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PELVIS Review Week 1 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Sonography review of female pelvis anatomy and physiology.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Medical Termin­ology

Patient on back with legs flexed 90 degrees (child­birth or pap smear).
Gravida (G)
# of pregna­ncies
Para (P)
# of pregna­ncies carried to term.
Abortion (A)
# of failed pregna­ncies
Term (T)
# of live births
Measure tissue stiffness
Sonohy­ste­rog­raphy (SIS)
saline injected into endome­trium to visualize masses.

Pelvic Bones

Right Innominate
fusion of right ilium, ischium, and pubis
Left Innominate
fusion of left ilium, ischium, and pelvis
Composed of 4 bones