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Naming Conventions and Coding Standards Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Does the code conform to the coding standards?
Is the code well-s­tru­ctured, consisten in style, and consis­tently formatted?
Are there any uncalled or unneeded procedures or unreac­hable or commented code?
Are there any leftover stubs or test routines in the code?
Can any code be replaced by calls to external reusable compon­ents?
Are there any blocks of repeated code that could be condensed into a single procedure?
Are any modules excess­ivley complex and should be restru­ctured?
Are names of artifacts consis­tent?


Is the code clearly and adequately docume­nted?
Is the comment format­/style consistent across the code?
Are unnece­ssary system.debug calls in the code?
Are the methods including a descri­ption, @param & @return?


Are all variables properly defined with meanin­gful, consis­tent, and clear names?
Is the Java capita­liz­ation (camel­Case) standard used?
Are there any redundant or unused variables?
Are all the variables correctly initia­lized?
Arithmetic operations
Are divisors tested for zero or noise?


Are loop termin­ation conditions obvious and invariably achiev­able?
Are indexes or subscripts properly initia­lized, just prior to the loop?
Can any statements that are enclosed within loops be placed outside the loops?
Are DML operations placed inside a loop?
Are SOQL or SOSL queries palced inside a loop?
Are future method invoca­tions placed inside a loop?
Are Describe methods invoked inside a loop?
Are emails sent from a loop?
Are Batch Apex jobs executed from a loop?
Are methods invoked from a loop that end up making a query, dml operation, sending an email, invoking a async method?

Data Access & Manipu­lation

Are methods bulkified?
Does the code provide a proper exception handler?
Does the code prevent SOQL and SOSL injection attacks by using static queries, binding variables or the escape­Sin­gle­Quotes method?
Does the code use the enhanced SOQL for loop to query larg data sets?
Are IDs hardcoded?
Is record type inform­ation accessed by making queries?
When usign custom settings, are custom settings validated for null values?
Are queries returning a single record instead of a list?
Are checks to avoid null pointer exceptions performed?
Are indexes properly used when accessing collec­tions (to avoid index out of bounds except­ion)?


Are triggers bulkified?
Do triggers have logic inside?
Are there more than one trigger per object?
Does the code have valida­tions to execute the code under the right condit­ions?


Is the DOM id property defined for all elements?
Is there any inline javasc­ript?
Is there any inline CSS?
Are javaScript or CSS in the page?
Are there any lists displayed in the page that may impact the view state?


Is there any SOQL or SOSL query inside the contro­ller?