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Biopython Basics Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

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This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Installing Biopython

pip install biopython
pip install --upgrade biopython

# import the library 
import Bio

Creating Sequences

from Bio.Seq import Seq
my_seq = Seq("AATGCACGTTG")
To create a sequence we use the
function from

Filling Sequences

# filling sequences 
fragments = [Seq("GTAT"), Seq("TACT")]
filler = Seq("A"*3)

#output : 

Slicing Sequences

# defining sequences 
my_seq = Seq("AAGTCCAGTGT")
my_seq_2 = Seq("AAAA")

# slicing sequences

# output : 
Slicing Sequences is the same as that of a python list ( we use

Appending Sequences

my_seq = Seq("AAGTCCAGTGT")
my_seq_2 = Seq("AAAA")

#appending sequences
print(my_seq + my_seq_2)

# output 
Appending sequences is the same as appending strings in python

Sequence Counting

from Bio.Seq import Seq
# creating a sequence 
seq_example = Seq("AGTACACTGGT")

seq_length = len(seq_example)
occ = seq_example.count("C")

print("The length of the sequence is", len(seq_example))
print("The number of occurrences for nucleotide C is ", occ )

#output : 
The length of the sequence is 11
The number of occurrences for nucleotide C is 2
This provides how to get the length of a sequence and the number of occurr­ences of a specific nucleotide

Finding Sub-se­quence Index

my_seq = Seq("AAGTCCAGTGT")
index = my_seq.find("GTC")
print(f"GTC index is {index}")

# output : 
GTC index is 2
This returns the start index of the selected sub-se­quence

Reading Sequence Files

from Bio import SeqIO

records = SeqIO.parse("sequence_file.fasta", "fasta")
for record in records :
We can also access other attributes from the records :
: returns one sequence from list of records
: returns the identifier of the sequence
: returns the sequence descri­ption

Writing Sequences into a file

from Bio import SeqIO

# Define your sequence as a string

# Defining file name and format
filename = "my_sequence.fasta"
format = "fasta"

# defining the sequence 
seq = SeqIO.SeqRecord(SeqIO.Seq(sequence1),
                    id="my_id", description="My sequence description")

# Open the file for writing in text mode
with open(filename, "w") as file:
  # Create a SeqRecord object 
  record = SeqIO.SeqRecord(seq)
  # Write the record to the file using the specified format
  SeqIO.write(record, file, format)

Converting Files

# syntax
SeqIO.convert(inp_file, inp_format, outp_file, outp_format, alphabet=None)

SeqIO.convert("sequence.gbk", "genbank", "sequence_converted.fasta", "fasta")
inp_file : path to input file
inp_format : input file format­/ex­tention
outp_file : path to output file
outp_f­ormat : output file format­/ex­tention
alphabet : specify the correct alphabet (DNA,RNA or Protein) to avoid conversion confusion

Sequence Molecular Weight

from Bio.SeqUtils import molecular_weight
from Bio.Seq import Seq

seq_example = Seq("TGTACCCTGGT")
mw = molecular_weight(seq_example)


#output : 
>>> 3403.1577
Molecular weight is a way to guess how heavy a tiny building block of life (like a protein or piece of DNA) is compared to a single carbon atom where the bigger the building blocks , the higher the molecular weight


from Bio.SeqUtils import gc_fraction
from Bio.Seq import Seq

# creating a sequence 
seq_example = Seq("AGATTCACTGGT")
gc_content = gc_fraction(seq_example)

# output : 
>>> 0.41
G-C content refers to the percentage of guanine (G) and cytosine (C) molecules out of all the building blocks (called nucleo­tides) in a strand of DNA or RNA.

Reverse Complement

from Bio.Seq import Seq

#creating a sequence 
seq_example = Seq("AGTACACTGGT")
print("Sequence is :",seq_example)

# getting the reverse compliment
rev_comp = seq_example.reverse_complement()
print("Reverse complement:", rev_comp)

#output : 
>>> Sequence is : AGTACACTGGT
>>> The reverse complement : ACCAGTGTACT
Reverse complement of a DNA sequence is like a mirror image on the opposite strand.

- Reverse: Flips the order of the DNA letters (A, C, G, T) from left to right to right to left.
- Comple­ment: Swaps each letter according to its pair: A pairs with T, and C pairs with G.

Transc­ription & Transl­ation

seq_example = Seq("ATGAAGTTTTAG")
transc  = seq_example.transcribe()
print("Transcription:", transc)

transl = seq_example.translate()
print("Translation:", transl)

#output : 
>>> Transcription: AUGAAGUUUUAG
>>> Translation: MKF*
Transc­ription and transl­ation are the two main steps that turn the instru­ctions in our genes (DNA) into the building blocks of life (prote­ins).

- Transc­ription : is going from DNA to RNA ( creating a copy )
- Transl­ation : is going from RNA to Protein

Accessing NCBI Database using esearch()

from Bio import Entrez

handle = Entrez.esearch(db="nucleotide", term="BRCA1 gene", retmax=20)
record =
: The name of the Entrez database to search ("nu­cle­oti­de", "­pro­tei­n"....)
: The search term (e.g., gene name, protein ID ....)
retmode (str, optional)
: The format (return mode) to return results in (default: "­xml­").
retmax (int, optional)
: Maximum number of IDs to return (default: 10).
sort (str, optional)
: Sorting criteria for results (default: "­rel­eva­nce­")

Accessing NCBI Database using efetch()

from Bio import Entrez

id_list = ["NM_007294.3", "NM_000546.5"]
handle = Entrez.efetch(db="nucleotide", id=id_list, rettype="gb")
records =
: The name of the Entrez database to search ("nu­cle­oti­de", "­pro­tei­n"....)
(list or str): A single ID or a list of IDs to retrieve
(str, optional): The type of inform­ation to return (default: "­gb" for GenBank format)
(str, optional): The format to return results in (default: "­xml­").