Importing the library
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Plots and key arguments
Line graph |
plt.plot() |
(x_data, y_data) |
Scatter plot |
plt.scatter() |
(x_data, y_data) |
Bar chart | |
(x_locs, bar_heights, width = int) |
Histogram |
plt.hist() |
(data, bins = int) |
Pie chart |
plt.pie() |
(data, labels = list) |
Optional arguments
color ="color" |
Change plot color |
marker = "symbol" |
Change marker for line or scatter plot (".", "x", "|", "o") |
markersize = int |
Change marker size |
linewidth = int |
Change line width for line graph |
cmap = colormap |
Color plot according to a colormap |
Key functions
plt.clf() |
Clear figure |
plt.savefig("filename") |
Save figure (call before | |
Show figure |
Axis functions
plt.xlim(xmin, xmax) |
Set the limits for the x axis |
plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) |
Set the limits for the y axis |
plt.xscale("scale type") |
Set scale for the x axis (ex. "log") |
plt.yscale("scale type") |
Set scale for the y axis (ex. "log") |
plt.twinx() |
Add a second y axis |
plt.axis("off") |
Do not show the axes |
plt.gca().invert_ xaxis() |
Invert the x axis |
plt.gca().invert_ yaxis() |
Invert the y axis |
Labeling functions
plt.title("title") |
Add a title |
plt.xlabel("x axis label") |
Add a label to the x axis |
plt.ylabel("y axis label") |
Add a label to the y axis |
plt.legend(loc = int) |
Add a legend |
plt.xticks(range(min, max, interval) |
Modify the x axis tick marks |
Multiple plots
plt.plot(x_data1, y_data1)
plt.plot(x_data2, y_data2)
plt.plot(x_data3, y_data3)
You can put multiple plots in one figure by defining each one before or plt.savefig()
Using colormaps
# Choose a colormap and assign to a variable
cm ="RdYlBu")
# Set the color map in a plot
plt.scatter(x_data, y_data, cmap=cm)
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