French - Greetings and Pleasantries
monsieur, madame |
sir, madam |
bonjour, salut |
hello, hi |
bonsoir |
good evening |
bonne nuit |
good night |
au revoir |
goodbye |
à bientôt |
see you later |
je m'appelle Earl |
my name is Earl |
comment allez-vous? |
how are you? |
pardon? |
excuse me? |
désolé |
i'm sorry |
merci, de rien |
thankyou, it's nothing |
French - Days and Time
lundi |
monday |
mardi |
tuesday |
mercredi |
wednesday |
jeudi |
thursday |
vendredi |
friday |
samedi |
saturday |
dimanche |
sunday |
aujourd'hui |
today |
demain |
tomorrow |
hier |
yesterday |
maintenant |
now |
plus tard |
later |
heure |
hour, o'clock |
matin, après-midi |
morning, afternoon |
French - Months
janvier |
January |
février |
February |
mars |
March |
avril |
April |
mai |
May |
juin |
June |
juillet |
July |
aôut |
August |
septembre |
September |
octobre |
October |
novembre |
November |
décembre |
December |
French - Transport
billet, aller-retour |
ticket, return |
emmenez moi a ... |
take me to ... |
pour aller a ... |
how do I get to ... |
French - Buildings and Shops
gendarmerie, gendarme |
police station, policeman |
pharmacie |
pharmacy / chemist |
hôpital, médecin |
hospital, doctor |
magasin |
shop |
boutique |
small shop |
(super)marché |
(super)market |
boulangerie |
bakery |
boucherie |
butcher |
poissonnerie |
fishmonger |
pâtisserie |
cake shop |
musée |
museum |
banque |
bank |
bureau de change |
money exchange |
poste (timbre) |
post office (stamp) |
French - Pronouns
je, tu, il, elle |
I, you, he, she |
nous, vous |
we, you (pl) |
le, la, les |
the (m, f, pl) |
un, une, des |
a (m, f, pl) |
ce, ça |
this, that |
mon, ma |
my (m, f) |
nos, votre |
our, your |
m = male, f = female, pl = plural
French - Lost Items
J'ai perdu ... |
I have lost ... |
mon portefeuille |
my wallet |
mon passeport |
my passport |
mon argent |
my money |
ma carte de crédit |
my credit card |
mon billet |
my ticket |
mes clés |
my keys |
ma valise |
my case |
je suis perdu |
i am lost |
French - Directions
à gauche, à droite |
left, right |
à côté de |
next to |
tout droit |
straight ahead |
ici, là |
here, there |
près (de) |
near (to) |
loin (de) |
far (from) |
avant, après |
before, after |
devant, derrière |
ahead, behind |
French - Numbers
0 - zéro |
16 - seize |
1 - un |
17 - dix-sept |
2 - deux |
18 - dix-huit |
3 - trois |
19 - dix-neuf |
4 - quatre |
20 - vingt |
5 - cinq |
30 - trente |
6 - six |
40 - quarante |
7 - sept |
50 - cinquante |
8 - huit |
60 - soixante |
9 - neuf |
70 - soixante-dix * |
10 - dix |
80 - quatre-vingt |
11 - onze |
90 - quatre-vingt-dix * |
12 - douze |
100 - cent |
13 - treize |
1000 - mille |
14 - quatorze |
+/- - plus/moins |
15 - quinze |
* Some localities say "septante" for 70 and "nonante" for 90.
French - Colours
noir |
black |
blanc |
white |
rose |
pink |
rouge |
red |
orange |
orange |
jaune |
yellow |
vert |
green |
bleu |
blue |
violet |
purple |
marron |
brown |
French - Essential Phrases
Parlez-vous Anglais ? |
Do you speak English? |
Parlez plus lentement, s'il vous plaît. |
Speak more slowly please. |
Répétez encore une fois, s'il vous plaît. |
Please repeat once more. |
A quelle heure est le prochain train ? |
What time is the next train? |
Comment dit-on "word" en français ? |
How do you say “word” in french? |
Aidez-moi, s'il vous plaît. |
Help me, please. |
Où est la gare routière ? |
Where is the bus station? |
C'est combien pour un verre de vin ? |
How much is it for a glass of wine? |
Puis-je avoir un horaire ? |
May I have a timetable? |
J'ai besoin de louer une voiture. |
I need to rent a car. |
Est-ce qu'il y a un distributeur près d'ici ? |
Is there an ATM near here? |
Merci de m'avoir aidé. |
Thankyou for your help. |
L'ordinateur ne marche pas. |
The computer is not working. |
J'ai une maladie qui s'appelle "x". |
I have an illness called "x". |
All two-part punctuation symbols in French ( : ; « » ! ? % $ # ) should be preceded and followed by a space.
French - Signs
ouvert, fermé |
open, closed |
tirez, poussez |
pull, push |
entrée, sortie |
entry, exit |
French - Friends and Family
mari, femme |
husband, wife |
père, mère |
father, mother |
fils, fille |
son, daughter |
frère, sœur |
brother, sister |
ami |
friend |
French - Miscellaneous Words
oui, non |
yes, no |
tout, rien |
all, nothing |
bien, mauvais |
good, bad |
et, ou, si |
and, or, if |
parce que |
because |
avec, sans |
with, without |
petit, grand |
small, large |
sur, sous |
on, under |
beaucoup, peu |
a lot, a little |
encore |
again |
(pas) comme |
(not) like, as |
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and 36 more ...
- "Aidez-moi, s’il vous plaît." instead of "Aidez-mois, s’il vous plaît"
Hello, here are some corrections (I'm french) :
- 17 is "dix-sept", not "six-sept"
- "père, mère" instead of "pere, mere"
- "frère" instead of "frere"
- "Merci de m’avoir aidé" instead of "Merci de m’avoir aider"
- "A quelle heure est le prochain train?" instead of "Quelle heure est le prochain train?"
- "Aidez-mois, s’il vous plaît." instead of "Aidez-moi, s’il vous plaît"
- "Où est la gare routière?" instead of "Ou est la gare routière?"
- "Puis-je avoir un horaire?" instead of "Puis j’avoir un horaire?"
- portefeuille instead of portfeuille
Thanks for your work !
This one is good enough. There is no need to make another one.
I think we can just make this one perfect.
I will email you asap...
Hello Dave,
How to contribute to the French Cheat Sheet? I noticed some few mistakes.
Hi LeDavid. You can leave a comment here, or email me at Or you can make a better one! :)
Hi eduens. I've corrected those issues. Thanks for letting me know about them.
In the essential phrases you could add something for going to the restroom/washroom :
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir ?
Good idea about the washroom bit.
Sorry, but even though the idea is good, I can't reward you for it like that ... :)
"C’est combien pour un verre de vin ?" instead of "C’est combien pour une verre de vin ?"
Quite right - thanks Faruk, I've corrected that.
Hi, just for information there is 2 way to say 70 and 90
French from France (see up)
French from Belgium and Switzerland : 70 : "septante" and 90 : "nonante"
I like a lot your cheat sheets !
I can help for this one :
- "billet, aller-retour" instead of "billet, allez retour"
- "ParlezÂ-vous anglais ?" instead of "ParlezÂ-vous Anglais?" (no capital)
- "sœur" instead of "soeur"
- Ponctuation : in french you have to put a space before the signs ? ! : ;
- maybe "Thank you for your help" instead of "Thankyou for your help" ;-)
- Maybe you can also add that the adjectives have to agree with the noun or the subject : "Je suis perdu" for a male become "Je suis perdue" for a female... "Désolé" become "Désolée"
Hope it can can help...
Thanks, Matthieu, I've made some changes. Sorry it took so long!
Perhaps you could also add words for holiday accommodation eg hotels, motels, apartments, BnBs lots of tourists travel to France
In the comment section, the apostrophes and accented characters come through as weird character combinations.
Hello sir,
in the "French - Months" section, the accent on august month is put on 'o'. It should be on 'u'.
Really good work (from a french point of view too).
Could i have a question about creating? How did you do that text in your cheat sheet is not cutted in PDF?
Thanks and iam sorry for questionong unfer your cheat sheet about French
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