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Switch to any value % from this page to resize cheat sheet text: % www.emerson.emory.edu/services/latex/latex_169.html \footnotesize % Small font. \begin{multicols*}{2} \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{X} \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{How to Intialize an Variable}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{data\_type {\bf{(var\_name)}};} \tn % Row Count 1 (+ 1) % Row 1 \SetRowColor{white} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{data\_type {\bf{(var\_name)}} = initial\_value;} \tn % Row Count 2 (+ 1) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}-} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{x{4 cm} x{4 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Functions}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} {\bf{Syntax:}} & `{\emph{return\_type}} {\bf{(func\_name)}} ({\emph{datatype}} {\bf{name1}}, {\emph{datatype}} {\bf{name2}}, ...) \{ \{\{nl\}\} . \{\{nl\}\} . \{\{nl\}\} return {\emph{something}}; \{\{nl\}\} \}` \tn % Row Count 8 (+ 8) % Row 1 \SetRowColor{white} `int diff(int a, int b) \{\{\{nl\}\} return a - b; \{\{nl\}\}\} ` & A function that takes two integers and performs subtraction \tn % Row Count 11 (+ 3) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}--} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{x{4 cm} x{4 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{How to use Struct}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `struct (struct\_name) \{\{\{nl\}\} (datatype) name1;\{\{nl\}\} (datatype) name2; \{\{nl\}\} . \{\{nl\}\} \};` & A struct is a type of pointer. Similar to making a class. \tn % Row Count 6 (+ 6) % Row 1 \SetRowColor{white} `struct struct\_name (name) = \{ val1, val2, ..\};` & Initializes a struct with the following values \tn % Row Count 9 (+ 3) % Row 2 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `p-\textgreater{}x;` & The arrow can be used to access members of a struct. This code accesses x from a pointer struct called p. Equivalent to (*p).x \tn % Row Count 16 (+ 7) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}--} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{x{1.748 cm} x{2.964 cm} x{2.888 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{3}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{\textless{}stdio.h\textgreater{} and \textless{}string.h\textgreater{} functions}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \seqsplit{strlen(string)} & Counts the total char in a string & `char msg{[}{]} = "message"; \{\{nl\}\}printf("\%s", strlen(msg));\{\{nl\}\} // This code prints 7` \tn % Row Count 6 (+ 6) % Row 1 \SetRowColor{white} \seqsplit{strcat(string1}, string2) & Is used to join two strings together string1 adds the text of string2 to it & `char msg1{[}{]} = "My name is ";\{\{nl\}\}char msg2{[}{]} = "Vin";\{\{nl\}\}strcat(msg1, msg2);\{\{nl\}\}printf("\%s", msg1);\{\{nl\}\}//This code prints "My name is Vin" ` \tn % Row Count 16 (+ 10) % Row 2 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} strcmp() & Is used to tell if two strings are equal. Returns 0 if they are equal. Returns a non-zero value if they are not. & `char msg1{[}{]} = "xyz";\{\{nl\}\}char msg2{[}{]} = "xyz";\{\{nl\}\}int result = strcmp(msg1, msg2);\{\{nl\}\}printf("\%d", result);\{\{nl\}\}//This code prints 0 ` \tn % Row Count 26 (+ 10) % Row 3 \SetRowColor{white} strchr() & Is used to find first occurrence of a char in a string & `char{\emph{ word = "wolves";\{\{nl\}\}void}} res = strchr(word, 's');\{\{nl\}\}printf("\%s", res);\{\{nl\}\} //This code returns a pointer to s` \tn % Row Count 35 (+ 9) \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \vfill \columnbreak \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{x{1.748 cm} x{2.964 cm} x{2.888 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{3}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{\textless{}stdio.h\textgreater{} and \textless{}string.h\textgreater{} functions (cont)}} \tn % Row 4 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} strstr() & Is used to find first occurrence of a strin in a string & `char sent{[}{]} = "The world is cold";\{\{nl\}\}void* ptr = strstr(sent, "orl");\{\{nl\}\}if (sent != NULL) \{ \{\{nl\}\}printf("\%s", ptr);\{\{nl\}\}\}\{\{nl\}\}//This code prints if substring is found` \tn % Row Count 12 (+ 12) % Row 5 \SetRowColor{white} strcpy() & One string copies another & `char msg{[}{]} = "Jim";\{\{nl\}\}char* nmsg = \seqsplit{malloc(strlen(msg)} * sizeof(char));\{\{nl\}\}strcpy(nmsg, msg);\{\{nl\}\}printf("\%s\textbackslash{}n", nmsg);\{\{nl\}\}//This code prints "Jim", nmsg was changed` \tn % Row Count 24 (+ 12) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}---} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{p{0.76 cm} x{4.712 cm} x{2.128 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{3}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{DataTypes}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} char & refers to characters or strings & Ex. "car", 'c' \tn % Row Count 2 (+ 2) % Row 1 \SetRowColor{white} int & refers to an integer & Ex. 1, 2, 390 \tn % Row Count 4 (+ 2) % Row 2 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} float & refers to a decimal, up to 6 digits & Ex. 1.909034 \tn % Row Count 6 (+ 2) % Row 3 \SetRowColor{white} \seqsplit{double} & refers to a decimal, up to 15 digits & Ex. \seqsplit{1.9090341111} \tn % Row Count 8 (+ 2) % Row 4 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} void & Empty & \tn % Row Count 9 (+ 1) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}---} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{x{3.92 cm} x{4.08 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Pointers}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} {\bf{Description:}} & A variable that stores another variables address \tn % Row Count 3 (+ 3) % Row 1 \SetRowColor{white} `*` & The Dereference Operator:access the value stored at the address a pointer is pointing to \tn % Row Count 8 (+ 5) % Row 2 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `\&` & The Address Operator: It is used to get the memory address of a variable. \tn % Row Count 12 (+ 4) % Row 3 \SetRowColor{white} `int num = 6; \{\{nl\}\} int *ptr = \#` & Return the address of num to ptr, and then dereference it. Essentially creating a pointer \tn % Row Count 17 (+ 5) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}--} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{x{1.6 cm} x{6.4 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Loops}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} for Loop & `for (int x = 0; x \textless{} 5; x++) \{ /{\emph{body}}/ \};` \tn % Row Count 2 (+ 2) % Row 1 \SetRowColor{white} while Loop & `while (x\textless{}5) \{ /{\emph{body}}/ \}; ` \tn % Row Count 4 (+ 2) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}--} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{x{4.8 cm} x{3.2 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{How to use malloc()}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{Allocates space in memory of a specific block size. Returns a void pointer if successful. Remember to free the pointer when done.} \tn % Row Count 3 (+ 3) % Row 1 \SetRowColor{white} `int{\emph{ nums = malloc(sizeof(int) }} 10); ` & Creates an array of size 10 \tn % Row Count 5 (+ 2) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}--} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{x{4 cm} x{4 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{How to use realloc()}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{Re-allocated space of a given malloc() block space, will preserve data that's already there as long the new space is not smaller} \tn % Row Count 3 (+ 3) % Row 1 \SetRowColor{white} `int* arr = malloc(5 * sizeof(int));\{\{nl\}\}arr = realloc(arr, 10 * sizeof(int));` & The array that was created with malloc() is increased to be able to contain 5 more elements using realloc() \tn % Row Count 9 (+ 6) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}--} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{x{2.72 cm} x{5.28 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Arrays}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} {\bf{Syntax:}} & {\emph{(datatype)}} {\bf{(var\_name)}}{[}{]} \tn % Row Count 2 (+ 2) % Row 1 \SetRowColor{white} int arr{[}10{]}; & An integer array with space for 10 integers \tn % Row Count 4 (+ 2) % Row 2 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} int nums{[}{]} = \{1,2\}; & An integer array with elements declared \tn % Row Count 6 (+ 2) % Row 3 \SetRowColor{white} int arr{[}5{]} = \{0\}; & An integer array of all zeroes \tn % Row Count 8 (+ 2) % Row 4 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} int arr3{[}5{]} = \{1, 2\}; & An integer array, first two elements are set, others are 0 \tn % Row Count 11 (+ 3) % Row 5 \SetRowColor{white} char word{[}{]} = "Hello" & A char array which is basically a string \tn % Row Count 13 (+ 2) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}--} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{x{1.216 cm} x{3.496 cm} x{2.888 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{3}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Format Specifiers}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \%c & Used for character data & char \tn % Row Count 2 (+ 2) % Row 1 \SetRowColor{white} \%d & Used for signed integer data & int \tn % Row Count 4 (+ 2) % Row 2 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \%u & Used for unsigned integer data & unsigned int \tn % Row Count 6 (+ 2) % Row 3 \SetRowColor{white} \%f or \seqsplit{\%.(num)f} & Used for float or double, can insert a number before "f" for precision & float or double \tn % Row Count 10 (+ 4) % Row 4 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \%s & Used for string data & char (string){[}{]} or char* (string) \tn % Row Count 13 (+ 3) % Row 5 \SetRowColor{white} \%p & Used for printing the address of a pointer & void *(pointer) \tn % Row Count 16 (+ 3) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}---} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{x{1.596 cm} x{2.964 cm} x{3.04 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{3}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Importing files}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{3}{x{8.4cm}}{To import files use {\emph{\#include ...}} at the top of the file, these are .h files} \tn % Row Count 2 (+ 2) % Row 1 \SetRowColor{white} \mymulticolumn{3}{x{8.4cm}}{Use \textless{} ... \textgreater{} if importing from standard c librarby} \tn % Row Count 3 (+ 1) % Row 2 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{3}{x{8.4cm}}{Use " ... " if importing your personal file} \tn % Row Count 4 (+ 1) % Row 3 \SetRowColor{white} \seqsplit{`\#include} \textless{}stdio.h\textgreater{}` & Standard Input Output library & printf(); scanf(); \tn % Row Count 7 (+ 3) % Row 4 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \seqsplit{`\#include} \textless{}string.h\textgreater{}` & A library with sting manipulation functions & strlen(); strcpy(); strcat(); memcpy(); memset(); \tn % Row Count 11 (+ 4) % Row 5 \SetRowColor{white} \seqsplit{`\#include} \textless{}stdlib.h\textgreater{}` & Standard Library & malloc(); realloc(); free(); rand(); \tn % Row Count 14 (+ 3) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}---} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} % That's all folks \end{multicols*} \end{document}