Guidelines on codeing standard and naming conventions within Relaymed.Also includes information on other things on lifecycle etc.
Main Guidelines
Files should be grouped together by type |
We should only have one class per file. |
Anything that is in more than one project should be in the common projects. |
We shouldn't use the word message in any name of any object. Use DTO/Entity |
Namespaces should begin with Relaymed. |
Site Dev Guidelines
Drop domain objects in the service façade - Site should just be a UI onto of the Relaymed Service |
No Commands/Queries -> if you touch any code with one, remove it |
Site should just have view/Service Contract/Controllers - all else will be removed eventually |
Don't call the context directly from the service contract (should have Service Layer | Repository | Data Context) |
Do not use the Device Payload anywhere |
Site should not access a Database directly |
Domain Objects should have proper constructors for mandatory properties, not auto-properties. Auto properties should only be used for optional properties |
Do not use Valid files in testing, use builders and construct test data properly |
Model Validation should be done on server, JS can be used as a progression enhancement but only that |
Naming Conventions
MVC Model Should contain Business logic
*ViewModel pass into the views from the controller to render (DTO), can be a list. NO LOGIC
*Entity Interacts with the database layer
theTestClassForDCAVantage Class Names for Unit Tests
should_get_patient_tests_that_are_not_finished Individual Test Name
theTestClassForDCAVantage_setupTests Methods to Extend the Test Class
_member&InstanceVariables lowercase camelCase
EHR Acronyms Should be Upper Case
AddPayloadBlobColumn Migrations should be Upper CamelCase
Shows the naming conventions for Relaymed C# code. Parts in bold must be included in that form, normal text should be replaced with meaningful names.
Created By
* Defined (D) - description says ", but" then nothing...
* Namespaces should *being* with RelayMed
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