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Texan to English Cheat Sheet by

English speakers who are new to Texas find the natives difficult to understand. This simple Cheat Sheet will include the meaning of their strange words, phrases and idioms.

Texas Flag

Words to Texas Pledge

Honor the Texas flag;
I pledge allegiance to thee,
Texas, one state under God,
one and indivi­sible.

Common Texan Words

Big - a relative descri­ption of size, keep in mind that everything in Texas is Big
Biggo - something that is good and a large portion (Sit down and have a beggo piece of this here pie)
Dad-gum - can be used as an interj­ection or pronoun to describe something that was lost, but probably wasn't what you expected anyway (Dad Gum! I spilt the ice cream! orI lost y'all's dad gum ice cream)
Fixin' - about to, getting ready to (I'm fixin' to go fishing down at the hole)
Folk - a group people usually gathered together in a single place. (Howdy Folk)
Holler - to raise your voice or to yell (Just Hollar and I'll be here to help)
Home Folk - referring to a group of people who are family by blood relations or by church membership (We're all Home folk over here)
Hidy - a greeting similar to Hello
Howdy - a warm greeting commonly given to anyone around you whether you know them or not (Howdy there)
Itty bitty - very tiny (the itty bitty bug bit my pinky toe)
Might could - The potential to do something is possible, but it's not determined yet if it's worth doing it (I might could have dug the well deeper, but I could just dig a new well somewhere else for the same price)
Thar - a reference to a relative position from a person, usually involving pointing directions (Yall' need to go down thar to get to the fishing hole)
Twerk - a verb describing a person returning to a particular occupation ( I finished supper and now I'm going twerk)
Y'all - possessive use for an item belonging to a group that you could have referred to as y'all (Y'all! Don't eat all the ice cream!)
Y'all's - possessive use for an item belonging to a group that you could have referred to as y'all.
Ye'ha -inter­jection to demons­¬trate extreme exuberance and jubila­tion, usually made very loud and involves the throwing of a hat in the air (Ye'ha! That idiot didn't win the election)

Come and Take It

The Flag fashioned before The Battle of Gonzales, where a bronze cannon given four years earlier for the colonies protection was being removed as an effort to disarm the local popula­tion. This symbol of indepe­ndence has been a bedrock of Texas philos­ophy, and is still true today.

Texas, Our Texas

Texas, Our Texas! all hail the mighty State!
Texas, Our Texas! so wonderful so great!
Boldest and grandest, withst­anding ev'ry test
O Empire wide and glorious, you stand supremely blest.

Texas, O Texas! your freeborn single star,
Sends out its radiance to nations near and far,
Emblem of Freedom! it set our hearts aglow,
With thoughts of San Jacinto and glorious Alamo.

Texas, dear Texas! from tyrant grip now free,
Shines forth in splendor, your star of destiny!
Mother of heroes, we come your children true,
Procla­iming our allegi­ance, our faith, our love for you.


God bless you Texas! And keep you brave and strong,
That you may grow in power and worth, throughout the ages long.
God bless you Texas! And keep you brave and strong,
That you may grow in power and worth, throughout the ages long.

Texan Phrases and Idioms

All choked up - overcome with emotions
All Hell No - just turn and run, they are probably going for their gun so don't bother looking back.
Ball - phrase by itself almost always refers to football in Texas except in the spring when it would be baseball
Bless your heart - an extreme expression of compassion or an extreme expression of how stupid a person is, and since it's either or, it's very useful, especially when talking directly to a person.
Blinky - adjective used to describe milk that has begun to sour
Catty whompus - used to describe something that doesn't fit properly or is out of line
Clabber milk - butter milk
Come and Take it! - Don't mess with us, we got a big gun
Come hell or high water - shows determ­ination to proceed, regardless of the problems, obstacles, etc.
Connip­tions - to get upset and raise a ruckus.
Crusty - tough and/or bad tempered man, woman or horse
Egg suck mule - worthless
Fess up - admit to wrong doing or confession of secret
Frog-s­tra­ngler - an extrao­rdinary amount of rain.
Gully-­washer - an extrao­rdinary amount of rain.
Hissy fit - a state of extreme agitation and not a pretty thing to see.
I'm Lower than a snakes belly in a tire rut - I'm humbled
Lookin' like a piece - looking scary, looking less-t­han­-pr­ese­ntable
Larrupin' - a few fingers tastier than finger­-li­ckin' good.
Lit out - took off, started out, or absconded across some terrain.
Make a dog barf off the back of a gut wagon - disgusting
Remember the Alamo - Need I say more?

The Alamo

The Battle of the Alamo (February 23 – March 6, 1836) was a pivotal event in the Texas Revolu­tion. Following a 13-day siege, Mexican troops under President General Antonio López de Santa Anna launched an assault on the Alamo Mission near San Antonio de Béxar (moder­n-day San Antonio, Texas, United States). All of the Texian defenders were killed. But the defeat caused Texans to rally and soon they defeated Santa Anna and drove the Mexican Army out of Texas.

Texas State Bird

The Northern Mockin­gbird


You forgot yonder, yonder there and over yonder.

Yonder is church. Over yonder you will find the county seat. Yonder there is the stock tank.

Yonder - up to a mile, yonder there 1-3 miles and over yonder anywhere in Texas but usually within 25 miles.

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