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Would be lovely. \usepackage[normalem]{ulem} % For underlining links % Most of the following are not required for the majority % of cheat sheets but are needed for some symbol support. \usepackage{amsmath} % Symbols \usepackage{MnSymbol} % Symbols \usepackage{wasysym} % Symbols %\usepackage[english,german,french,spanish,italian]{babel} % Languages % Document Info \author{Rice (ricetotherescue)} \pdfinfo{ /Title (converting-recipes-to-microwave-recipes.pdf) /Creator (Cheatography) /Author (Rice (ricetotherescue)) /Subject (Converting Recipes to Microwave Recipes Cheat Sheet) } % Lengths and widths \addtolength{\textwidth}{6cm} \addtolength{\textheight}{-1cm} \addtolength{\hoffset}{-3cm} \addtolength{\voffset}{-2cm} \setlength{\tabcolsep}{0.2cm} % Space between columns \setlength{\headsep}{-12pt} % Reduce space between header and content \setlength{\headheight}{85pt} % If less, LaTeX automatically increases it \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt} % Remove footer line \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % Remove header line \renewcommand{\seqinsert}{\ifmmode\allowbreak\else\-\fi} % Hyphens in seqsplit % This two commands together give roughly % the right line height in the tables \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3} \onehalfspacing % Commands \newcommand{\SetRowColor}[1]{\noalign{\gdef\RowColorName{#1}}\rowcolor{\RowColorName}} % Shortcut for row colour \newcommand{\mymulticolumn}[3]{\multicolumn{#1}{>{\columncolor{\RowColorName}}#2}{#3}} % For coloured multi-cols \newcolumntype{x}[1]{>{\raggedright}p{#1}} % New column types for ragged-right paragraph columns \newcommand{\tn}{\tabularnewline} % Required as custom column type in use % Font and Colours \definecolor{HeadBackground}{HTML}{333333} \definecolor{FootBackground}{HTML}{666666} \definecolor{TextColor}{HTML}{333333} \definecolor{DarkBackground}{HTML}{785BA3} \definecolor{LightBackground}{HTML}{F6F4F9} \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} \color{TextColor} % Header and Footer \pagestyle{fancy} \fancyhead{} % Set header to blank \fancyfoot{} % Set footer to blank \fancyhead[L]{ \noindent \begin{multicols}{3} \begin{tabulary}{5.8cm}{C} \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \vspace{-7pt} {\parbox{\dimexpr\textwidth-2\fboxsep\relax}{\noindent \hspace*{-6pt}\includegraphics[width=5.8cm]{/web/www.cheatography.com/public/images/cheatography_logo.pdf}} } \end{tabulary} \columnbreak \begin{tabulary}{11cm}{L} \vspace{-2pt}\large{\bf{\textcolor{DarkBackground}{\textrm{Converting Recipes to Microwave Recipes Cheat Sheet}}}} \\ \normalsize{by \textcolor{DarkBackground}{Rice (ricetotherescue)} via \textcolor{DarkBackground}{\uline{cheatography.com/25535/cs/6717/}}} \end{tabulary} \end{multicols}} \fancyfoot[L]{ \footnotesize \noindent \begin{multicols}{3} \begin{tabulary}{5.8cm}{LL} \SetRowColor{FootBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{p{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Cheatographer}} \\ \vspace{-2pt}Rice (ricetotherescue) \\ \uline{cheatography.com/ricetotherescue} \\ \end{tabulary} \vfill \columnbreak \begin{tabulary}{5.8cm}{L} \SetRowColor{FootBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{p{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Cheat Sheet}} \\ \vspace{-2pt}Not Yet Published.\\ Updated 12th May, 2016.\\ Page {\thepage} of \pageref{LastPage}. \end{tabulary} \vfill \columnbreak \begin{tabulary}{5.8cm}{L} \SetRowColor{FootBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{p{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Sponsor}} \\ \SetRowColor{white} \vspace{-5pt} %\includegraphics[width=48px,height=48px]{dave.jpeg} Measure your website readability!\\ www.readability-score.com \end{tabulary} \end{multicols}} \begin{document} \raggedright \raggedcolumns % Set font size to small. Switch to any value % from this page to resize cheat sheet text: % www.emerson.emory.edu/services/latex/latex_169.html \footnotesize % Small font. \begin{tabularx}{17.67cm}{x{5.061 cm} x{5.3984 cm} x{6.4106 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{3}{x{17.67cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Temperature Conversion Chart}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} Microwave Power & Stove-Top & Oven (in degrees F) \tn % Row Count 2 (+ 2) % Row 1 \SetRowColor{white} 100\% & High or Deep Fry & 425-500 \tn % Row Count 4 (+ 2) % Row 2 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} 70\% & Medium High & 350 \tn % Row Count 5 (+ 1) % Row 3 \SetRowColor{white} 50\% & Medium & 300 \tn % Row Count 6 (+ 1) % Row 4 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} 25-30\% & Low & 225 \tn % Row Count 7 (+ 1) % Row 5 \SetRowColor{white} 10\% & Warm/Simmer & 150 \tn % Row Count 8 (+ 1) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}---} \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{3}{x{17.67cm}}{Source: \seqsplit{http://www.grpbenefits.net/New/conventionalconversion.htm}} \tn \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}---} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{17.67cm}{X} \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{17.67cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Rules to Follow}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{17.67cm}}{Cut back on the least rich liquid ingredient by 20-25\% (usually this is the water). This is because there is no dry hot air in the microwave to evaporate the extra liquid.} \tn % Row Count 4 (+ 4) % Row 1 \SetRowColor{white} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{17.67cm}}{Cut back on spices and sauces 20-25\%. For the same reason as rule \#1.} \tn % Row Count 6 (+ 2) % Row 2 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{17.67cm}}{Anything with leavening (such as baking powder, baking soda, etc.) {\bf{needs to rest for a couple of minutes after mixing}} (this is very important).} \tn % Row Count 9 (+ 3) % Row 3 \SetRowColor{white} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{17.67cm}}{Keep food uniform in size and keep it level.} \tn % Row Count 10 (+ 1) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}-} \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{17.67cm}}{Source: \seqsplit{http://www.grpbenefits.net/New/conventionalconversion.htm}} \tn \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}-} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{17.67cm}{X} \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{17.67cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Time Conversion from Oven to Microwave}} \tn \SetRowColor{white} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{17.67cm}}{(Time in Recipe for Oven) / 4 = Time in Recipe for Microwave% Row Count 2 (+ 2) } \tn \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}-} \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{17.67cm}}{This is a general rule of thumb and is not exact. You may find that you need more time than the converted time for the microwave. Monitor your food in the microwave and adjust the time accordingly. Remember to write down what time was best. \newline \newline Keep in mind too that the food cooks 20-25\% more after it's been taken out of the microwave. Pull the food out while it's slightly undercooked so that it won't overcook once you've taken it out.} \tn \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}-} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \end{document}