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Java Searching and Sorting Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Selection sort

select min in array[­0...] and put in array[0]
select min in subarray [1...] & put in array[1]
worst case=best case=a­verage
n*n = n-1 +n-2+...+2+1
Buble sort: swapping adjacent element, instead select and swap once. slower than selection sort in average, but best case is better ( n instead n*n for select

Insertion sort

a[0] is treated as sorted part
arr[1...] is treated as unsorted part
each unsorted is inserted into sorted part in order
worst case(r­eversed ordered)
best case( sorted in order)

Merge sort

1 split into 2 part
2 recursive sort left and right part
3 leaf node has 1 or 2 elements
4 and merge
temporary arrays, extra space
worst case=best case=a­verage
input not affect perfor­mance

Quick Sort

partition array by pivot value
recursive sort
scan from both end, swap the bigger on the left to the smaller on the right,­until left and right reach the same index, then swap a[pivo­tpo­sition] with a[0]
best case
fastest sort
Worst case
split into 0, 1..n-1 always, sorted array using a[0] as pivot
become recursive selection sort
shuffle or select midden of first several element as pivot
worst case is very ineffi­cient

Compare Sort algorithm

for small n, select and insert sort used, n ~= 7, machine dependent
for larger n, divide and conquer sort used, until reach a small number.
in Java, sort array with object type requires the object class must have compar­eTo() overriden
Sorting evalua­tion: CPU time, memory used, array size ( Merge sort( larger­)--> quick sort(s­mall) --> <7 select­/insert sort)
sorting process and interm­ediate results -- on test
compar­ison, swap or change, space requir­ement

Sequential search

best case
worst case
be careful with the code: index

Binary Search

Array must be sorted in searching key
if n is not power of two, worst case
log(n) with n round to power(z,n)
>a[­n-2], <a[1]
if n is power(2), worst case
log(n) +1
<a[1] is log(n), 1 less
fully understand the binary sort passes and cost.
The final is either equals an element a[middle] or not in the range.
split subarray does not include a[mid]