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CS 411 Midterm 1 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

SQL (Struc­tured Query Language)

Relational Database Model

- Data is structured as relations
- Defines a limited set of operations (query and modifi­cation) to interact with the data
- Allow for defining constr­aints on columns (attri­butes), a table (relat­ion), relati­onships among tables (foreign keys).

Syntax: Patterns and "­LIK­E"

- Used in a WHERE clause
- General form:
<At­tri­but­e> LIKE <pa­tte­rn>
<At­tri­but­e> NOT LIKE <pa­tte­rn>
- Pattern: quoted string with
for any string,
for any character


Query language is closed if we can use the answer from one query as input to another query

SQL Subquery Example

  name LIKE 'A%') as temp 

SQL Subqueries that Return Scalar

Subquery can be used as value if guaranteed to produce one tuple with one component
- “Single” tuple often guaranteed by key constraint
- A run-time error if not scalar

SQL: Boolean Operators

<tu­ple> IN <re­lat­ion> is true if and only if the tuple is a member of the relation.
EXISTS( <re­lat­ion> ) is true if and only if the <re­lat­ion> is not empty.
x = ANY( <re­lat­ion> ) is a boolean condition meaning that x equals at least one tuple in the relation.
Similarly, x <> ALL( <re­lat­ion> ) is true iff for every tuple t in the relation, x is not equal to t

Ex: Aggreg­ations

 SELECT AVG(price) FROM Sells
WHERE drink = ‘Mocha’;


SUM, AVG, COUNT, MIN, and MAX can be applied to a column in a SELECT clause to produce that aggreg­ation on the column.

Ex: Grouping

SELECT customer, AVG(price)
FROM Frequents, Sells 
WHERE drink = ‘Mocha’ AND =
GROUP BY customer

Single User Assump­tions:

- Each operation (UPDATE ... SET ... WHERE) is executed one at a time
- ISOLATION - one op exec, maybe change DB, then next op exec
- ATOMIC - op exec entirely or not at all

Transa­ctions Defini­tions

- Group the SFW and USW into a transa­ction
- Transa­ction is a sequence of statements considered a "unit of operat­ion­" on DB
- Serial­iza­bility of transa­ctions - Either user1 transa­ction exec first or user2's, but not in parallel


Transa­ction: sequence of read/write ops on the DB w/ the property that either all or none of actions complete.
- May either succeed (COMMIT), or fail (ABORT or ROLLBACK)

ACID Properties

either all ops exec or none
trans exec in isolation keeps DB in consistent state
trans isolated from effects of other concur­rently exec trans
updates stay in DBMS

Transa­ction Manager

Ensure that transa­ctions that exec in parallel don’t interfere with each other.

Concurrent Execution Problems

Write-Read conflict
dirty/­inc­ons­istent read
Read-Write conflict
Unrepe­atable read
Write-­Write conflict
lost update