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Switch to any value % from this page to resize cheat sheet text: % www.emerson.emory.edu/services/latex/latex_169.html \footnotesize % Small font. \begin{tabularx}{17.67cm}{X} \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{17.67cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Sever's Disease}} \tn \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{p{17.67cm}}{\vspace{1px}\centerline{\includegraphics[width=5.1cm]{/web/www.cheatography.com/public/uploads/siffi_1634589600_maxresdefault (1).jpg}}} \tn \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}-} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{17.67cm}{p{1.727 cm} p{1.727 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{17.67cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Introduction}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{17.67cm}}{- Painful inflammation of the cartilaginous growth at the site of the calceaneal tendon insertion} \tn % Row Count 2 (+ 2) % Row 1 \SetRowColor{white} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{17.67cm}}{- Children most likely to suffer from this due to the growth plate being 2-5 times weaker than in adults} \tn % Row Count 5 (+ 3) % Row 2 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{17.67cm}}{- Bone lengthens rapidly, soft tissues become tighter, produces strain on bony attachments} \tn % Row Count 7 (+ 2) % Row 3 \SetRowColor{white} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{17.67cm}}{- Calcaneal apophysis subjected to significant shear loads because of its vertical orientation and direction of pull from the gastrocsoleus} \tn % Row Count 10 (+ 3) % Row 4 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{17.67cm}}{- Commonly found in athletically active populations aged 8-14} \tn % Row Count 12 (+ 2) % Row 5 \SetRowColor{white} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{17.67cm}}{- Higher incidence in males} \tn % Row Count 13 (+ 1) % Row 6 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{17.67cm}}{- Can present bilaterally} \tn % Row Count 14 (+ 1) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}--} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{17.67cm}{p{1.727 cm} p{1.727 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{17.67cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Presentation}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{17.67cm}}{- Progressive posterior heel pain} \tn % Row Count 1 (+ 1) % Row 1 \SetRowColor{white} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{17.67cm}}{- Worse with activity (usually limps)} \tn % Row Count 2 (+ 1) % Row 2 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{17.67cm}}{- Better with rest} \tn % Row Count 3 (+ 1) % Row 3 \SetRowColor{white} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{17.67cm}}{- Pain upon palpation of achilles insertion and squeeze test (squeezing medial and lateral calcaneus)} \tn % Row Count 6 (+ 3) % Row 4 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{17.67cm}}{- Mild swelling might be present} \tn % Row Count 7 (+ 1) % Row 5 \SetRowColor{white} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{17.67cm}}{- Active plantar flexion and toe raises and passive dorsiflexion can be uncomfortable} \tn % Row Count 9 (+ 2) % Row 6 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{17.67cm}}{- Looks for gastro-soleus weakness, joint hypomobility, poor lower extremity biomechanics (excessive foot pronation), inappropriate or excessive training, improper footwear, running on hard surfaces and excessive weight} \tn % Row Count 14 (+ 5) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}--} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{17.67cm}{X} \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{17.67cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Imaging}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{17.67cm}}{- Rule out f\#, neoplasm, osteomyelitis, bone cysts, foreign bodies (ongoing pain, pain at rest, pain that wakes patient up, significant swelling, fever, constitutional symptoms, significant loss of subtalar motion} \tn % Row Count 5 (+ 5) % Row 1 \SetRowColor{white} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{17.67cm}}{- Can impact ADLs if left untreated} \tn % Row Count 6 (+ 1) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}-} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{17.67cm}{X} \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{17.67cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Management}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{17.67cm}}{- Ice (Pre and post sports)} \tn % Row Count 1 (+ 1) % Row 1 \SetRowColor{white} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{17.67cm}}{- NSAIDs} \tn % Row Count 2 (+ 1) % Row 2 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{17.67cm}}{- Myofascial release/stretching of calves} \tn % Row Count 3 (+ 1) % Row 3 \SetRowColor{white} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{17.67cm}}{- Orthotics (1/2 inch heel lifts - eases shear on calves)} \tn % Row Count 5 (+ 2) % Row 4 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{17.67cm}}{- Reduce frequency and intensity of exercise, limitation of running and jumping, cycling and swimming} \tn % Row Count 8 (+ 3) % Row 5 \SetRowColor{white} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{17.67cm}}{- Reassurance} \tn % Row Count 9 (+ 1) % Row 6 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{17.67cm}}{- When squeeze test is not painful - strengthen foot stabilisers and calves} \tn % Row Count 11 (+ 2) % Row 7 \SetRowColor{white} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{17.67cm}}{- Usually resolves within 2-8 weeks, if severe consider and CAM walking brace for 2-3 weeks} \tn % Row Count 13 (+ 2) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}-} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \end{document}