91 Statistics Cheat Sheets
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91 Cheat Sheets tagged with Statistics
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Methods Used in Descriptive Epidemiology Cheat SheetThe aspect of epidemiology concerned with organizing and summarizing data to identify patterns among cases or in populations by person, place, and time (who, where, and when). Used to develop hypotheses about the causes of the patterns or factors that increase the risk of disease.
5 Mar 24
JavaScript Cheat SheetDive into the dynamic world of JavaScript with this concise cheat sheet. Packed with fundamental concepts, code snippets, and useful tips, it's designed to be a quick and concise sidekick in your programming journey.
18 Oct 23
stathw-js-cheatsheet Cheat SheetThis is a cheatsheet for the homeworks of the Statistics course of the MSc in Cybersecurity @ Sapienza. It contains Javascript code snippets for the most useful data structures.
16 Oct 23
DRAFT: PKS Straftatenschlüssel Cheat SheetDer Straftatenschlüssel in der Polizeilichen Kriminalstatistik (PKS) ist ein numerischer Code, der verwendet wird, um unterschiedliche Straftaten präzise zu klassifizieren. Jede Straftat, die von der Polizei registriert wird, wird mit einem solchen Schlüssel versehen, um eine standardisierte Erfassung und Auswertung zu ermöglichen.
24 Jan 25
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