Stealth Scanning Strategies
Risk = Discovery By The Target.
Camouflage tool signatures to avoid detection.
Hide attack in legitimate traffic.
Modify attack to hide source, type of traffic.
Make attack invisible using non-standard traffic types & encryption. |
Adjust Source IP Stack & Tool ID - STEALTH 1
Disable Unnecessary Services:
Disable DHCP chkconfig dhcpd off
Disable IPv6 nano /etc/sysctl.conf
#disable ipv6
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable = 1
Tools often tag packets with an id sequence that can trigger IDS. Test tools against VM's and review system logs for the tool's name. Use Wireshark to capture traffic then search pcaps for keywords attributed to the testing tool.
Set Metasploit UserAgent to Google Indexing Spider:
use auxiliary/fuzzers/http/http_form_field
set UserAgent
set UserAgent Googlebot/2.1 (+
Modify Packet Parameters - STEALTH 2
Identify the goal before scanning and send the minimum number of packets.
Avoid scans that connect with target system and leak data.
Do not ping the target or use synchronize (SYN) and nonconventional packet scans, such as acknowledge (ACK), finished (FIN), and reset (RST) packets.
Randomize / spoof packet settings source IP, port address, MAC address.
Adjust timing to slow the arrival of packets at the target.
Change packet size by fragmenting packets or appending random data to confuse packet inspection devices.
nmap must be run as root
nmap stealth |
Anonymity (Tor & Privoxy) - STEALTH 3
Onion routing enables online anonymity by encrypting user traffic and then transmitting it through a series of onion routers. At each router, a layer of encryption is removed to obtain routing information, and the message is then transmitted to the next node.
Install Tor
apt-get install tor
nano /etc/Proxychains.conf
Disable strict_chains
. Enable dynamic_chains
Edit [ProxyList]
and ensure socks 5 9050
Start Tor service tor start
Verify Tor service tor status
Verify Source IP iceweasel
Invoke Tor Routing with Proxychains proxychains iceweasel
Whois lookup the IP to confirm Tor is active.
Tor Verify ttps://
DNS Leak Test
Owners of exit nodes can sniff traffic and may be able to access credentials.
Vulnerabilities in Tor Browser Bundle can be used by law enforcement to exploit systems
ProxyChains does not handle UDP
Some applications will not run - Metasploit, Nmap... Stealth SYN scan breaks out of proxychains and can leak information to the target.
Browser applications can leak your IP (ActiveX, PDF, Flash, Java, RealPlay, QuickTime).
Clear & block cookies before browsing.
Allows you to control how frequently the Tor IP is refreshed: |
Zenmap - STEP 1
The Official Nmap Security Scanner GUI.
Use this an entry point and then use nmap scans to gather additional data. |
Maltego is an open source intelligence and forensics application for visualizing relationships among data that use data mining and link analysis. |
Identifying Network Infrastructure
traceroute provides basic information on packet filtering abilities.
lbd Uses two DNS- and HTTP-based techniques to detect load balancers Identifies universal plug-and-play and UPNP devices
nmap Detects devices and determines the operating systems and their version
nmap -sSV -A -p- -T5
Shodan search engine identifies devices connected to the Internet, including those with default passwords, known misconfigurations, and vulnerabilities |
Live Host Discovery
Run ping sweeps against a target address space and look for responses that indicate a particular target is live. (TCP, UDP, ICMP, ARP)
alive6 detect-new-ip6 - IPv6 host detection. detect-new-ip6 runs on a scripted basis and identifies new IPv6 devices when added.
dnmap nmap - nmap is the standard network enumeration tool. dnmap is a distributed client-server implementation of the nmap scanner. PBNJ stores nmap results in a database, and then conducts historical analyses to identify new hosts.
fping hping2 hping3 nping - Packet crafters that respond to targets in various ways to identify live hosts |
Determining Active Services
Identify default ports and services.
Banner Grabbing
netcat nmap telnet
Review Default Web Pages: Some applications install with default administration, error, or other pages.
Review Source Code: Poorly configured web-based applications may respond to certain HTTP requests such as HEAD or OPTIONS with a response that includes the web server software version, and possibly, the base operating system or the scripting environment in use. |
Fingerprinting the OS
Active: The attacker sends normal and malformed packets to the target and records its response pattern (fingerprint) which is compared to the database to determine the OS
Passive: The attacker sniffs, or records and analyses the packet stream to determine the characteristics of the packets.
xprobe2 uses different TCP, UDP, ICMP packets to bypass firewalls and avoid detection by IDS / IPS systems. |
Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE)
Modules are written in python.
available modules.
available modules.
information on how the module works.
show options
options that can be set.
sets the options.
to execute.
Harvest contacts (whois, jigsaw, linkedin, twitter)(use the mangle module to extract and present e-mail data)
Identify hosts
Identify geographical locations of hosts and individuals using hostop, ipinfodb, maxmind, uniapple, wigle
Identify host information using netcraft and related modules
Identify account and password information that has previously been compromised and leaked onto the Internet (the pwnedlist modules, wascompanyhacked, xssed, and punkspider) |
Vulnerability Scanning
Loud and easily detected
Usually signature based and can only detect known vulnerabilities with recognition signatures.
Falsepositive results with a rate as high as 70%
Network Scanning Watch List for devices known to fail when scanned
Scanning may breach laws in some countries
In Kali, found in Vulnerability Analysis submenu and Web Vulnerability Scanners menu.
OpenVAS Open Vulnerability Assessment System
Nessus |
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