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Power Ranger ttrp Sample Character specializations Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

simple sheet that will help out players make characters.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Insight: The ability to judge another’s intent­ions, see patterns in speech or behavior, and otherwise determine what a creature believes to be true or false in a given moment.
Invest­iga­tion: The ability to search an area for clues, specific details, hidden images or items, or other secrets in the scene.
Percep­tion: The ability to take in the overall details of a scene in a quick pass of the senses. This is not a deep search for specifics, but rather the collective make up of inform­ation about the present scene.
Grid Lore: This is a specia­liz­ation that focuses not on a culture exactly, but instead on the resear­ching and unders­tanding of the collective Morphin Grid. This is an extremely useful skill specia­liz­ation for unders­tanding the many facets of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers world setting.
History: The ability to recall specific notes or moments in the known history of one’s own history, or the history of a different Specific Culture you have skill levels in.
Language: Each instance of this specia­liz­ation purchased for this skill is a new Language (or the equiva­lent) in which the character becomes fluent. While not tied directly to any specific Culture, learning how to commun­icate in various ways is a major part of cultural commun­ica­tion. It is important to note that these specia­liz­ations cover non-verbal or code-based languages like sign language, binary, Morse Code, and even Semaphore.
Psycho­logy: The ability to understand the mentality or behaviors of one’s own culture, or the mental­ity­/be­havior of a different Specific Culture you have skill levels in.
Specific Culture: Depending on what Culture is chosen to specialize in, this shows a wide knowledge base on that Culture. Unless a specia­liz­ation in a Specific Culture is chosen, the other applic­ations of this skill are assumed to be rooted in one’s own Culture or people.
Medicine: Knowledge of anatomy, diagnosis, care, and treatment. Science (Medicine) is used by doctors, parame­dics, and any others who value life.
Specific Subject: Depending on the specific branch of Science chosen, such as Biology, Chemistry, Xeno-z­oology, etc., this is the specia­lized knowledge and actual applic­ations of that science.
Cartog­raphy: The ability to draw and decipher maps and terrain.
Foraging: The ability to scavenge food and drink from the enviro­nment.
Hunting: The ability to track, stalk, trap, or otherwise effici­ently deal with animal life.
specific Enviro­nment: Depending on the chosen Enviro­nment, such as Deserts, Forests, or perhaps even an Urban Location, this is a deeper unders­tanding of how to make use of such an Enviro­nment.
Weather Predic­tion: The ability to notice and decipher natural clues and signs of impending weather patterns.
Computer: The ability to use modern computers for general purposes like internet searches, running programs, games, etc.
Grid Tech: The ability to recognize, utilize, and potent­ially reverse engineer advanced items that have sprung out of the immeas­urable power of the Morphin Grid. This is an important specia­liz­ation, especially for Power Rangers that might find themselves travelling to other parts of the cosmos or time due to the needs of the Morphin Grid.
Engine­ering: The ability to use the techno­logical tools and implements at hand to fashion tools and equipment needed to solve specific problems.
Specific Techno­logy: Depending on the chosen type of Techno­logy, such as Artificial Intell­igence, Mechanics, Robotics, etc., this shows a deeper unders­tanding of that field.


Balance: The ability to stay upright and in control of your own movements despite outside stimuli, loose footing, or imprac­tical footwear.
Flying: The ability to turn, dive, and flip in a three-­dim­ens­ional airspace using personal flight.
Gymnas­tics: The ability to climb, jump, cartwheel, and move your body quickly across a variety of surfaces.
Maneuv­era­bility: The ability to duck, dodge, and twist around obstacles while moving across terrain.
Autopilot: Some vehicles are capable of operating on their own when commanded to do so. This is the default skill those vehicles will use when operating without a driver.
Boat: The ability to operate and maneuver in any manner of surfac­e-s­table aquatic vehicles.
Hoverc­raft: The ability to operate and maneuver in any manner of vehicle that moves across terrain on a cushion of downwa­rd-­blowing air pressure.
Motorc­ycle: The ability to operate and maneuver in any manner of two or three-­wheeled ground vehicle with an open-air cockpit.
Rotor: The ability to operate and maneuver in any manner of aircraft that uses rotors to control altitude and velocity, such as helico­pters.
Submer­sible: The ability to operate and maneuver in any manner of aquatic vehicles designed to operate under the surface of the water.
Tracked: The ability to operate and maneuver in any manner of ground vehicles whose locomotion comes from the turning of a plated or segmented belt or track.
Wheeled: The ability to operate and maneuver in any manner of ground vehicles with four or more singular wheels touching the ground.
Winged: The ability to operate and maneuver in any manner of stiff-­winged aircraft, like planes or hang-g­liders.
Zord: The ability to not only operate and manage a Zord manifested from the Morphin Grid, but also the skill a Power Ranger uses to commun­icate with their own personal Zord. This is an important ability for all Power Rangers. Although characters do not suffer a Snag while driving a Zord, Specia­liz­ation in this skill will aid in situat­ions, such as combat, when contro­lling a Zord is most impera­tive.
Escape Artist: The ability to twist, jerk, and bend in ways to undo bonds, slip free of restra­ints, etc.
Martial Arts: This covers any number of martial arts that revolve around direct applic­ation of speed and flexib­ility over raw strength, such as Arnis-­Esk­rima, Jeet Kune Do, Kung-fu, Savate, Taekwondo, or Wing Chun.
Power Weapon: This is the ability to wield a Finess­e-s­tyled, one handed, Power Weapon manifested for Power Rangers by the Morphin Grid. This specia­liz­ation also covers the melee ability of the Blade Blaster, which is a non-unique kind of Power Weapon.
Sharp Weaponry: The ability to use aim and speed to apply the requisite force with a sharp-­edged or piercing weapon, slicing or penetr­ating enemy defenses with skill and precision.
Steady Action: The ability to perform careful or dangerous actions that require precise, tiny movements and as little ambient body shaking as possible.
Throwing: The ability to use steady aim and quick motion to toss something with precision rather than raw force.
Burglary: The ability to pick locks, move around an enclosed space without making undue noise, and leave little to no trace behind.
Sleight of Hand: The ability to move small objects in and out of places without being noticed. Picking a pocket or palming a flash drive would fall into this category.
Shadowing: The ability to follow a target unseen.
Stealth: The ability to move and act quietly while also avoiding detection.
Archery: The ability to nock, aim, and fire bows and crossbows profic­iently.
Ballistic: The ability to load, aim, and fire a bullet, ball, or other physically propelled firearms profic­iently.
Energy: The ability to charge, aim, and fire energy weapons.
Power Weapon: This is the ability to effici­ently aim and fire a ranged Power Weapon manifested for Power Rangers by the Morphin Grid.
Specific Weapon: You may choose a specific weapon type aside from your Power Weapon to specialize in and make attacks with that weapon profic­iently.
Throwing: The ability to hurl physical, aerody­namic weapons by hand with precision. Throwing knives, shuriken, and similar items can be covered by this specia­liz­ation.
Trajec­tory: The ability to look at the aftermath of a ranged attack and calculate where it came from.
Vehicle: The ability to use weaponry mounted to a hardpoint on a vehicle.


Animal Handling
Calming: The ability to coax an animal into a calm or at least less hostile mood with simple gestures, words, and sounds.
Riding: The ability to mount, dismount, and control rideable animals with body language, words, and applied pressure. When dealing with uncommon mounts (bears, giant insects, etc.), the Difficulty to control these animals should be suitably increased, but this Specia­liz­ation still applies.
Animal Type: Shows focus on one family of animals, such as horses, canines, cattle, and the like.
Training: The ability to teach at least partially domest­icated animals certain tricks, behaviors, or talents through repeated reinfo­rce­ment.
Bluffing: The ability to tell outright lies without giving away tells or accide­ntally revealing the real truth in the matter.
Disguise: The ability to physically alter one’s appearance to that of a false one.
Distra­ction: Skill at keeping others’ attention on your rather than the world around them through misdir­ection.
Visual Arts: archit­ecture, ceramics, drawing, filmma­king, painting, photog­raphy, and sculpting.
Literary Arts: fiction, drama, poetry, and prose.
Performing Arts: dance, music, and acting.
Culinary Arts: cooking, baking, chocolate making and winema­king.
Diplomacy: The ability to interact socially with others in the fashion acceptable for the situation you are currently involved with.
Embell­ish­ments: The ability to pad the truth with additional inform­ation and slight altera­tions to the facts in order to make them even more attractive of an option.
Flattery: The ability to use sweet words, friendly descri­ptions, and potent­ially sycoph­antic details to make someone want to acquiesce to you.
Romance: The ability to use the concept of intimacy or other romantic advances to get someone to agree with your point of view.
Truth: The ability to use plain and simple facts to make your point of view the obvious choice to follow.
Black Market: The ability to acquire goods and/or services outside of regular means; likely less-t­han­legal ones
Crime: The ability to know where, what kind, and who is causing crime in a specific urban area without having to dig into police records or anything ‘offic­ial'.
Gossip: The ability to seed the street­-level populace with a topic and listen for what kind of rumors, lies, and possible clues come back about it over a short amount of time.
Transp­ort­ation: The ability to know how to get from one place to another while overcoming obstacles like traffic, road closures, and author­ities.


Climbing: The ability to find foot and handholds on surfaces, use lengths of rope, or similar circum­stances to scale vertical heights.
Joggin­g/R­unning: The ability to maintain the Sprint action over extended periods of time or long distances.
Sports Activity: Choose a sport or activity not covered by another skill (such as a biathlon or archery would be covered by Target­ing); the character benefits when making Strength skill rolls with that sport.
Swimming: The ability to traverse aquatic situat­ions.
Throwing: The ability to hurl an object with great force.
Drag: The ability to pull signif­icant levels of weight behind you while moving, most often using rope, ties, a yoke, etc. It is a Difficulty 10 Skill Test to drag double your Carrying Weight at half Movement rate for one minute; Difficulty 20 to triple, 30 to quadruple, etc.
Lift: The ability to pick up signif­icant levels of weight to at least shoulder height while statio­nary. It is a Difficulty 14 Skill Test to lift double your Carrying Weight for 1D4 turns (5-20 seconds); Difficulty 28 to triple, etc.
Stamina: The ability to push yourself beyond the normal limits of physic­ality, extending the amount of time an exhausting action (like Dragging or Lifting) can last.
Distract: The ability to pull another creature or creatures’ focus away from their task through your physical threats.
Frighten: The ability to impose the potential threat of your physique on another so that they might flee, stand utterly still in fear of you, or simply become frazzled with panic.
Taunt: The ability to use your physical threats to egg on and provoke a target to further interact negatively with you, possibly even to the point of attacking if the situation is tense enough.
Blunt Weapons: The ability to direct signif­icant force to smash through enemy defenses with raw power.
Grappling: The ability to grab, twist, hold, and otherwise physically control another being or object.
Martial Arts: Depending on the Martial Art chosen by the player, this covers any number of martial arts that revolve around direct applic­ation of strength over speed, such as Boxing, Greco Wrestling, Judo, Muay Thai, Sambo, or Systema.
Power Weapons: This is the ability to wield a heavier, possibly two-ha­nded, Power Weapon manifested for Power Rangers by the Morphin Grid
Pushing: The ability to use a single applic­ation of force to move another, possibly unwilling, object. See the boxed text for details.