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Arch Linux Beginners Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Using Units

systemctl start unit
systemctl stop unit
systemctl restart unit
systemctl status unit
Units can be, for example, services (.serv­ice), mount points (.mount), devices (.device) or sockets (.socket).

Installing AUR packages

Acquire the tarball with PKGBUILD
$ tar -xvf foo.tar.gz
Extract the tarball
$ makepkg -s
Create the package
$ vim src/README
Check for README in
for useful inform­ation
$ pacman -U /path/­to/­pkg.tar.tx
Install the resulting package with pacman

Adding unofficial repository

$ sudo vim /etc/p­acm­an.conf
Add a new repository to the pacman config­uration file. Intere­sting reposi­tories can be found on the wiki.
$ pacman-key -r keyid
Import the key.
$ pacman-key -f keyid
Verify the key (lists finger­print for specified key).
$ pacman-key --lsig­n-key keyid
Locally sign the imported key.
You may first need to run dirmngr as root if you encounter the "­Key­server receive failed. Not dirmng­r." error.