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Osgood-Schlatter Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Presentation, Managment etc

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


- Overuse injury
- Traction apophy­sitis of tibial tuberosity
- Usually in skeletal immature people (espec­ially activities during rapid skeletal develo­pment)
- Inflam­mation + bony microt­rauma


- Athletes - soccer, gymnastics , basket­ball, running, track
- Ages 10-15
- Equal between boys and girls
- Genetics
- Hx of apophy­sitis in another area


- Non-tr­aumatic hx of progre­ssively increasing pain over tibial tuberosity
- Aggravated by exercise
- If they hear a pop + immediate onset of acute pain and ecchymosis - consider avulsion f#
- Swollen and inflamed tibial tibial tuberosity
- RROM knee extension and PROM knee flexion painful
- Assess inflex­ibi­lit­y/w­eakness in hamstr­ings, quads. calves
- Assess patella alta, patella tracking disord­ers,, tibial torsion, foot pronation and pes planus


- Not usually required unless avulsion f#/bony pathology is suspected
- Normal fragme­ntation of tibial apophysis should not to confused with f#/pat­hology


- Assess severity of the condition
- Cross training - rest quads (swimming, weight lifting, stationary cycling and upper body exercises)
- Electr­oth­erapy + ice
- SMT of spine, SI and LL
- Myofascial release of quads, hamstring, ITB, hip adductors, gastro­soleus
- Fix tracking disorders
- Stretching of hamstring, gastro­soleus, ITB, hip adductos
- Asses and correct LL weakness - hamstr­ings, hip rotators, calves, quads
- Arch supports
- Jogging then sprinting, cutting, squatting then jumping
- Rehab to decrease forces through tibial tuberosity (wider running base)