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Philosophy 11-7-2016 Cheat Sheet by

Moore, Heidegger, Husserl

Moore, Heidegger, Husserl

The view that mental events and acts are essent­ially dependent on the world external to the mind in opposition to the cartesian separation of mental and physical worlds (his hands)
The result of thoughts, ideas or reflec­tions
any various systems of thought in which the objects of knowledge are held to be in someway dependent on the activity of the mind (its just a perception of the hand not defini­tive)
The ration­alist
if you know something then you need to prove it (moore says you can know without proof)
You deny that you can know something; that there is no such thing as knowledge (a theory that certain knowledge is imposs­ible)
The theory that all knowledge is derived form sense of experience (obser­vation is taken as the final arbiter of what is and is not true)
The science of phenomena as distinct form that the nature of being; an approach that concen­trates on the study of consci­ousness and the objects of direct experience (Husserl)
Bracketing (the approach Husserl used)
the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist (no consci­ous­ness)
The quality of mental status that consists in their being directed toward some object or state of affairs (disti­nguish between things with conscious not consci­ousness
Phenom­eno­logical Reduction
describing the act of suspending judgment about the natural world to instead focus on analysis of experience (in order to get out of theories)
Eidetic Reduction
Goal is to identify the basic components of phenomena (to get rid of all features inesse­ntial to consci­ous­ness)
Transd­end­ental Reduction
taking away of your idiosy­ncr­atic, individual orient­ation to find out the essence of consci­ousness
The theory of knowledge
dealing with the nature of being
theory or approach that emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and respon­sible agent determ­ining their own develo­pment through acts of the will.
the good or the right
that the human mind and body are two distinct entities that interact with each other (subject and object)
there being or being there
Difference Principle
States that increasing inequality between the rich and poor is justified if and only if the increased wealth of the rich also raises the level of the poorest members of society
maximize pleasure and minimize pain
the doctrine that the world consists simply of the physical world
the orient­ation that emphasizes the need for resolve in following through on plans


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