41 Text Cheat Sheets
Related tags: Editor Sublime Keyboard Linux Vim
41 Cheat Sheets tagged with Text
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Sublime Text 2 Windows Keyboard ShortcutsKeyboard Shortcuts for Sublime Text 2 for Windows.Commas indicate to press one key, then another (Ctrl + K, 1 = Hold control, press K, then press 1).Slashes indicate options, Alt + Shift + 2/3/4 means hold Alt and Shift, then press 2, 3, or 4.
27 Mar 13, updated 13 May 16
My Emacs Keyboard ShortcutsA cheat sheet for most commonly used keyboard shortcuts while writing clojure code, using my emacs config at https://github.com/cmdrdats/emacs-ext
1 Jul 13, updated 11 May 16
Intermediate Vim Cheat SheetI've been using Vim for a more than a year. This is my collection of intermediate-level features I want to get more comfortable with!
24 Feb 15, updated 10 May 16
Textadept 7 Keyboard ShortcutsKeyboard shortcuts for TextAdept, a muiltiplatform text editor: http://www.foicica.com/textadept
4 Oct 13, updated 12 May 16
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