groupId |
artifactId |
version |
scope |
(mandatory) |
mvm clean |
Clean up project |
mvm test |
Execute unit tests |
mvm package |
Package compiled code in target directory |
mvm install |
Install products in the local repository |
mvm deploy |
Upload products in the remote repository |
Project Home |
pom.xml and following directory |
src/main/java |
Deliverable Java source code for the project. |
src/main/ressources |
Deliverable resources for the project, such as properties files. |
src/main/webapp |
Specific web code source |
src/test/java |
Testing Java source code for the project. |
src/test/ressources |
Resources necessary for testing. |
target |
Compiled files and project archive |
Usage |
- |
Investigation to find the source of an anomaly |
Detect suspicious behavior (to be alert before users) |
Monitor the use of the software (with Elasticsearch for example) |
Log Levels |
- |
Unexpected events that prevent the application from running. |
Unexpected events with impact for the user but does not prevent the application from running. |
Unexpected events without impact for the user |
Expected events with high added value (for examples : user actions, long treatments status, ...) |
Information about main methods with parameters and result |
All other informations |
Good practices |
Add timestamp to the logs |
Use a specific format for logs |
Show stacktrace to an unexpected exception |
Bad practices |
- |
Show personal data (only id) |
Show password |
Show stacktrace to an expected exception |
Use Loggers
Imports |
- |
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;` |
*Class Variable |
static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger();
Write Logs |
- |
LOGGER.trace("Hello, I am a trace log");
` |
LOGGER.error("Hello, I am an error log with an exception", new Exception());
|"Hello, I am an info log with 2 variables : first {} ; second {}", "I am the first variable", "I am the second variable");
... |
Log4j2 Formats |
- |
Key/Value |
.yaml / .yml |
.json / .jsn |
.xml |
Appender |
<appender type="File" name="FILE" fileName="target/test.log"> <layout type="PatternLayout" pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n" /> </appender>
<appender type="Console" name="CONSOLE"> <layout type="PatternLayout" pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n" /> </appender>
Test Goals |
- |
To detect issues before production |
- |
To ensure the proper working of all the functionalities |
- |
To be sure that the system is reliable |
Testing Levels |
- |
Unit Testing |
To check each component (unit of source code) individually. |
Tout seul OK |
- |
Integration Testing |
To check the interconnection between the different components. |
Chacun tout seul OK |
- |
System Testing |
In a complete and integrated system to verify its compliance with specified requirements.. |
1000x |
- |
Operational acceptance testing |
To verify that the product conforms to the specification |
Utilisable |
Write Test and Conventions |
- |
Describe the initial context of the system. |
- |
Describe an event/action. |
- |
Describe an expected outcome/result. |
- |
Test is a public method in test case |
- |
Test Have @Test annotation |
- |
Test return void |
- |
shouldReturnTrue() |
- |
shouldReturnTrue()shouldThrowNotFoundException() |
- |
shouldThrowNotFoundException() |
Result of Test |
- |
Success |
All assertions are correct |
- |
Faillure |
At least one assertion is incorrect |
- |
Error |
An unexpected exception has been thrown |
Assertions |
- |
assertEquals(expected, actual) ;
- |
assertNotEquals(expected, actual);
- |
-- assertNotNull(object);
- |
-- assertFalse(condition);
Exceptions |
- |
Used to fail a test when an expected exception has not been thrown : |
- |
expected attribute in @Test annotation |
Used to catch an expected exception : |
JUnit Tools |
- |
@Before |
annotates a method that will be executed before each test |
- |
@After |
annotates a method that will be executed after each test |
- |
@BeforClass (static) |
annotates a method that will be executed once before all the tests of a test case. |
- |
@AfterClass (static) |
annotates a method that will be executed once after all the tests of a test case. |
AssertJ is to be used in addition to JUnit |
The change is only for the assertion |
Assertion begins |
Assertions.assertThat(result) .containsExactlyInAnyOrderElementsOf(cards);
General |
- |
Framework to mock java object |
- |
Framework to mock java object |
- |
Can check calls to methods |
Using Mockito in TestCase |
- Init |
- Mock |
@Mock annotation above object to mock
- Inject |
`@InjectMock |
- When |
- thenThrow |
- thenCallRealMethod |
- Verify |
Measure to describe the proportion of code executed during tests |
Higher the percentage, higher the code is safe |
Jacoco in Maven for Coverage |
Continuous Integration
Definition |
Continuous integration is a set of practices used in software engineering to verify at each source code change that the result of the changes does not produce regression in the developed application |
Goals |
- |
Free developers from recurring tasks |
- |
ncourage behaviors that help reduce the number or error and bugs |
- |
Find and fix bugs quicker |
- |
Deliver updates faster |
Build |
- Step 1 |
Compile |
Ensure code actually compiles on every platforms |
- Step 2 |
Test |
Verify that the features run as expected. Check that there is no regressionCheck that there is no regression |
- Step 3 |
Deploy |
Generate a new resource. Upload the resource on the remote repository |
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