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AP Bio Unit 1 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

AP Bio unit 1 review

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Properties of Water (1.1)

Structure of Water: Made up of two hydrogens and one oxygen atom that are held together by a covalent bond
Bonds: Water molecules bond with each other through hydrogen bonds between neighb­oring hydrogens and oxygen atoms.
Adhesion and Cohesion: Adhesion is the sticking of water to other things and cohesion is the sticking of water to itself. Cohesion is respon­sible for surface tension (water droplets resist rupture when pressure is added).
Capillary Action: Movement of water molecules up very thin xylem tubes and evapor­ation from stomata in plants. Water molecules cling to each other through cohesion and cling to the walls of the xylem tube through adhesion.
Water: Water has a high specific heat(the amount of heat required to raise the temper­ature of a substance) due to the strength of the hydrogen bonds that need a lot of movement to break apart. Water is less dense as a solid than as a liquid
How does life depend on water?: Water is essential for life on Earth because it functions as a solvent. The chemical and physical properites of water allow it to dissolce more substances than other liquids. It is capable of dissolving substances and enabling key chemical reactions in organisms.

Biological Macrom­ole­cules (1.5)


Monosa­cch­arides that are linked together into polysa­cch­arides through dehydr­ation reaction
Act as an energy source to provide energy for the organism such as glycogen and structural support such as cellulose for plant cell walls.
Carboh­ydrates have a ratio of 1 carbon, 2 hydrogen, and 1 oxygen

Acids and Bases

pH Scale:
Measures acidity and basicness of aqueous solution (0-14)
Excess of H+ ions, more H+ than OH-
Excess of OH- ions, more OH- than H+
Water is neutral with a pH of 7

Elements of Life (1.2)

Building of Biological Molecules: Hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosph­orus, and sulfur are the main atoms that build biological molecules. Carboh­ydr­ates, amino acids, lipids, and nucleo­tides are the main monomers used to build molecules.
How Organisms Exchange Matter: Organisms must exhange matter with the enviro­nemtn to grow, reproduce, and maintain organi­zation. The intake of needed materials and the excretion of waste happen all through the transport of molecules across the membrane.

Intro to Biological Macrom­ole­cules (1.3)

Reaction where a larger molecules forms two or more smaller molecules. Water is added to the large molecule to break it up into the smaller molecules.
Reaction where two molecules are combined together through the removal of water.
Molecule Binding
Molecules bind due to the intera­ction of valence electrons between one molecule and another. Molecules aminly form covalent bonds with each other to bind as one. This means atoms will share electrons together to bond with each other.


Amino acids linked together by peptide bonds from dehydr­ation reactions between amino and carboxyl groups of adjacent amino acids.
Structural support, building blocks, and enzymes.
Primary Structure:
Unique sequence of amino acids linked together to form a polype­ptide chain
Secondary Structure:
Polype­ptide chain with regionsof amino acid chains that are stabilized by hydrogen bonds from the polype­ptide backbone. These hydrogen bonds create alpha helixes and beta sheets.
Tertiary Structure:
The three-­dim­ens­ional arrang­ement of a protein's polype­ptide chain. The structure is driven by hydrop­hobic intera­ctions, disulfide bridge, H-bonds, and ionic bonds.
Quaternary Structure:
Arrang­ement of protein chains into a closely packed arrang­eme­nts­(only occurs in some proteins)
Unideal temper­ature or pH levels cause the unfolding of the protein structure causing denatu­ring.
Amino Acids:
Contains an amino group(­basic), carboxylic group(­aci­dic), and a side chain(­r-g­roup).

Properties of Biological Molecules (1.4)

Property: Biological molecules are organic, meaning they contain carbon. All organic compounds contain carbon and major elements of life are CHONS
Carbon: Carbon has four valence electrons which means it is the most agile and suitable atom for complex bonds. Carbon has the ability to form stable bonds with many elements which allows it to form large and complex molecules needed for organisms.
Isomers: Molecules that have the same molecular formula but differ in atom arrang­ement. This can result in molecules that are very different in their biological activities such as glucose and fructose.


N/A since lipids arent polymers because they are not composed of repeating units of the same molecules or atoms. All are hydrop­hobic
Phosph­olipid bilayer, energy storage, protection
Glycerol bound to three fatty acid molecules. Fatty acids are nonpolar hydroc­arbon chains)
Saturated Fatty Acids:
Fatty acids that have hydroc­arbon chains connected by single bonds only. There are no double carbon bonds and it is solid at room temper­ature.
Unsatu­rated Fatty Acids:
Some double carbon bonds(cis or trans) that result in kinks in the fatty acid tail. It is liquid at room temper­ature.
Hydrop­hilic head with two hydrop­hobic fatty acid tails
Carbon skeleton of 4 rings that are fused together such as choles­terol.

Nucleic Acids

Genetic inform­ation that codes amino acid sequences, also RNA and DNA.
Nucleo­tides are made up of three parts: nitrog­enous base, sugar, and the phosphate group