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Medical Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Medical Terminology cheat sheet for Translation of Medical Texts class

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Word Roots

arthr: joint
chondr: cartilage
dermat / cutane: skin
encephal: brain
enter: intestine
erythr: red
esthes: feeling
gastr: stomach
hemat: blood
hepat: liver
hydr: water
hyster: uterus
immun: immunity
mening: meninges
muscul: muscle
nas: nose
nat: birth
nephr / ren: kidney
neur: nerve
oste: bone
ot: ear
splen: spleen
stomat / or: mouth
therm: heat
ur: urine


a- / an-: without, not
ab-: from, away from
ad-: toward
an-: without
anti- / contra: against
bi-: two
brady-: slow
dia- / trans-: through, across
dipl- / diplo-: double
dys-: bad; painful; difficult
ecto- / exo- / extra-: outside, outward
endo- / intra-: in, within
epi-: above, upon
eu-: good, normal
hemi-: one half
hetero-: different
homo- / homeo-: same
hyper-: excessive, above normal
hypo-: under, below, deficient
infra-: under, below
macro-: large
mal-: bad
micro-: small
mono- / uni-: one
pan-: all
para-: near; beyond
peri- / circum-: around
poly- / multi-: many, much
post-: after, behind
pre- / pro-: before, in front of
primi-: first
pseudo-: false
quadri-: four
retro-: backward, behind
sub- / inter-: between
super-: upper, above
supra-: above; excessive; superior
syn- / sym-: union, together, joined
tachy-: rapid
tri-: three
ultra- : excess, beyond


-ac/ -al/ -ar: pertaining to
-ar / -al: pertaining to
-ary / -eal /-ic / -ical: pertaining to
-cele: hernia, swelling
-centesis: surgical puncture
-clasis: to break; surgical fracture
-cyte: cell
-desis: binding, fixation
-dynia / -algia: pain
-ectasis: dilation, expansion
-ectomy: excision, removal
-edema: swelling
-emesis: vomiting
-emia: blood condition
-esis / -ia / -ism: condition
-gen / -genesis: forming, producing, origin
-iasis: abnormal condition (produced by something specific)
-iatry: medicine; treatment
-ician / -ist: specialist
-icle / -ole / -ule: small, minute
-ile / -ior / -ous / tic: pertaining to
-itis: inflam­mation
-lith: stone, calculus
-logy: study of
-lysis: separa­tion; destru­ction; loosening
-malacia: softening
-megaly: enlarg­ement
-oma: tumor
-osis: abnorm­alc­ond­ition; increase (blood cell)
-pathy: disease
-penia: decrease, deficiency
-pexy: fixation (of an organ)
-phagia: eating, swallowing
-phasia: speech
-phobia: fear
-plasia / -plasm: formation, growth
-plasty: surgical repair
-ptosis: prolapse, downward displa­cement
-rrhage / -rrhagia: bursting forth (of)
-rrhaphy: suture
-rrhea: discharge, flow
-rrhexis: rupture
-scler­osis: ebnormal condition of hardening
-spasm: involu­ntary contra­ction, twitching
-stenosis: narrowing, stricture
-stomy: forming an opening
-tome: instrument to cut
-tomy: incision
-tripsy: crushing
-trophy: nouris­hment, develo­pment
-y : condition; process