and discusses the "­und­er-­rep­res­ent­ation of women", which she "was very offended person­all­y".


Gillard's long-term objective is to maintain public support for the government and attempt to defeat opposi­tions.

Repeti­tion: "I will not", "I will not". Implies she refuses to move past this topic without discussion / a solution.

Antith­esis: "he doesn't need a motion in the House of Repres­ent­atives, he needs a mirror. That's what he needs."­

Simple syntax: "I will not" "not ever" wants to make people lose faith in their leader by her unbudging state.

Contrast between the formal lexis /register that is a charac­ter­istic of Parlia­ment. ("I rise to oppose the motion moved by the Leader of the Opposi­tio­n")

Tone change- the speech turns to something more personal and emotive. What follows is a series of points, presented with forensic thorou­ghness and precision to prove Abbott's unfitness to accuse others of hypocrisy.

Quotes: "He has said, and I quote" repeatedly quotes Abbott so he cannot deny the evidence of his own words.

Personal pronouns is unusual for a Parlia­mentary speech but is approp­riate in the circum­stances ("I was very offended person­all­y").

Repeti­tion: "­off­ended by", "­off­end­ed" - use of repetition about offens­iveness is meant to exaggerate how Gillard felt and convey it to the largely male audience.

Irony/­sar­casm: "­Thank you for that painting of women's roles in modern Austra­lia."

Penult­imate paragraph "­Doesn't turn a hair about any of his past statements [...] But now seeks to use this as a battering ram against someone else" Gillard refers to things Abbott doesn't do- an example of the effect­iveness of triads­/groups of three.


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