3 Epidemiology Cheat Sheets
Related tags: Design Methods Strategies Descriptive Statistical
3 Cheat Sheets tagged with Epidemiology
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Methods Used in Descriptive Epidemiology Cheat SheetThe aspect of epidemiology concerned with organizing and summarizing data to identify patterns among cases or in populations by person, place, and time (who, where, and when). Used to develop hypotheses about the causes of the patterns or factors that increase the risk of disease.
5 Mar 24
Epidemiology Chapter 4 Cheat SheetThere was once a time when the fundamental necessities weren't as readily available. Food, water, and shelter were all subject to disease. In the past, epidemiology's primary focus consisted of finding pathogens to reduce the transmission of infectious diseases. However, much progress has been made to reduce the spread of diseases with antibiotics and immunizations. Since then, chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and respiratory diseases are more prominent and are now the primary focus.
23 Feb 25
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