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This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Ques­tions to ask an ADD / ADHD Specia­list

Consulting with an ADD/ADHD specialist or an experi­enced psychi­atrist can help you understand the pros and cons of medica­tion. Here are some questions to ask:

What ADD/ADHD treatments do you recommend?
Can my child's symptoms be managed without medica­tion?
What medica­tions do you recommend and what are the side effects?
How effective is medication for my child's ADD/ADHD?
How long will my child have to take medica­tion?
How will the decision be made to stop medica­tion?

Questions about ADD/ADHD medication and your child

Has my child been helped by non-me­dic­ation approa­ches?

Has the school tried to teach my child to be more attentive and less active?

Is the decision to put my child on medication the result of behavioral observ­ations over time and in different settings, such as in school and at home?

When is my child at his or her best?

Does my child have other conditions that can be mistaken for hypera­cti­vity?

Q&A about ADD/ADHD medication and your child

Has my child been helped by non-me­dic­ation approa­ches?

Has the school tried to teach my child to be more attentive and less active?

Is the decision to put my child on medication the result of behavioral observ­ations over time and in different settings, such as in school and at home?

When is my child at his or her best?

Does my child have other conditions that can be mistaken for hypera­cti­vity?