Java basics
a true? x = b, a false? x = c |
False, workaround: Math.abs(0.1 + 0.1) < 0.2e6
Only check b if a is true |
Only check b if a is false |
binary, leading "0b" |
hexadecimal, leading "0x" |
Leading 0 means octal |
False (case sensitive) |
True |
Java primitive data types
boolean |
true, false |
char |
16 bit, UTF-16 |
byte |
8 bit, -128...127 |
short |
16 bit, -32.768 ... 32.767 |
int |
32 bit, -231 to +231-1 |
long |
64 bit, -2 63 to +2 63-1, long x = 100l;
float |
double |
Java type casting
red arrows =implizit (probably information loss due inaccurate dataformat)
black arrows = explizit cast (heavy information loss possible --> developer)
Java interfaces
Methods in intefaces are implicitly public and abstract and can't be private. |
Only constant variables are allowed: public static final int HIGHWAY_MIN_SPEED = 60;
"public static final" is optional. |
Same named methods in basic interface and super interface must have the same return type. |
Same named variables in basic interface and super interface can have different return types. |
Default methods: Basic interface doesn't have to implement default methods. If one method is not overriden, it just takes the default method. |
Java reference types
normal Array ( public int[] x(int[] y){return z}
) |
int[][] m = new int[2][3];
2 dimensional array |
Compare array content |
Arrays.deepEquals(a, b)
Compare x dimensional array |
public enum Weekday{ MONDAY, ..., SUNDAY }
Enum |
new reference to String-Object "Prog1" (if already exists, otherwise create it) |
String c = new String("Prog1");
new String-Object |
Compare Strings |
StringBuilderbuilder = new StringBuilder("Hi"); builder.append(" you!"); builder.insert(0, "XY"); String text= builder.toString();
Java equals() example
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return false;
} else if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
} else if (!super.equals(obj)) {
return false;
} else {
Student other = (Student)obj; return regNumber == other.regNumber;
If equals() is changed, hashCode() has also be changed! x.equals(y) -> x.hashCode() == y.hashCode()
public |
can be seen by all that imports this package |
protected |
can be seen by all classes in this package and all subclasses of this |
package |
can be seen by all classes in this package |
private |
can be seen only by this class |
static |
only once for all instances of this class |
final |
can only be defined once and not changed later. Class: no subclasses, Method: no overriding |
static final |
Means this is a constant |
Start with /** |
end with */ |
each line * |
@author name |
author |
class / interface |
@version number |
version |
class / interface |
@param name description |
parameter |
method |
@return description |
returnvalue |
method |
@throws/@exception type description |
potential exception |
method |
@deprecated description |
deprecated (outdated) |
method |
Java hashcode() example
public int hashCode() {
return firstName.hashCode() + 31 * surName.hashCode();
Java compareTo example
class Person implements Comparable<Person> {
private String firstName, lastName;
// Constructor…
public int compareTo(Person other) {
int c = compareStrings(lastName, other.lastName);
if (c != 0) { return c; }
else { return compareStrings(firstName, other.firstName); }
private int compareStrings(String a, String b) {
if (a == null) { return b == null ? 0 : 1; }
else { return a.compareTo(b); }
Java collections
ArrayList<Object> a1 = new ArrayList<>();
get(int), set(int, "OO"), add("CN2"), remove(int), remove("CN1"), contains("CN1"), size()
LinkedList<Object> l1 = new LinkedList<>();
add("ICTh"), add(int, "Bsys1"), remove(int), remove("ICTh"), contains("ICTh")
Set<String> s1= new TreeSet<>();
or Set<String> s2= new HashSet<>();
add("Test"), remove("Test"), size()
checks if already added -> if so, return false. TreeSet = sorted, always efficient. HashSet = unsorted, usually very efficient |
Map<Integer, Object> m1= new HashMap<>();
or Map<Integer, Object> m2= new TreeMap<>();
get(key), put(key, "Test"), remove(key), containsKey(key), size(),
TreeMap = sorted by key, always efficient. HashMap = unsorted, usually very efficient |
Iterator<String> it= m1.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) {..}
Java inheritance
Vehicle = static type, Car = dynamic type |
Object o = new Vehicle(); Vehicle v = (Vehicle)o;
Vaild -> Down-Cast: Static type can be down casted |
Vehicle v = new Vehicle; Car c = (Car)v;
Error -> Dynamic type can't be down casted |
if(v instanceof Car) { Car c = (Car)v;}
Test if dynamic type matches static type |
Hiding: variable from super class |
Hiding: variable from "super.super" class |
Dynamic dispatch: Methods: from dynamic typ and variables from static type.
Java Lambdas / Stream API
Collections.sort(people, (p1, p2) -> p1.getAge() –p2.getAge());
sort ascending by age |
Collections.sort(people, (p1, p2) -> p1.getLastName().compareTo(p2.getLastName()));
sort by lastname | -> p.getAge() >= 18) .map(p -> p.getLastName()) .sorted() .forEach(System.out::println);
stream API example | .filter(p -> p.getLastName().contains(pattern)) .forEach(System.out::println);
Random random= newRandom(4711); Stream.generate(random::nextInt) .forEach(System.out::println);
generate random stream |
List<Person> list= peopleStream.collect(Collectors.toList());
stream to collection (List/Set/Map) |
Person[] array= peopleStream.toArray(length-> newPerson[length]);
stream to array |
Possible Stream API operations: filter(Predicate), map(Function), mapToInt(Function), mapToDouble(Function), sorted(), distinct(), limit(long n), skip(long n), count(), min(), max(), average(), sum()
Comparator & Methodreference
Inferface used to compare 2 Objects(before you used lamdas). |
Contains the method public int compare(T o1, T o2)
which you need to override. Returns positiv number if o1 is bigger then o2 and negative if oppisite 0 means that they are equal |
Instead of a comparator use methodrefernce class:methodName eg PersonComp::compareName
Nested class
Use this if a class is only used in another class |
No seperate classfile |
The inner class can use all members of the outer class (this include private members) |
Instantiation from outside eg Polygon.Pointpoint= myPolygon.newPoint();
Can be declared in a method -> All variables from outside are getting final eg Car getSuperCar() { class SuperCar extends Car { @Override public int getMaxSpeed() {return 300; } } return newSuperCar();}
Java own exception class
public class MyException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public MyException(String msg) {
Java package import conflict order
1. own class (inc. nested class)
2. single type imports -> import p2.A;
3. type in own package -> package p1; class X
4. Import on demand -> import p2.*;
Java regex
0 to * |
1 to * |
min 2 max 5 (11..11111) |
min 2 max * (11, 111, etc.) |
exactly 111 |
-1 or 1, "-" is optional |
Or |
any letter from a to z |
any letter from a to z or A to Z |
whitespace |
anything except newline |
anything except a, b or c |
end of string |
any digit |
not digit |
name capture group -> String Part1 ="Group1");
Example: Check daytime: ([0-1]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]
Java regex code example
String input = scanner.nextLine();
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("([0-2]?[0-9]):([0-5][0-9])");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input);
if (matcher.matches()) {
String hoursPart =;
String minutesPart =;
Java JUnit
assertEquals(expected, actual)
actual «equals» expected |
actual== expected (only reference comparation) |
assertNotSame(expected, actual)
expected != actual (only reference comparation) |
condition |
!condition |
value== null |
value!= null |
everytime false |
set test timeout |
@Test(expected= IllegalArgumentException.class)
expect exception, if exception is thrown, test passes |
@Before public void setUp() { … }
run this before each test |
@After public void tearDown() { … }
run this after each test |
Java JUnit examples
publicvoidtestPrime_2() {
assertTrue("2 isprime", utils.isPrime(2));
Java generics
Example: class Node<T extends Number & Serializable>{ … } Node<Integer> n1; // OK Node<Number> n1; // OK Node<String> n2; // ERROR
You can add different Interfaces with & to ensure other functionality like serializable |
Wildcard type: Node<?> undefinedNode; undefinedNode = new Node<Integer>(4); undefinedNode= new Node<String>("Hi!");
No read ( .getValue()
) and write ( .setValue(X)
) is allowed |
static variables with generics NOT allowed eg static T maxSpeed; |
Generic Method: public <T> T majority(T x, Ty, T z){ if(x.equals(y)) { returnx; } if(x.equals(z)) { returnx; } if(y.equals(z)) { return y; } return null; }
Call: Double d = test.<Double>majority(1.0, 3.141, 1.0);
but also: int i = majority(1,1,3);
called type inference(also possible to mix types of argument) |
Rawtype: like you would insert Object -> you need to down cast the elements. e.g. Node n; //without class n = new Node("Hi"); String s = (String)n.getValue();
Is a marker interface (is empty, just says that this class supports it) |
Use it to say the developer that he can serialize objects of this class, which means he can write then in a bitecode and export them. Always serialize all the objects contained in the mainobject |
Use serialVersionUID to identify your class (normally generated number) private static final long serialVersionUID= -6583929648459736324L;
Example: OutputStream fos= new FileOutputStream("serial.bin") try (ObjectOutputStream stream = new ObjectOutputStream(fos)) { stream.writeObject(person); }
Example: InputStream fis= new FileInputStream("serial.bin") try (ObjectInputStream stream = new ObjectInputStream(fis)) { Person p = (Person)stream.readObject(); … }
Java clone() method
public Department clone() throws Exception {
Department d = new Department(); = name;
d.people = people;
d.subDepartments = new ArrayList<>();
for (Department subD : subDepartments) {
return d;
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