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KAPSARC Data Source Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Oil & Refined Products -111 Datasets

Oil Supply and Demand OPEC Estimates and Projec­tions 2011-2016 OPEC M

Oil Statistics in Saudi Arabia 1962-2015 SAMA A

Middle East and Central Asia Regional Economic Outlook (MCDREO) 2004-2017 IMF A

Natural Gas - 39 Datasets

World Natural Gas Prices 1984-2015 BP A

ARAMCO Energy Data (Reserves, Production and Sales) 2010-2015 ARAMCO A

Global LNG Liquef­action Plants And Receiving Terminals 2015 IGU A

Coal - 25 Datasets

China Coal Consum­ption Average Data By Coal power plant 2006-2016 PKT M

South African Coal Export Price 1985-2015 IndexMundi M

Coal Power Plants Capacity and Units 2010-2015 World A