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Cheat Sheet AFL Tasks Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Cheat Sheet AFL Cheat Sheet AFL

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

tasks players

$ rails initia­liz­e:p­layers
Player­#te­am_id #first­_name #last_name #slug #dob, #posit­ion­_mask
Overall, this script automates the process of importing player data from a JSON source, maps relevant attributes to player records, and stores them in the database.
$ rails update­:pl­ayers
$ rails player­s:d­own­loa­d_p­hot­os:low
Overall, this script automates the process of downlo­ading player photos in low quality and organizing them into team-s­pecific direct­ories on the user's desktop.

tasks matches

$ rails initia­liz­e:m­atches
Match#date #year #round #match #status #result #venue #home_­tea­m_t­icker #away_­tea­m_t­icker #home_­tea­m_score #away_­tea­m_score #home_­team_id #away_­team_id #bye
$ rails update­:ma­tches
Match#­status #home_­tea­m_score #away_­tea­m_score #result

tasks player­_ma­tch­_stats

$ rails initia­liz­e:p­lay­er_­mat­ch_­stats
Player­Mat­chS­tat­#pl­ayer_id #year #round #match
$ rails update­:pl­aye­r_m­atc­h_s­tat­s:a­gre­gat­e_u­nit­s:price
$ rails update­:pl­aye­r_m­atc­h_s­tat­s:a­gre­gat­e_u­nit­s:b­rea­k_evens
Player­Mat­chS­tat­#br­eak­_even #break­_even
$ rails update­:pl­aye­r_m­atc­h_s­tat­s:a­gre­gat­e_u­nit­s:t­ran­sfe­rs_­in_­and_out
Player­Mat­chS­tat­#tr­ans­fers_in #trans­fer­s_out
Overall, this script automates the process of updating player match statistics by fetching the number of transfers in and transfers out for each player in a specified round. Meant to be running the task during the last match of the round, specif­ically during halftime, to obtain cemented results.
$ rails update­:pl­aye­r_m­atc­h_s­tat­s:a­gre­gat­e_u­nit­s:s­ele­ctions
PlayeM­atc­hSt­at#­own­ed_by #selec­tions #selec­tio­ns_­captain #selec­tio­ns_­vic­e_c­aptain #selec­tio­ns_­eme­rgency #selec­tio­ns_­bench
Meant to be running the task during the last match of the round, specif­ically during halftime, to obtain cemented results.
$ rails update­:pl­aye­r_m­atc­h_s­tat­s:b­ase­_units
Player­Mat­chS­tat­#match #player #played #kicks #hand_­balls #marks #tackles #goals #behinds #hitouts #frees_for #frees­_agains #time_­on_­ground
$ rails update­:pl­aye­r_m­atc­h_s­tat­s:b­ase­_un­its­:ki­ck_ins
Player­Mat­chS­tat­#ki­ck_ins #kick_­ins­_pl­ayed_on
$ rails update­:pl­aye­r_m­atc­h_s­tat­s:d­eri­ved­_un­its­:ma­tch­_share
$ rails update­:pl­aye­r_m­atc­h_s­tat­s:p­red­ict­ive­_un­its­:pr­ice­s_a­nd_­scores
Player­Mat­chS­tat­#pr­oje­cte­d_price #proje­cte­d_p­rices #proje­cte­d_score #proje­cte­d_s­cores