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Tudors revision for Feb mocks Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

how to answer 20 and 30 markers and content revision

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

how to write 20 markers

structure- intro, 3 main paras, conc
what to look for- make sure you explain briefly what the example is but do 80 percent analysing why that answers the question and is relevant
intro- introduce the topics of your 3 main paras and do exposition and make an initial judgement
3 main paras- have 3 lines of argument and in each para give examples including dates and acts and names
conc- summarise how each of your points has an argument and come to an overall judgement about which reason was strongest etc

how to write 30 markers

structure- intro, para for each passage, conc. Order the paras in least supportive of the question first so that your strongest passage is the climax point at the end
what to look for- content, evidence and proven­ance. 2 sides of typed a4
intro- summary of each passage's view in relation to the question and overall judgement
mains- explain how far it it supports the statement. overall judgement, point slash argument, evidence slash quote, explain with own knowledge or proven­ance, however, evidence slash quote, explain wit own knowledge or proven­ance, point about proven­ance, link to next para or mini conclusion
conc- as a set how supportive are they->­mention how they all support and how some don't and that's what makes it supportive

fall of wolsey

domestic- mostly unsucc­essful. 1) the amicable grant 1525 that was to fund war with france. was deeply unpopular. he had to abandon the tax and it damaged his rep and authority. 2) the court of star chamber. was seen as a tool of oppression due to its harsh judgem­ents. it reinforced the idea that he was an author­itarian figure. 3) dissol­ution of the monast­eries. he was unable to dissolve the larger ones because he faced opposition from those who resisted the idea. 4) he was unable to deal with the severity of the economic problems like unempl­oyment and inflation. his attempts were ineffe­ctive as he failed to address the root of the problem. he was shown as out of touch and unable to solve the country's problems.
foreign- mostly unsucc­essful. 1) the treaty of london 1518 was meant to create a peaceful europe but it was short lived as different nations had their own interests. failed to achieve lasting peace. 2) field of cloth of gold in 1520 with h8 and f1 of france that was meant to show the wealth and power of england but failed to result in any real diplomatic gains. it was criticised for its extrav­agance. 3) wars with scotland. largely unsucc­essful. battle of flodden in 1513 english were defeated and undermined wolsey's rep as a military leader. 4) break with rome. wolsey couldn't stop the break between england and church which was driven by h8 want to divorce catherine aragon. this break caused political and religious chaos and marked a major turning point in the foreign policy. he was unable to achieve his goals and failed to deal with the complex politics of europe.
great matter- very unsucc­essful 1) failure to secure papal annulment. he didn't get the annulment as he faced opposition from the pope and rumours he was more loyal to the pope than h8. 2) failure to control the divorce procee­dings. demoted from lord chancellor and replaced with sir thomas more and got less authority and when he continued to advise h8 his influence was greatly reduced. 3) failure to meet h8's expect­ations. h8 frustrated because wolsey failed to get the annulment or handle divorce procee­dings. h8 annoyed bu lack of progress and wolsey's rep suffered and he was arrested and charged with treason.

sources f and g

source f- by this time somt had been arrested. trying to justify overth­rowing somt. shows him as dictat­orial and narcis­sistic and unpopular with the nobility. richard is king's publisher. chronicles are factual not feelings.
source g- somt is dead by this letter. francis fled france due to protestant beliefs. john is a leading reformist. says he was against the whole council and was plotting. supporters from the council itself asks if he would acc go against the council so it raises the threat level and shows he can be deceitful.
own knowledge about somerset being respon­sible for the political instab­ility- 1) somt was respon­sible for leading the country until edward was 18. but he made key decisions without influence and ruled by himself. he made 77 procla­mat­ions. 2) economic problems were not dealt with like inflation and debasement which caused many people instab­ility and undermined the gov. continued war with scotland cost £580,393. 3) religious. act of uniformity in jan 1549 which later caused western rebellion in june 1549. 4) foreign policy. loss of boulogne in 1549 and failed scottish campaign in 1547. showed he was unable to handle foreign policy, which lessened his authority. 5) arrested and executed in 1552 jan and his rep as a ruler was seriously damaged.