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Other Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

ACL, Barthel, FIM, other

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

ACL stitches

running - TASK 1
requires 3 correct running stitches in consec­utive holes.
whip - TASK 2
requires 3 correct whip stitches in consec­utive holes and recogn­izing cross-­in-back and twisted lace errors.
single cordovan - TASK 3
requires 3 correct single cordovan stitches in consec­utive holes.


level 1 - automatic actions
Arousal to external cues Mostly instin­ctual behavior Examples: swallo­wing, diverting attention to stimuli Requires total assistance
level 2 - postural actions
Charac­terized by gross movement in response to propri­oce­ptive cues. Behavior is driven by comfort vs. discom­fort. Clients are unaware of the effects of their behavior on their surrou­ndings. Involves aimless pacing and wandering. Requires maximum assist­ance.
level 3 - manual actions
Clients grasp and use objects. Increased ability to discri­minate the external from the self. Impaired global condition May acquire new behaviors (learning) with repetitive long-term training. Lack concen­tration and require frequent redire­ction for tasks. Needs 24 hour superv­ision. Requires moderate assist­ance.
level 4 - goal directed actions
Clients can recognize the effects of their actions on their surrou­ndings. Relies on visual cues to learn and carry out goal-d­irected activi­ties. Have difficulty recogn­izing finer details. Lack cognitive skills to identify and proble­m-solve errors. No new learning or genera­lizing of tasks. Requires minimal assistance and superv­ision. Examples: preparing a snack, following a familiar route. 4.6: indepe­ndent living
level 5 - explor­atory actions
Uses trial-­and­-error for proble­m-s­olving. Learn by emulating demons­trated actions. May apply learning to other activities and situat­ions. Limited ability to organize, antici­pate, and plan. Have poor judgment and are impulsive. Benefits from external cues via superv­ision for planning. Requires stand-by assist­ance.
level 6 - planned actions
No global cognitive impair­ment. Normal functi­oning. Antici­pates and prevents errors. May still have physical limita­tions. Indepe­ndent

acl compen­satory techniques

level 1
sensory stimul­ation
level 2
preventing getting lost or going into unsafe places
level 3
assistance with self care
level 4
mainta­ining the home
level 5
planning and superv­ision
level 6
none needed

barthel - categories

bowel control
bladder control
toilet use
mobility on level surfaces

FIM quick reference

the assessment of the severity of a disability as determined by what the individual actually does and the amount of assistance needed by the individual to complete each task
self care
toileting, bowel and bladder manage­ment, bathing, grooming, dressing, eating
sphincter management
bowel and bladder control
bed, chair, wheelc­hair, toilet and tub/shower transfers
walking, using stairs, using wheelchair
expres­sion, compre­hension
social cognition
social intera­ction, memory, problem solving
scores of 1 indicates
the person couldnt be evaluated performing the task or they required total assistance in task perfor­mance
scores of 2-5 indicate
increasing levels of assistance required from a helper for the individual to do the task
scores of 6 or 7 indicate
the person is indepe­ndent and doesnt require assistance