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Handover Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

List of things to be kept in mind when I leave.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

General Test Approach

Where will I find inform­ation about the testing approach in ACIA?
Where will I find test artefacts produced by testers in ACIA?
Test Rail is the test management tool used to manage and report on testing activi­ties. https:­//t­est­rai­l.i­e.a­on.b­z/­tes­tra­il/­ind­ex.p­hp­?/d­ash­board
What test tools are used in ACIA to support the testing efforts?
Test tools are listed in the testing confluence space and can be found at https:­//c­onf­lue­­n.b­z/d­isp­lay­/TE­ST/­Tes­t+T­oolbox
How do testers report their test activities in ACIA?
Testers typically report their testing by:
1. Recording the execution of the tests and producing reports from TestRail
2. Providing weekly timesheets through Clarizen
3. Writing and submitting a 5:15 report in the test confluence space.
4. Provide detail by linking, commenting and attaching details to Jira stories and tickets.
In general terms, testing in ACIA is based on a sapient approach that does not require detailed test cases to be developed.
Testers will typically use Checkl­ists, Explor­atory Tests and Regression Tests to provide details of the testing undert­aken.

Test Automation in ACIA

Who is the Test Automation goto person?
Aidan McDonnell
What test tools are used for automa­tion?
1. Selenium
2. Ranorex
3. NeoLoad
Where will I find the BitBucket repository for automated testing?
What is the most automated product in ACIA?
The data testing of the Risk/View Carrier.
What are the next steps to be taken wrt TA?
1. The regression testing of each of the products is to be automated.
2. This will be largely record and playback.
3. Aidan will support the operat­ion­ali­sation of those tests.
4. Those tests are to be executed using a TeamCity agent on builds produced.
5. All tests are to be reported through TestRail.
What are the current licencing arrang­ements for Ranorex?
1 Profes­sional lic with SDET
2. One Floating licence between 3 testers.
3. One test runner licence for use with TeamCity.
How often are perfor­mance test runs carried out?
They are carried out on an ad-hoc basis, typically requested through the SCRUM team to be carried out in a Sprint.
Where are the licence servers located?
Aidan to provide details here..
Test automation is currently carried out by one SDET.
Each SCRUM is required to provide a part of their planned sprints to allow the regression testing effort to be automated and Aidan's time to operat­ion­alise those tests.

Key Contacts for Testing
