Commands to control docker and related technologies
Building Images
Build a new image from the source code at PATH docker build -t myimg .
Suppress the output generated by containers |
Remove intermediate containers after a successful build |
Repository name (and optionally a tag) for the image |
Simplest possible build instruction:
docker build .
Name image and tag as v1.5:
docker build -t myorg/myimg:1.5 .
Misc useful commands
attach |
Attach to a running container |
cp |
Copy files/folders from a container's filesystem to the host path |
create |
Create a new container |
exec |
Run a command in a running container |
images |
List images |
export |
Stream the contents of a container as a tar archive |
import |
Create a new filesystem image from the contents of a tarball |
inspect |
Return low-level information on a container or image |
kill |
Kill a running container |
load |
Load an image from a tar archive |
logs |
Fetch the logs of a container |
port |
Lookup the public-facing port that is NAT-ed to PRIVATE_PORT |
ps |
List containers |
pull |
Pull an image or a repository from a Docker registry server |
push |
Push an image or a repository to a Docker registry server |
rm |
Remove one or more containers |
rmi |
Remove one or more images |
save |
Save an image to a tar archive |
search |
Search for an image on the Docker Hub |
start |
Start a stopped container |
stop |
Stop a running container |
top |
Lookup the running processes of a container |
wait |
Block until a container stops, then print its exit code |
Run docker COMMAND --help
for help on the command.
Running Docker
starts a process with its own file system, its own networking, and its own isolated process tree docker run -itP image
name the container docker run --name=somename org
terminal interface |
interactive session |
daemon Mode |
publish all exposed ports |
expose specific port -p ip:hostport:containerport
remove intermediate images |
bind mount a volume -v /host:/container
run an interactive session:
sudo docker run -P --name=somename image
run container in background, on port 80:
sudo docker run --d -v /etc/appdata:/data -p --rm nginx
Dockerfiles (for creating images)
set base image for this image FROM <image>:<tag>
The author of the image MAINTAINER <name>
execute commands in new layer RUN <command>
RUN ["executable", "param1", ...]
provide default for an executing container CMD ["executable","param1",...]
add metadata to image LABEL <key>=<value> <key>=<value>
listen on the network ports EXPOSE <port> [<port>...]
set the environment variables ENV <key> <value>
ENV <key>=<value> <key>=<value>
copies new files from <src>
and adds them to the container at <dest>
. ADD <src>... <dest>
configure container to run as an executable ENTRYPOINT ["exe", "arg"...]
create externally mounted volumes VOLUME ["/data"]
sets the user name or UID to use when running the image USER<user>
sets working dir for any RUN
and ADD
instructions: WORKDIR /path/to/workdir
adds a trigger instruction for execution when image is used as base of another build ONBUILD [INSTRUCTION]
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