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Understanding the Self Prelim Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

1st Year BMMA Prelim 01

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Different Perspe­ctives of the Self

The greatest thinkers, known as philos­ophers, have immersed themselves in the pursuit of knowledge about the nature of being human to address the innume­rable questions that have been asked concerning the nature of the self.


The highest form of human excellence is to question oneself and others. In order to understand his long standing mission, man must look in the mirror.
"An unexamined life is not worth living."
The worst thing that can happen is to live but die inside.
To save our souls, we must be fully aware of who we are and the virtues that come with it.
A person's personhood is made up of body and soul.
The soul is immortal.
Death is not the end of life but separation of the soul from the body.
Socrates argued that just because something appears to be true does not imply that it is.
Socrates distin­guished Knowledge and Belief.
Knowledge is eternal truth and Beliefs is only true under certain condit­ions.


Plato agrees that a person has a body and a soul.
The soul lives in the body, and when the body dies, the soul moves on to another body.
Body is the prisoner of the Soul.
Human soul is composed of three things:
For there to be justice in a person, all three parts of the soul must be in tune.
Our Desires, Instincts.
Mood and Emotions.
Logic and Intellect.




Also believes that the soul is immortal.
Although he does not believe that the soul moves from one body to another.
Body is the imperfect part of the person, destined to die on earth.
The body constantly desires to be in touch with the spiritual realm of the Divine God.
Soul can achieve immort­ality together with the all-tr­ans­cendent God.
The goal is to achieve a spiritual union with God by living a good life.