connection to mysql database
Connect to the database $dbc = mysqli_connect(HOST, USER, PW, DB);
Query the database $result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query);
Close the connection mysqli_close($dbc);
PHP functions
isset() |
test for variable exists |
empty() |
test for empty variable |
mail($to, $subject, $msg, 'From: ' . $email) |
mail function |
mysqli_fetch_array($result) |
fetch each row of a query (in $result) |
header() |
send a header from the server |
is_numeric() |
test to see if a value is number |
exit() |
causes script to stop immediately |
trim($string) |
trims leading and trailing spaces |
mysqli_real_escape_string($string) |
escapes special characters |
str_replace('a', 'b', $string) |
replace a with b in a string |
explode(', ' , $string) |
make string into array |
implode(', " $string) |
make array into string |
substr ($string, start, len) |
grabs a substring |
preg_match('regex', $string) |
matches regular expressions |
preg_replace('regex', $replace, $string) |
replaces characters in a string by regex |
IF syntax
if (condition) {
... }
elseif (condition) {
... }
else {
... } |
FOR loop |
for (initialize; condition; update) { ... } |
WHILE loop |
while (condition) { ... } |
FOREACH loop |
foreach ($array as $value) { ... } |
do { ... ;} while (condition) |
FOR (loop until a condition is met)
WHILE (loop through query results)
FOREACH (loop through an array)
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; ++$i) {
if ($i == 2)
print "$i , ";
} |
produces the following output:
0 , 1 , 3 , 4
SWITCH syntax
SWITCH ($s) {
case 1:
case 2:
} |
can be used with numbers, or strings
Regular Expressions
^ |
start of string |
\d |
number from 0 to 9 |
\s |
whitespace |
. |
any letter or digit or whitespace |
\w |
any alphanumeric [0-9A-Za-z] |
$ |
end of string |
( ) |
group |
[ ] |
character class |
{x} {x,} {x,y} |
x of | x or more of | x to y of |
| |
or |
* |
none or more |
? |
none or one |
+ |
one or more |
\ |
escape |
Create |
$myArray = array(); |
Push into |
$myArray[] = "Something"; |
Push to associative |
$myArray['key'] = "Value"; |
Create numeric |
$myArray = array('value', 'value2'); |
Create associative |
$a = array('key'=>'val'); |
Print from numeric |
echo $myArray[0]; |
Print from associative |
echo $myArray['key']; |
Associative arrays |
Keys are strings |
Numeric arrays |
Keys are numbers: 0,1,2,3,4 |
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and 10 more ...
use php PDO for database access. the call show here is dinosaur age and dangerous.
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