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History II WWII Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Germany invades neighboring countries and launches the Holocaust: the systematic killing millions of Jews and other "Non-Aryan." The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor ushers the U.S. into World War II.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Dictators threaten world peace

Treaty of Versailles causes anger, resentment in Europe
1924 Joseph Stalin takes over Russia
Totali­tarian government exerts almost complete control over people
Benito Mussolini takes over Italy plays on fears of economic collapse and communism
Fascism stresses nation­alism, needs of state above individual
Adolf Hitler: takes over Germany leader of National Socialist German Workers' Party
Mein Kampf - basic beliefs of Nazism based on extreme nation­alism
1932, 6 million unempl­oyed; many men join Hitler's private army, The Browns­hirts!
Nazis become strongest political party
Govt. led by General Hideki Tojo who ruled "­for­" the Emperor of Japan: Hirhito
1933, Hitler quits League; 1935, begins military buildup
Sends troups into Rhineland, League does nothing to stop him
1936, General Francisco Franco rebels against Spanish republic
Spanish Civil War begins
Hitler, Mussolini back Franco; Stalin aids opposition
Both sides test weapons
(Acts Almost like a practice run)
War leads to Rome-B­erlin Axis - alliance between Italy and Germany
1939, Franco wins Sp. Civil war, becomes fascist dictator
1935 Neutrality Act try to keep U.S. out of future wars
Outlaws arms sales, loans to nations at war
Chapter 24, Section 1

America Moves Toward War

1939, FDR persuades Congress to pass "cash-a­nd-­carry"
"all aid short of war"
Germany, Japan, Italy sign Tripartite Pact, mutual defense treaty become known as Axis Powers
Nazi victories in 1940 lead to increased U.S. defense spending
FDR re elected with 55% of votes
U.S. must become Arsenal of Democracy We decide to do this to Defeat the Axis and make profit­s/jobs
1941 Lend Lease Act: U.S. lend or lease supplies to the Allies for defense (allies don't have to pay in advance) Gets US around our Neutrality laws
1941, Hitler breaks pact with Stalin, invades Soviet Union
Hitler deploys U-boats to attack supply convoys
Wolf packs- groups of up to 40 submarines patrol North Atlantic. they sink supply ships
- FDR allows navy to attack German U-boats in self-d­efense
FDR' Churchill issue Atlantic Charter - joint declar­ation of war aims: Germany defeated first...
Allies: USA, Great Britain, Russia and 26 other nations sign Declar­ation to fight Axis
Hideki Tojo - chief of staff of army that invades China, prime minister
U.S. cuts off trade (mainly oil and steel)
Japan needs oil from U.S. or must take Dutch East Indies oil fields which are protected by the US fleet
1941 U.S. breaks Japanese codes; (code purple) learns Japan planning to attack U.S.
December 7, 1941 Japanese attack Pearl Harbor
-2,403 Americans killed; 1,178 wounded
Over 300 aircraft, 21 ships destroyed or damaged
U.S. aircraft carriers were at sea
Congress approves FDR's request for declar­ation of war against japan
-Immediate shift in American Sentiment
Germany, Italy declare war on U.S. on Dec 11
Chapter 24 Section 4

War in Europe

Majority of Austrians are German, favor unific­ation with Germany
1938, German troops march into Austria unopposed, union complete called Anschluss
1938, Prime Minister Daladier, Neville Chambe­rlain of England meet with Hitler
Sign Munich Agreement, hand Sudete­nland over to Germany
Neville Chambe­rlain and the British use the policy of: *** Appeasment *** giving up principles to pacify an aggressor
Winston Churchill condemns appeas­ement policy, warns war will follow
Stalin, Hitler sign Non-ag­gre­ssion pact: will not attack each other
Sign second, secret pact agreeing to divide Poland between them
Sept, 1st 1939, Hitler invades and overruns Poland in blitzkrieg, lightining war/ Official Start of WW2
Germany annexed western Poland; U.S.S.R. attacked, annexes east
France, Britain declare war on Germany; World War II officially begins
British, French trapped on Dunkirk; ferried to safety in UK
France falls; Germans occupy northern France
General Charles De Gaule sets up govt.- in-exile in England
Battle of Britain: German planes bomb British targets ONLY battle of WW2 takes place in the air
Britain uses radar to track German planes, Brit planes can then find and shoot down German planes. BRITS WIN after Months of fighting
Hitler calls off invasion of Britain
Chapter 24 Section 2

The Holocaust

The Execution of 6 million Jews and over 5 million "Non Aryan" People.
Anti-S­emitism (Anti-­Jewish)
Hitler Blamed Jews for Losing WWI and the lack of jobs
Nazis Pass the Nuremberg Laws of 1935
Krista­llnacht - November 9th-10th
Nazis destroy Jewish Homes, Busine­sses, and Synagogues
The Plights of the St. Louis
- Tries to land passengers in Cuba
- Coast Guard prevents passengers on St. Louis from disemb­arking
- Ship forced to return to Europe; 1/3 passengers killed in Holocaust
Hitlers final Solution German Genocide of Inferior Groups
Genocide: The delibe­rate, systematic killing of an entire population
Forced Relocation
Jews forced into ghettos, segregated areas in Polish cities
Concen­tration Camps
Many Jews taken to concen­tration camps, or labor camps
-Families were seperated
Mass Exterm­ina­tions
By the Spring of 1941: Germans start to build death camps; gas chambers used to kill thousands
About 6 million Jews murdered in death camps, massacres
Chapter 24, Section 3