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Switch to any value % from this page to resize cheat sheet text: % www.emerson.emory.edu/services/latex/latex_169.html \footnotesize % Small font. \begin{multicols*}{4} \begin{tabularx}{3.833cm}{p{0.3433 cm} p{0.3433 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{3.833cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Early Poptropica Island}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{3.833cm}}{Guide: First, go to Early Poptropica Island (if you are not already on it). You should be on Main Street. (Remember that if you're not sure where you are, you can check your Map!) Go all the way to the right until you come across a sign that says "Early Poptropica". Click on the sign to go there. Go right again and you should arrive at Early Poptropica. Go to the right where you should pass by 3 very pixellated-looking men. Talk to the third one you see. He will say that his pig was stolen by a sneaky spider. Next, keep going to the right again until you see another pixellated man by a well. Talk to him, and he will tell you that someone stole their bucket. Now next to the man you just spoke to, there should be a rope. Climb it, and when you reach the top you should see another pixellated man. Talk to him and he will tell you that they lost their flag. The Glow Stick Go back to the man who lost a bucket. Next to him is a well. Go down the well. Well Then go down the rope you are on. You should arrive in the Storage Cavern. Move a little to the left, and jump downward, to the left side. (To do this, move the cursor to the lower-left corner and click.) You should arrive onto a green platform. Now jump to another green platform on the top left side of the platform you are on. Move a bit to the left, then jump to the brown platform located on the left side of the platform you are currently standing on. Climb up the rope on the brown platform, then jump onto another brown platform located to the right of the rope you are holding. Now jump up to the platform above you. You should see a glow stick. Walk over to it to get it! Glow stick You should have gotten a Glow Stick. Now exit the Storage Cavern. If you don't know how, just follow the same steps above that showed you how to reach the glow stick, but backward! Prized Porker Now go back to Main Street. Go left until you see a manhole on the ground next to the Soda Pop Shop. Click on the manhole to go down. You should be clinging onto a rope. Climb all the way down to get inside the pit. Once inside, jump down to the left where there should be a woman wearing a skull shirt. Go past her and jump on the platform there. On the right there should be a moving platform. Jump onto it when it gets close. Watch out for the little purple spiders hanging above you! If you touch them you will get knocked over. At the end of the ride, jump down to another platform. Then on that platform, there should be another platform next to it – jump onto that. From there jump onto the platform you see on your right. Now jump to the platform on the left, then onto the platform to the left of the one you are standing on. That platform should have a rope below it. Climb down that rope. Now wait for a moving platform to get near, then jump on it! At the end of the ride you should see a pixellated pig. Jump down and grab it. You should obtain the Prized Porker. Beware of the huge spider guarding the pig, because it will knock you over if you bump into it! Now stay where you are and follow the next set of instructions! Golden Egg You should still be in the pit, where you'd just grabbed the pig. From the bottom of the pit (where the pig was), go all the way to the left until you reach the end. Click on the end to "Go Left." You should appear in a tunnel. Go left again. Now you should be in a dark place. You can only see by using your Glow Stick. Start at the place that says 'Darkness Awaits.' Now go all the way to the left until you see the first rope. Climb up the rope until you reach a place where you have to go either left or right. Now go right until you pass by 2 ropes. Climb the second rope, which you should reach at a dead end. After you climb the rope, go left until you see another rope, and climb that rope. The words on the wall will say 'Getting Warmer.' Once you are up that rope, go left until you see a huge Golden Egg. Walk over it to take it. Go right now, past the Getting Warmer sign and go climb the rope. Go left and climb the first rope you see. Go left again, and there will be a rope going down. Just get through it, and wait for the rope past that. Now, after you have climbed it, go right, and you will find a rope that leads up. Go up and you'll be at the Poptropica Towers. Reaching the Skies You should be at Poptropica Towers. Now run all the way to the left until you see a brown building. Jump up on the first window ledge of that building, then the second, then the third and stop at the fourth window ledge. From the fourth window ledge, jump up, but to the left side. You should land on a stone statue. From the statue, jump to the roof of a red building on the left. On the roof of the red building, jump to the left side, where you should now find yourself on the window ledge of a blue building. Keep jumping up onto the window ledges above you and stop when you reach the blue building's roof, which looks like a mini-restaurant. Between the 2 tables should be a vine. Go up the vine! Water Bucket Climb up the vine again, and now you should be in the skies. (Note: The Map labels this place as "The Purple Giant.") Go all the way to the right until you see a huge pair of feet. Click on them to talk to the giant. You will give him the Golden Egg and he will lift up his spiky weapon and let you pass. giant Now go right. Go to the right again, and you should now be in the Giant's Garden. There should be a gardening tool in front of you. Walk on it as if it were a ramp and you should soon be doing the same to a vine. Now jump off of the vine, and you should land on some gigantic vegetables. Jump off of the vegetables and pick up the pixellated-looking bucket on the ground. You should acquire a Water Bucket. Signal Flag Now go to the right. Go right again and you should arrive in the Aircraft Graveyard. Jump onto the cans in front of you, then jump again onto the brown aircraft. From there, jump onto the red and white aircraft. Now jump off the white and red aircraft, and grab the Jet Pack on the yellow table. You can wear this item! When wearing it, you can fly. This item can only be worn on Early Poptropica Island. Now put on the jet pack and go left, back to the Giant's Garden. Stand on the shovel and fly over it to reach the hole in the clouds marked 'Exit,' and go down. exit You'll land on top of the water tower on Main Street, and behold… a pixellated flag! Fly over to it to grab the Signal Flag. Now go back to Early Poptropica. Returning the Items Go back to the pixellated man who said his pig was stolen. Talk to him, and the item "Prized Porker" will be removed from your inventory, and the man's pig will be returned. Now go to the pixellated man by the well. Talk to him, and the item "Water Bucket" will be removed from your inventory, and the well's bucket will be returned. Now go to the pixellated man who said the Early Poptropicans' flag was lost. Talk to him, and the item "Signal Flag" will be removed from your inventory, and the flag will be returned to the flagpole next to the man. Claiming Your Reward You've earned it. Now go get it. Climb down the rope near the man with the flag, and go right. There should be a boat at the very right with another pixellated person. Talk to the person on the boat, and he will reward you with a medallion! You can wear the medallion by going to your Early Poptropica Inventory and selecting the "Island Medallion" card, and clicking on "Put On." You will also be awarded credits which can be spent at the Poptropica Store. Congratulations!} \tn % Row Count 153 (+ 153) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}--} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{3.833cm}{p{0.3433 cm} p{0.3433 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{3.833cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Shark Tooth Island}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{3.833cm}}{First, go to Shark Tooth Island (if you are not already on it). You should be on Main Street. Move to the right and talk to the person wearing white and blue. He will give you a Shark Fin. You can go to your inventory and wear the fin, but note that this is optional – you do not have to wear the fin. Now keep moving right until you come across another man, this one wearing a pink flower necklace and a ukelele. Talk to him, and he will give you Carbonated Coconut Milk. Keep moving right until you see a sign that says "Ancient Ruins." Click on the sign to come to a grass road, move right again and you should be at the Ancient Ruins. (Remember that if you're not sure where you are, you can always check your Map!) Professor Hammerhead's Journal Page At the Ancient Ruins, move all the way to the right until you see a square-shaped rock. This rock is movable. Push it until you see a tree trunk next to you and the rock. Beware of the bouncing coconuts, as they will knock you over if bumped into! Now jump onto the square rock, then climb all the way up the dangling vine above. Land on the first wooden platform, and from there, hop onto the second wooden platform (the one above the first). On the second platform, jump to the left with all your might, and you should land on the roof of the temple. If you don't, just try again until you do. Once on the temple's roof, move around until you see a piece of paper lying on the surface. Walk over to it to pick it up. You should have acquired the Translation Key. This is the translation key from Professor Hammerhead's journal. In the Temple Temple Entrance Now jump off the roof and go inside the temple. You should now be on a small gray platform. Below you should be several other platforms like the one you are standing on. Jump down to the last platform at the bottom and click on the bottom of the gamescreen to go deeper into the temple. You should be standing on a small gray platform again. On the left, there should be a gray platform that swings. Wait for the swinging platform to come by, then jump on it. At the end of the ride there should be another small gray platform. Jump on that. Now jump down from that platform and you should land on another platform. On the platform you are currently on, move left and jump down to go onto another small platform, and from there, move right and jump down to the water. Swim left until you reach a stone block that you can't go past. Beware of the tiny purple bats, because they will knock you over if you bump into them! Nearby should be a wooden log floating in the water. Jump on that and then jump onto the stone block. Now jump into the water on the other side. Swim all the way to the left until you can't go any further. There should be a wooden log floating nearby. Jump on that and you should see a gray platform above you. Jump to that platform, and there should be a moving platform on the right. Wait for it to come by, and then hop onto it. In the middle of the ride, you should see a platform above you. Quickly jump on to that platform. Now you should see a swinging platform above you. When it comes by, quickly hop onto it. When it swings to the most left, jump off to land on a stone surface with a green thing on the wall. Now click on the green thing, and a code keypad will pop up. Use the translation key to help you figure out the code. The code is the word "OPEN," but with the symbols shown on the translation key. Once you enter the code, click on the triangle above, in between the circles. If the code you entered was wrong, the lights will flash red and you can try again. If the code you entered was correct, the lights will flash green and you can pass to the left. Temple Dungeon Now go left. You will appear in a tunnel. Go left again and you should appear in the Temple Dungeon. Jump onto the vine on the left. Climb all the way down the vine and plonk into the water. Swim all the way to the left, where you should find a statue with a huge caterpillar crawling around it. Climb up the statue until you reach the top of the statue. Beware of the caterpillar, which will knock you over if bumped into! There should be a swinging platform above; wait for it to come by and then hop on to it. When it swings to the left, you should see a platform there. Jump onto it, then jump onto the platform left of that. Jump down left of the spiky wall, and if there's still a hole to jump through, jump down that. If there isn't, that means you've jumped all the way down. Anyway, once you're all the way down, keep moving left until you obtain an Old Bone – by walking over to the bone in the skeleton. Now go back to the right side, where you should jump onto the nearest wooden log in the water. Above you there should be a long brown platform, jump on that. On the long platform, move all the way to the right, and jump on the statue again. Again, beware of the huge caterpillar! Now go back to the top of the statue and hop on to the swinging platform. Go back to the spiky wall, but this time, stay there. Wait for a moving platform to come by, and quickly hop onto it. Wait for the moving platform to go all the way to the left, where you should see another spiky wall. Hop onto the top of the spiky wall, and go left. Temple Treasure Room You will appear in a tunnel. Go left again and you should appear in the Temple Treasure Room. Jump onto the vine on the left. Climb all the way down the vine and land at the bottom. Run all the way to the left until you see a brown pot with some green stuff inside, on a stand. Leap over to it and grab the Key Ingredient! Now climb up the vine on your left and when you reach the top of the vine, land on the surface on the left. Now go up. Jump up the 3 platforms and go up. You should now be back on Main Street. The Medicine Man Go back to the Ancient Ruins. Once there, move all the way to the right until you see a sign that reads, "Booga Bay." Click on the sign to come to a grass road, move right again and you should be at Booga Bay. At Booga Bay you should see a man with brown hair and a spotty mustache. Talk to him, and he will give you a Grass Skirt. Go to your inventory and wear the grass skirt. Now go back to the Ancient Ruins. Push the movable square rock next to the tree trunk again. Now jump onto the square rock, then climb all the way up the dangling vine above. Land on the first wooden platform, and from there, hop onto the second wooden platform (the one above the first). Now climb up the vine to your right. Climb up the long vine again and jump onto the lower wooden platform with glass jugs on your left. From there, jump onto the wooden platform above the one you're currently standing on (which also has glass jugs), then climb up the vine to your left. Now hop on to the platform on the right of the vine (which has glass jugs on it also) and climb up the vine on your right and jump onto the last platform, the one with Medicine Man on it. Talk to him, and he will make a Calming Potion for you to feed the shark with. Now go back down to Booga Bay. Feeding the Shark Once you arrive on Booga Bay, go all the way to the right until you see a cannon. Click on the wheel on the left of the cannon, and the things on the gamescreen will look smaller, but you can now see the water and the cannon. Now click anywhere above the water. The Calming Potion will shoot out of the cannon and splash into the water. Wait and watch the shark consume the calming potion. Now you will be back in the normal view. The shark will be asleep forever and it is now safe to swim in the water. The Reward Now go to the right, and swim through the water (which is now safe because the shark is asleep). After a bit of swimming you should have arrived on some land with 2 coconut trees and a box marked "Fragile." Go right and you should be on Castaway Island. Run to the right and talk to the man wearing yellowish-brown clothes and a huge gray beard. Now run right again and talk to the boy in the white shirt. Now click on the boy again, and he and the man will follow you. Slowly guide them back to Booga Bay, past the waters and the cannon. You should see a woman wearing purple waiting at Booga Bay. Talk to her, and she will thank you for saving her son (the boy). Then the man with the huge beard will give you your reward, the "Island Medallion." You can wear it by going to your inventory, selecting the Island Medallion card, and clicking on "Put On." You'll also be awarded credits to spend at the Poptropica Store. Congratulations!} \tn % Row Count 173 (+ 173) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}--} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{3.833cm}{p{0.3433 cm} p{0.3433 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{3.833cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Time Tangled Island}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{3.833cm}}{First, go to Time Tangled Island (if you are not already on it). Walk to the right, and you will see a woman in front of the lab. Now, go inside Pendelum's Lab. Once inside, go all the way down the ramps and then go all the way to the left and push the big plug together. This will activate the Future Machine. Next, jump onto the plug, and then up again to where you see a blue light. Talk to the woman you met outside the lab, and she will give you a Mission Printout. After you receive the printout, you may read it by going to your inventory. Now, enter the blue light. You will appear in a dystopian world of either orange-brown or murky green color, with factory smoke and insects polluting the space. Go all the way to the left, where you will see an old man/woman (depending on whether your character is a boy or girl) that looks like your character. Talk to him/her, and he/she will introduce him/herself as you, but 50 years older. Ask if he/she can help you repair the past, ad he/she will give you an item which helps you travel though time – the Time Device. The time device is in your inventory now, but it can also be used by clicking on the time device icon now located at the bottom left corner of the game screen for easier access. Click on it use the time device. In order to save the future, you must travel to the different time periods of the past, find the missing artifact of another time period, and then return it to the original time period. You can do this in any order. Here's a quick look and what you need to give and get from each time period, but note that these are not the only items you'll need to find: Mt. Everest (1953): get Statuette of Liberty / give Goggles Statue of Liberty (1882): get Notebook / give Statuette of Liberty The Graff House (1776): get Salt Rocks / give Declaration of Independence Mali Empire (1387): get Declaration of Independence / give Salt Rocks Edison's Workshop (1877): get Piece of Stone / give Phonograph Aztec Empire (1519): get Goggles / give Piece of Stone Leonardo da Vinci (1516): get Peace Medal / give Notebook Lewis \& Clark Expedition (1805): get Stone Bowl / give Peace Medal Great Wall of China (1593): get Amulet / give Stone Bowl Vikings (831): get Golden Vase / give Amulet Ancient Greece (328 BC): get Phonograph / give Golden Vase Let's start by clicking on the icon of a man in a blue hood with black goggles. You can check which time in the past it is by looking in the middle of the time device. In this case, it is 1953 AD. The knob on the left will turn green. Press the knob to travel through the selected time! (Note: All the areas are in A.D. time, except Ancient Greece, which is in B.C.) Mount Everest, 1953 You will arrive in an icy area. Welcome to Mount Everest. Where you arrived, you should see that there is a place to walk on the right side. Keep following the "path" (you should easily be able to see which way you should go). After some jumping and climbing around, you should reach a dead end with a rope above you. Go up the rope. Now, you should have arrived on another icy platform. Move to the left, where you will see a man in a blue coat. Ask him why he's stopped there, and he will tell you he lost his climbing goggles. Move to his left and you will see some small icy platforms hanging above you. Keep jumping higher until you get to the last icy platform. You should see a rope hanging above you. Go up on it. Now you are on another icy platform. Move to the left, where you will see some small icy platforms hanging above you. Again, keep jumping higher until you get to the last icy platform. Beware of the falling icicles! Bumping into one will knock you over, which will slow you down. After a bit of jumping, you should arrive at another platform, covered in snow. Move to the right, and take the brown Statuette of Liberty. Now, click on the time travel device. Choose the icon with a man with brown hair and a moustache (1882 AD), and press the knob! Statue of Liberty, 1882 You should have arrived in a place with a lot of wood. This is the workplace where the Statue of Liberty was built. Go to the left, and enter the house marked "Gadget, Gauthier et Cie." Go to the right and talk to the man there. Choose the third chat option to give the man the Statuette of Liberty you got in Mount Everest. (To do this, tell him, "I found your study model!") When you give it to him, the time period (for 1882) will be repaired! Now exit the house. Go to the very left, where you will see a man next to a box and a barrel. Jump onto the box, then to the roof of the "Gadget, Gauthier et Cie" house. Move along the roof, and jump onto the chimney. Now jump onto the brown statue on the right. Then jump up to the wooden ledge above, then another ledge. Then jump to the left with all your might! When you've landed, you should have acquired a Notebook. If not, just try again until you do! The Graff House, 1776 Click on the time device again. This time, choose the icon of a man with a brown pigtail in his hair and is wearing a black hat (1776 AD). Move to the right, and try to avoid the hedgehogs as they will knock you over if bumped into. Soon you should arrive in front of the Graff House, a very huge red house. Jump up to the rooftop of the house (by using the window ledges). On the roof, look for the chimney with a bag of white rocks. Jump to it, and grab the Salt Rocks! Now use your Time Device and click on the woman with a pink turban on her head. Press the knob and you should be in the Mali Empire, 1387! Mali Empire (Timbuktu), 1387 You should be in some very brown surroundings. Move to the right until you pass by your second green bush. Above it thee should be a little ledge. Jump on it, then jump again onto the building on the left. There should be some green leaves platform above you, jump on that. Then jump to the building on the right, then to the building above the one you were just standing on. You should see a person with a white turban and blue robe there. Talk to the person and say, "I found your salt rocks!" The bag of salt rocks will be removed to your inventory (and given to that person you were talking to), and the Mali Empire's time period will be repaired. Now, jump back down to the building just below the Poptropican who you'd given the salt rocks to. There will be a snake there. Move all the way to the right, avoiding that snake (if you hit the snake, it will knock you over!). On the right you will see a small ledge above you made of little circles. Jump to that ledge, and you should see another ledge just like the one you are standing on. Jump to that one, too, and move to the right as much as possible without falling off. You should see a brown stump to your right. Jump to it, and hopefully you will land on the other side. If you don't, then try again. If you do, continue on with the next set of directions. Make sure you are at the very bottom. If you aren't, just jump down. You should see a buildng called "Timbuktu Inn" with a big door with round metals on it. Go inside the door. Once inside the inn, move to the right until you see a small silver ledge. Jump on it to jump to the big brown ledge at the top. Move around until you see a man wearing white. Talk to him, and you will be staring at a bunch of papers. The man will be talking to you on the bottom left corner. Click on him to move the dialogue along until he's done talking. Now a jigsaw puzzle will appear in front of you. Piece the puzzle together (It's not hard, and it only has 18 pieces!). The picture, when completed, should look like a king. When you're done, just click anywhere on the screen. He'll give you the Declaration of Independence! Now go back to the Graff House, 1776. Once there, move to the right, avoid the hedgehogs, and you should soon be in front of the Graff House, a big red house. Go inside. Once inside, move all the way to the right (until you can't go any further!), and jump onto the platform above you. There you should see a man with a black hat. He is Thomas Jefferson. Tell him, "I have the declaration!" The "Declaration of Independence" will be removed from your inventory, and will be given to Jefferson. The time period of 1776 will be repaired! Edison's Workshop, 1877 Now click on the time device again. Select the icon with a man with brown hair (1877 AD). Press the knob. You should have arrived in Edison's Workshop (check your map if you're not sure where you are!). Go to the far left side where you sould see a vehicle which sort of looks like a bicycle. Hop onto the vehicle. Click on the circle on top of the bigger wheel, and the vehicle will move! When it's stopped, make sure you are still on the vehicle; if not, jump on! Jump onto the branch above the vehicle, then jump to the branch above the branch you are already on. From there, hop onto the gray roof of Edison's workshop. Run along the roof until you see a colorful piece of stone on a chimney. Jump to it, and grab it! When you've landed, you should have acquired a Piece of Stone. If not, just try again until you do! Aztec Empire, 1519 AD Open up your time device again, and choose the icon of a person wearing a leaf hat. Press the knob. You should now be in the Aztec Empire. Move to the right until you see a long set of steps. Climb all the way up until you see 2 Aztec people. Talk to the one wearing a leaf hat like the one on the Aztecs' icon on the time device. Tell him you have the sun stone piece, and you will give him the "Piece of Stone" you found at Edison's workshop. The Aztec time period should be repaired. Now jump off the building with the long set of stairs and move to the right again. Stop when you have passed by a statue. Jump up to the top of the building next to the statue (not the one you jumped off of a while ago) until you see an old lady. Talk to her, and she will give you an Aztec Warrior Headdress. Put it on, then jump off the building. Now move to the left, and talk to the guard near the long set of steps. He will give you Goggles. (Make sure you have the Warrior Headdress on.) Open up your time device again, and go back to Mount Everest, 1953. Go back to Edmund, the man in the blue coat you met on Mount Everest. If you don't know the way, reread the instructions in the section above labeled "Mount Everest, 1953". Talk to Edmund and say to him, "I found your goggles!" The item "Goggles" will be transferred from your inventory to Edmund's eyes. The time period will be repaired. Leonardo da Vinci, 1516 Go to your time device, and select the icon of a man with a brown hat and gray beard. Press the knob, and you will be brought to 1516, Leonardo da Vinci's place! Once you get there, move all the way to the left until you see a sign that says "Leo's Workshop." Jump onto the sign, and then jump onto the big rock in front of it. From there, jump up the 3 stone ledges. On the third stone ledge, you will see some grass. Jump to the grass on the right, and keep moving right until you see another "Leo's Workshop" sign. Above it is a rocky thing, jump on it, then move to the right where you should be walking on a wooden platform. Stop when you see a gap. Then jump to the other side of the wooden platform. You should see a man there. Above the man is a small wooden platform, jump on that, then jump on the one above it. There should be a small swing-ish ride thing near the platform. Jump onto it, and you will ride halfway down the rope. When you stop moving, jump as far as you can to the top left corner, and you should land on another wooden platform, keep moving to the left to find a stone house. Enter through the door. Once inside, move to the left and jump on the platform there. From there, move to the left again until you see a rope. Climb up the rope, and jump down to land on the machine thing. Then hop on to the platform on the right, and keep moving right until you see a man wearing brown. He is Leonardo da Vinci (Leo). Talk to him, and tell him, "I found your notebook!" The notebook you found in 1882 (Statue of Liberty) will be given to him, and will disappear from your inventory. The time period will be repaired! But as a reward, Leo will give you a Glider! You can wear this and it will help you sort of float in the air. Put on the glider, and now leave Leo's workshop. Go back to where you found that man on one of the wooden ledges, and below him should be a silver medal, with a white glow around it to make it easier to find. Glide over to the silver medal, and if you were successful, you should have gained a Peace Medal. If you were't successful, keep trying until you get it! Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1805 Now go back to your Time Device. Select the icon of a man wearing a brown hat and brown hair with a pigtail in it. You should now be in 1805. Move all the way to the right until you see a tree. Jump up the first tree arm, then the second, and keep going until you reach the top of the tree. On the top, a beaver will pop up his head every few seconds with a stone bowl on his head. Reach up there and grab the Stone Bowl. Go back down to the ground, and move all the way to the right until you see Captain Meriwether Lewis, the person whose face was the icon of the 1805 time period on the time device. Talk to him, and tell him, "I found the peace medal!" The time period will be repaired. Great Wall of China, 1593 Open up your time device again, and choose the icon of a person wearing a gray helmet and black moustache. Press the knob. You should now be in the Great Wall of China. Move as much as you can to the right. Pick up the barrel you see there to take the Gunpowder. Now move to the left until you see the first wooden building structure you passed by a while ago. Jump up on the first ledge, and then the second one (with a Chinese person on it). Watch out for falling bricks, because they will knock you over if you crash into them! Now jump to the other side (right side). Above you should be another wooden platform (with 2 gray bricks), jump on that. Hop on to the wide gray ledge above, and go right until you see a Chinese man wearing fine red robes. Talk to him to play a memory game. To play, just look at the tile at the top. Then below it are 8 other tiles. Look for a tile among the 8 that is identical to the one on top. Then the man will shuffle the tiles. Keep track of where the identical tile is! When he's done shuffling, select the card out of the 8 that you think is the tile identical to the one on top. If you get it right, he will give you an Amulet. If you were wrong, you can keep trying as many times as you like to get the amulet. Also, if you've already gotten the amulet, you can still play the game (by talking to him again). Now move to the left, until you see another wooden structure on your left, above you. Jump to it, and move a bit more. You should see a rope. Grab hold of the rope, and then let go facing the left so that you are now standing on another wooden platform. Now move to the left, and jump off the platform (structure). Make sure you jump left. You should land on a gray wall. Move around the gray wall a bit until you see a man. Talk to him and tell him, "I have the stone bowl!" The item "Stone Bowl" will be transferred from your inventory to the Chinese man's possesion. The time period will be repaired. Vikings, 831 Use the time device again, and this time select the icon of the Viking (man with brown double pigtailed hair, wearing silver helmet). You should be on a Viking ship. Move all the way to the right until you enter land. Talk to the first Viking (yellow shirt, silver helmet, gray hair), and tell him, "I have your amulet!" The item "Amulet" will now be owned by the Viking, and it will be removed from your inventory.Time period repaired! Now move to the right and jump onto the long stone platform with some green on it. From there, jump onto the next one, then the last long stone platform. You shoud be in front of a cave with the entrance blocked by a bunch of rocks. Click on the rocks to use your "Gunpowder" on them. The entrance will be cleared, and you will lose your gunpowder. Now, enter the cave. You'll have about 30 seconds inside the cave to find the golden vase inside. Here's a map of the cave and the route you should take (S for Start; F for Finish). Thanks Fierce Moon! Viking cave After 30 seconds, the torch will burn out and you will have to try again if you want to get the vase. You can try as many times as you like, so don't worry if you don't get it the first time! (Hint: The golden vase is at the bottom of the cave. Avoid the water at the bottom. Don't take your time because if you don't move quickly, the torch will burn out, but don't be too quick because you don't want to make mistakes and go to the wrong parts of the cave!) Once you see the vase, go over to it to collect the Golden Vase. Ancient Greece (Delphi), 328 B.C. Now open up your time device, and choose the image of a soldier wearing a brown full helmet with red feathers on the top. Press the knob and you will be tranported to Ancient Greece, 328 B.C. Once there, move to the right and talk to the second soldier. Tell him, "I have the golden vase!" The item "Golden Vase" will be removed from your inventory, and it will be placed outside of the Treasury in Ancient Greece. The Treasury is the building the two soldier guards are standing in front of. The time period will be repaired. Now move to the right until you see another man. Near him should be a vase; jump on it. From there, jump onto the white statue next to the vase you are standing on. Then jump on top of the statue, and then jump to the top left corner. You should land on the roof of the Treasury. Move around the roof, and you should see Edison's Phonograph. Move to it to take it. From your inventory, you can click on the arrow sign on the phonograph item card to listen to Edison's actual voice singing Mary Had a Little Lamb. Now go back to Edison's Workshop, 1877. Once there, move along to the left, until you reach the entrance door to Edison's workshop. Enter it. Once inside Edison's workshop, move all the way to the left until you can't go any further. From there, hop on to a nearby table, and then jump onto the lightbulb line on top. Next, jump up to get to the long platform above. Move around until you see a man wearing a red vest. He is Thomas Edison. Talk to him and say, "I have your phonograph!" The item "Phonograph" will be transferred from your inventory to Edison's possesion. The time period will be repaired. Back to the Future Now that all the time periods have been repaired, go back to the present by opening your Time Device and choosing the word "LAB." Enter Pendelum's Lab, and enter the future again. (If you've forgotten how to get to the Future, read the sentences at the very top of this page.) You will now be in The Future! It's a really cool place here. Have some fun exploring it! When you're ready, follow the next set of instructions to learn how to claim your reward. Claiming the Reward Once you're in The Future, move all the way to the right. From there, fly up to the Monorail Stop by using the blue tube that will shoot you up there. Wait for the Monorail to arrive, and then get inside. Climb up the top of the Monorail when you reach the end, and it will shoot you up to a place near where the Hovering Platform is located. If you were landed on a blue building's platform, move to the left to find the Hovering Platform. If you were landed in a green grassy place, the Hovering Platform should be right next to you. The Hovering Platform is gray colored, and small. Hop onto it to go up. When it stops, that's where you get off. Jump onto the grass platform on your left, move left, and enter the blue tube there. You will now be in your Sky Home! At your Sky Home, move to the right until you come to a gap. Jump over the gap, and you should be on a similar platform to the one you were standing on, except that it was on the other side. Keep moving all the way to the right, and you should see someone there – it's you, only 50 years in the future! He/She will give you the quest reward, the Time Tangled Island Medallion and credits to spend in the Poptropica Store. Congratulations, you've saved the ages!!} \tn % Row Count 411 (+ 411) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}--} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{3.833cm}{p{0.3433 cm} p{0.3433 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{3.833cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{24 Carrot Island}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{3.833cm}}{Welcome to the dystopian world of 24 Carrot Island! (Fun fact: "24 Carrot" is a pun on "24 karat", meaning gold in its purest form.) Anyway, you'll land on Main Street. The first task is to return a missing cat (Whiskers) to her owner, Charlie. Whiskers the cat To find Whiskers, Charlie's cat, go left until you see a sign that says "Carrot Farm." Click on the sign to go there. Now, go left again and you will be at the Carrot Farm. Move a little to the left, and you should see a house with a door blocked with wooden planks. Jump up on the ledge near one of the house's windows, then up again onto the blue roof. On the roof, jump near the chimney, and click on the chimney to enter it. Now you are inside the house. Move to the right, where you will see a white Empty Bowl lying on the ground. Walk over to it to pick it up. Now leave the house by moving to the left and exiting by the red fireplace (which leads to the chimney you entered from a while ago). Exit the Carrot Farm. Back on Main Street, go inside the building labeled "Carrot King Diner." Move to the left, and talk to the lady with blonde hair holding a pitcher of milk. Ask her to help you fill your bowl with milk. The empty bowl will become a Bowl of Milk. Now go back to the Carrot Farm, and go inside the house where you found the milk again. There, you automatically will set the bowl down where you'd found it. Go all the way to the right, and climb up to the second floor by climbing up the black rope holding the light. On the second floor, go all the way to the left, until you reach the bath tub on the very left. Turn on one of the faucets, and Whiskers the cat will jump out of the bath. Now, herd (chase) the cat down to the bowl of milk which you set on the ground. Chasing the cat down is a bit hard, but don't give up! Once the cat drinks the milk, it will follow you. Slowly, guide the cat back to the store on Main Street called "Charlie's Carrot Surplus Co." Return Whiskers to Charlie, and Charlie will give you a Crowbar. Outside the Factory Go back to Main Street. Move all the way to the right until you see a sign that says, "Factory." Click on the sign to go to the factory. Go right again, and you should appear outside the carrot factory. Climb onto the roof of the factory, where you should see a blue scroll sticking out of the top window. Jump to it and grab the Vent Blueprints! They'll help you navigate the vent system inside. Now jump down, and you should see some red cans with a white skull on them. Jump on one of them, and near it should be a huge brownish-green pipe. Click on it to use your crowbar and pry open the pipe. You can now enter the factory! Click on the pipe again to enter it. Inside the Factory You should now be in the factory sewers. Move left and grab the colorful Carrot Transporter lying on the ground. You can use it to teleport yourself outside the factory. Above you should be a small ledge, jump on it. Now jump onto the platform to your right. Go across the red trapdoors, and avoid falling down. If you do, don't worry, just try again. Avoid the big brown rat by using the extra pipe above you. At the end of the pipe, go up. Master Engine Room You should have arrived in the master engine room. Pull the green master engine's middle lever down all the way, and pull the other levers only halfway. Now, climb up to a platform with a pyramid of barrels and a stack of boxes. Jump onto the stack of boxes, then wait until the claw comes around. When it arrives, jump onto the claw, but then jump onto the claw's top. If you stay on the bottom of the claw, you can fall through its hole, so be careful. Ride the claw all the way to the far right platform. Enter the open vent at the end. Vent System You are now in the vent system. Use the blueprint to help guide you to the Processing Room. Here's the full picture of the vent system schematic blueprint, courtesy of the Poptropica Wiki: vents Along the way, you should find some Wire Cutters. Pick them up. Then continue working your way to the Processing Room. Jump to the ground. Wait for the security system to automatically transport you to the Freezer. Freezer You should now be in the Freezer. (Remember, if you're not sure where you are, check your Blueprints.) Click a small metal box on the wall labeled "Security System". Use the wire cutters to cut all the wires. Climb up to a high platform to enter the vent system again. Use the blueprints to help you get to the Printer Room. Printer Room Now go back to the vent system and get to the Printer Room. At the Printer Room, make sure you avoid the falling crates, because they will knock you over if you bump into them! Now disable the mind-controlled drone near the printer by distracting her (ask what's behind her) and pressing the power button in the middle of her rabbot ears. She will give you a printout with the System Password on it – "fuzzybunny." Grab the paper and head back into the vent system, this time making your way to the Processing Room. Processing Room Now you're back in the Processing Room. Talk to all the mind-controlled people (choose the third option in the chat) to distact them so that you can press the power button in the middle of their rabbot ears. The mind-controlled people will now be free! Now, go over and click the big metal doors. You will fall down in a trap and land into the Smelter Room. Smelter Room You should now be in the Smelter Room. Jump down the red platform to land on a conveyor belt. Move to the far right end of the conveyor belt and jump up onto the pipe. Now jump on top of the machine and grab the rabbot Drone Ears. Go to your inventory and put them on. Now go back to the pipe and exit, and you'll be back in the Processing Room. Processing Room Make sure to have your rabbot Drone Ears on! When you do, go back over to the big metal doors and click on them. You should now be in the Rabbot Room. Rabbot Room Talk to Dr. Hare. Climb onto the giant rabbot and go to the right platform. Disable the mind-controlled drone there. Click on the computer to use it. Enter the password "fuzzybunny", then enter the command "launch rabbot". It's time to stop the evil Dr. Hare! Steer the rabbot into four meteors. When the rabbot hits the fourth meteor, it will be destroyed and Dr. Hare's plan will be foiled! You can climb the rope near the computer to exit, or use the Carrot Transporter to teleport yourself out of the carrot factory. With Dr. Hare out of the picture, the island can now return to its former splendor! Now, head back to Main Street and go all the way to the left. Talk to the mayor – he's the one wearing a black top hat. He'll give you your reward: the Island Medallion and credits to spend at the Store! Congratulations, you have completed 24 Carrot Island!} \tn % Row Count 138 (+ 138) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}--} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} % That's all folks \end{multicols*} \end{document}