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%\usepackage{opensans}          % Can't make this work so far. Shame. Would be lovely.
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% Most of the following are not required for the majority
% of cheat sheets but are needed for some symbol support.
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%\usepackage[english,german,french,spanish,italian]{babel}              % Languages

% Document Info
\author{Daedweorc (daedweorc)}
  /Title (basic-brazilian-portuguese-vocabulary.pdf)
  /Creator (Cheatography)
  /Author (Daedweorc (daedweorc))
  /Subject (Basic Brazilian Portuguese Vocabulary Cheat Sheet)

% Lengths and widths
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% Commands
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% Font and Colours

% Header and Footer
\fancyhead{} % Set header to blank
\fancyfoot{} % Set footer to blank
    \vspace{-2pt}\large{\bf{\textcolor{DarkBackground}{\textrm{Basic Brazilian Portuguese Vocabulary Cheat Sheet}}}} \\
    \normalsize{by \textcolor{DarkBackground}{Daedweorc (daedweorc)} via \textcolor{DarkBackground}{\uline{cheatography.com/205154/cs/43760/}}}

\fancyfoot[L]{ \footnotesize
  \mymulticolumn{2}{p{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Cheatographer}}  \\
  \vspace{-2pt}Daedweorc (daedweorc) \\
  \uline{cheatography.com/daedweorc} \\
  \mymulticolumn{1}{p{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Cheat Sheet}}  \\
   \vspace{-2pt}Not Yet Published.\\
   Updated 11th August, 2024.\\
   Page {\thepage} of \pageref{LastPage}.
  \mymulticolumn{1}{p{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Sponsor}}  \\
  Measure your website readability!\\


% Set font size to small. Switch to any value
% from this page to resize cheat sheet text:
% www.emerson.emory.edu/services/latex/latex_169.html
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\begin{tabularx}{5.377cm}{x{2.83689 cm} x{2.14011 cm} }
\mymulticolumn{2}{x{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Personal Pronouns}}  \tn
% Row 0
I & Eu \tn 
% Row Count 1 (+ 1)
% Row 1
You & Você/Tu \tn 
% Row Count 2 (+ 1)
% Row 2
He & Ele \tn 
% Row Count 3 (+ 1)
% Row 3
She & Ela \tn 
% Row Count 4 (+ 1)
% Row 4
We & Nós \tn 
% Row Count 5 (+ 1)
% Row 5
You (plural) & Vocês \tn 
% Row Count 6 (+ 1)
% Row 6
They & Eles/Elas \tn 
% Row Count 7 (+ 1)
\mymulticolumn{2}{x{5.377cm}}{{\emph{In Portuguese, there isn't a neuter pronoun such as 'it'. \newline }}*In Portuguese of Portugal, people generally use 'vós' instead of 'vocês'.}  \tn 

\begin{tabularx}{5.377cm}{x{2.28942 cm} x{2.68758 cm} }
\mymulticolumn{2}{x{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Drinks}}  \tn
% Row 0
Water & Água \tn 
% Row Count 1 (+ 1)
% Row 1
Ice cube & Cubo de gelo \tn 
% Row Count 2 (+ 1)
% Row 2
Coffee & Café \tn 
% Row Count 3 (+ 1)
% Row 3
Steam & Vapor \tn 
% Row Count 4 (+ 1)
% Row 4
Tea & Chá \tn 
% Row Count 5 (+ 1)
% Row 5
Coke & Coca-cola \tn 
% Row Count 6 (+ 1)
% Row 6
Soda & Refrigerante \tn 
% Row Count 7 (+ 1)
% Row 7
Soft drink & Refrigerante \tn 
% Row Count 8 (+ 1)
% Row 8
Milkshake & Milkshake \tn 
% Row Count 9 (+ 1)
% Row 9
Alcoholic drinks & Bebidas alcoólicas \tn 
% Row Count 10 (+ 1)
% Row 10
Wine & Vinho \tn 
% Row Count 11 (+ 1)
% Row 11
Beer & Cerveja \tn 
% Row Count 12 (+ 1)
% Row 12
Cocktail & Coquetel \tn 
% Row Count 13 (+ 1)

\begin{tabularx}{5.377cm}{x{2.88666 cm} x{2.09034 cm} }
\mymulticolumn{2}{x{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Countries}}  \tn
% Row 0
Brazil & Brasil \tn 
% Row Count 1 (+ 1)
% Row 1
United States & Estados Unidos \tn 
% Row Count 2 (+ 1)
% Row 2
United Kingdom (UK) & Reino Unido \tn 
% Row Count 3 (+ 1)
% Row 3
Portugal & Portugal \tn 
% Row Count 4 (+ 1)
% Row 4
Canada & Canadá \tn 
% Row Count 5 (+ 1)
% Row 5
Argentina & Argentina \tn 
% Row Count 6 (+ 1)
% Row 6
Chile & Chile \tn 
% Row Count 7 (+ 1)
% Row 7
France & França \tn 
% Row Count 8 (+ 1)
% Row 8
Italy & Itália \tn 
% Row Count 9 (+ 1)
% Row 9
Germany & Alemanha \tn 
% Row Count 10 (+ 1)
% Row 10
China & China \tn 
% Row Count 11 (+ 1)
% Row 11
Morocco & Marrocos \tn 
% Row Count 12 (+ 1)
% Row 12
Israel & Israel \tn 
% Row Count 13 (+ 1)

\begin{tabularx}{5.377cm}{x{1.9908 cm} x{2.9862 cm} }
\mymulticolumn{2}{x{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Nationalities}}  \tn
% Row 0
I'm Brazilian. & Eu sou brasileiro(a). \tn 
% Row Count 1 (+ 1)
% Row 1
American & Estadunidense \tn 
% Row Count 2 (+ 1)
% Row 2
Swedish & Sueco(a) \tn 
% Row Count 3 (+ 1)
% Row 3
Ukrainian & Ucraniano(a) \tn 
% Row Count 4 (+ 1)
% Row 4
Mozambican & Moçambicano(a) \tn 
% Row Count 5 (+ 1)
% Row 5
Dutch & Neerlandês \tn 
% Row Count 6 (+ 1)
% Row 6
New Zealand & Neozelandês \tn 
% Row Count 7 (+ 1)
% Row 7
Polish & Polonês/polaco(a) \tn 
% Row Count 8 (+ 1)
% Row 8
Irish & Irlandês \tn 
% Row Count 9 (+ 1)

\begin{tabularx}{5.377cm}{x{2.43873 cm} x{2.53827 cm} }
\mymulticolumn{2}{x{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Greetings \& Others}}  \tn
% Row 0
Hi! & Oi! \tn 
% Row Count 1 (+ 1)
% Row 1
Hello! & Olá! \tn 
% Row Count 2 (+ 1)
% Row 2
Good morning & Bom dia \tn 
% Row Count 3 (+ 1)
% Row 3
Good afternoon & Boa tarde \tn 
% Row Count 4 (+ 1)
% Row 4
Good evening & Boa noite \tn 
% Row Count 5 (+ 1)
% Row 5
How are you? & Como você está? \tn 
% Row Count 6 (+ 1)
% Row 6
How are you doing? & Como você está? \tn 
% Row Count 7 (+ 1)
% Row 7
Goodbye & Tchau \tn 
% Row Count 8 (+ 1)
% Row 8
Bye-bye & Tchau-tchau \tn 
% Row Count 9 (+ 1)
% Row 9
Have a nice day & Tenha um ótimo dia \tn 
% Row Count 10 (+ 1)
% Row 10
Good night & Boa noite \tn 
% Row Count 11 (+ 1)
% Row 11
Take care & Se cuida \tn 
% Row Count 12 (+ 1)
% Row 12
Have fun & Se divirta(m) \tn 
% Row Count 13 (+ 1)

\begin{tabularx}{5.377cm}{x{1.44333 cm} x{3.53367 cm} }
\mymulticolumn{2}{x{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Medicine \& Emergency}}  \tn
% Row 0
Ambulance & Ambulância \tn 
% Row Count 1 (+ 1)
% Row 1
Bandage & Atadura \tn 
% Row Count 2 (+ 1)
% Row 2
Band-aid & Curativo \tn 
% Row Count 3 (+ 1)
% Row 3
Cane & Bengala \tn 
% Row Count 4 (+ 1)
% Row 4
Capsule & Cápsula \tn 
% Row Count 5 (+ 1)
% Row 5
Crutches & Muletas \tn 
% Row Count 6 (+ 1)
% Row 6
Dentist & Dentista \tn 
% Row Count 7 (+ 1)
% Row 7
Dentures & Dentaduras \tn 
% Row Count 8 (+ 1)
% Row 8
Doctor & Médico \tn 
% Row Count 9 (+ 1)
% Row 9
Fist-aid kit & Kit de primeiros-socorros \tn 
% Row Count 11 (+ 2)
% Row 10
Glasses & Óculos \tn 
% Row Count 12 (+ 1)
% Row 11
Nurse & Enfermeira \tn 
% Row Count 13 (+ 1)
% Row 12
Paramedic & Paramédico \tn 
% Row Count 14 (+ 1)
% Row 13
Pills & Pílulas \tn 
% Row Count 15 (+ 1)
% Row 14
Poison & Veneno \tn 
% Row Count 16 (+ 1)
% Row 15
\seqsplit{Psychologist} & Psicólogo \tn 
% Row Count 18 (+ 2)
% Row 16
Scalpel & Bisturi \tn 
% Row Count 19 (+ 1)
% Row 17
\seqsplit{Stethoscope} & Estetoscópio \tn 
% Row Count 20 (+ 1)
% Row 18
Stretcher & Maca \tn 
% Row Count 21 (+ 1)
% Row 19
Sunglasses & Óculos de sol/óculos escuro \tn 
% Row Count 23 (+ 2)
% Row 20
Surgeon & Cirurgião \tn 
% Row Count 24 (+ 1)
% Row 21
Syringe & Seringa \tn 
% Row Count 25 (+ 1)
% Row 22
Tablet & Comprimido \tn 
% Row Count 26 (+ 1)
% Row 23
\seqsplit{Thermometer} & Termômetro \tn 
% Row Count 27 (+ 1)
% Row 24
Wheelchair & Cadeira de rodas \tn 
% Row Count 28 (+ 1)
% Row 25
X-ray & Raio-X \tn 
% Row Count 29 (+ 1)

\begin{tabularx}{5.377cm}{x{1.79172 cm} x{3.18528 cm} }
\mymulticolumn{2}{x{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Body (2)}}  \tn
% Row 0
Arteries & Artérias \tn 
% Row Count 1 (+ 1)
% Row 1
Blood & Sangue \tn 
% Row Count 2 (+ 1)
% Row 2
Bones & Ossos \tn 
% Row Count 3 (+ 1)
% Row 3
Brain & Cérebro \tn 
% Row Count 4 (+ 1)
% Row 4
Jaw & Mandíbula \tn 
% Row Count 5 (+ 1)
% Row 5
Kidney & Rim \tn 
% Row Count 6 (+ 1)
% Row 6
Lungs & Pulmões \tn 
% Row Count 7 (+ 1)
% Row 7
Skeleton & Esqueleto \tn 
% Row Count 8 (+ 1)
% Row 8
Skull & Crânio \tn 
% Row Count 9 (+ 1)
% Row 9
Spine & Espinha dorsal \tn 
% Row Count 10 (+ 1)
% Row 10
Backbone & Coluna \tn 
% Row Count 11 (+ 1)
% Row 11
Teeth & Dentes \tn 
% Row Count 12 (+ 1)
% Row 12
Tooth & Dente \tn 
% Row Count 13 (+ 1)
% Row 13
Veins & Veias \tn 
% Row Count 14 (+ 1)

\begin{tabularx}{5.377cm}{x{1.9908 cm} x{2.9862 cm} }
\mymulticolumn{2}{x{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Body}}  \tn
% Row 0
Ankle & Tornozelo \tn 
% Row Count 1 (+ 1)
% Row 1
Arm & Braço \tn 
% Row Count 2 (+ 1)
% Row 2
Back & Costas \tn 
% Row Count 3 (+ 1)
% Row 3
Butt & Bumbum/Nádegas \tn 
% Row Count 4 (+ 1)
% Row 4
Chest & Tórax \tn 
% Row Count 5 (+ 1)
% Row 5
Elbow & Cotovelo \tn 
% Row Count 6 (+ 1)
% Row 6
Finger & Dedo \tn 
% Row Count 7 (+ 1)
% Row 7
Fingernail & Unha \tn 
% Row Count 8 (+ 1)
% Row 8
Feet & Pés \tn 
% Row Count 9 (+ 1)
% Row 9
Foot & Pé \tn 
% Row Count 10 (+ 1)
% Row 10
Head & Cabeça \tn 
% Row Count 11 (+ 1)
% Row 11
Hip & Quadril \tn 
% Row Count 12 (+ 1)
% Row 12
Knee & Joelho \tn 
% Row Count 13 (+ 1)
% Row 13
Leg & Perna \tn 
% Row Count 14 (+ 1)
% Row 14
Neck & Pescoço \tn 
% Row Count 15 (+ 1)
% Row 15
Shoulder & Ombro \tn 
% Row Count 16 (+ 1)
% Row 16
Stomach & Estômago \tn 
% Row Count 17 (+ 1)
% Row 17
Toes & Dedos dos pés \tn 
% Row Count 18 (+ 1)
% Row 18
Wrist & Pulso \tn 
% Row Count 19 (+ 1)

\begin{tabularx}{5.377cm}{x{2.23965 cm} x{2.73735 cm} }
\mymulticolumn{2}{x{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Face}}  \tn
% Row 0
Beard & Barba \tn 
% Row Count 1 (+ 1)
% Row 1
Cheek & Bochecha \tn 
% Row Count 2 (+ 1)
% Row 2
Chin & Queixo \tn 
% Row Count 3 (+ 1)
% Row 3
Ear & Ouvido \tn 
% Row Count 4 (+ 1)
% Row 4
Eye & Olho \tn 
% Row Count 5 (+ 1)
% Row 5
Eyebrow & Sobrancelha \tn 
% Row Count 6 (+ 1)
% Row 6
Forehead & Testa \tn 
% Row Count 7 (+ 1)
% Row 7
Hair & Cabelo \tn 
% Row Count 8 (+ 1)
% Row 8
Lip & Lábio \tn 
% Row Count 9 (+ 1)
% Row 9
Moustache & Bigode \tn 
% Row Count 10 (+ 1)
% Row 10
Mouth & Boca \tn 
% Row Count 11 (+ 1)
% Row 11
Nose & Nariz \tn 
% Row Count 12 (+ 1)
% Row 12
Tongue & Língua \tn 
% Row Count 13 (+ 1)

\begin{tabularx}{5.377cm}{x{2.73735 cm} x{2.23965 cm} }
\mymulticolumn{2}{x{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Numbers}}  \tn
% Row 0
Zero & Zero \tn 
% Row Count 1 (+ 1)
% Row 1
One & Um \tn 
% Row Count 2 (+ 1)
% Row 2
Two & Dois \tn 
% Row Count 3 (+ 1)
% Row 3
Three & Três \tn 
% Row Count 4 (+ 1)
% Row 4
Four & Quatro \tn 
% Row Count 5 (+ 1)
% Row 5
Five & Cinco \tn 
% Row Count 6 (+ 1)
% Row 6
Six & Seis \tn 
% Row Count 7 (+ 1)
% Row 7
Seven & Sete \tn 
% Row Count 8 (+ 1)
% Row 8
Eight & Oito \tn 
% Row Count 9 (+ 1)
% Row 9
Nine & Nove \tn 
% Row Count 10 (+ 1)
% Row 10
Ten & Dez \tn 
% Row Count 11 (+ 1)
% Row 11
Eleven & Onze \tn 
% Row Count 12 (+ 1)
% Row 12
Twelve & Doze \tn 
% Row Count 13 (+ 1)
% Row 13
Thirteen & Treze \tn 
% Row Count 14 (+ 1)
% Row 14
Fourteen & Catorze \tn 
% Row Count 15 (+ 1)
% Row 15
Fifteen & Quinze \tn 
% Row Count 16 (+ 1)
% Row 16
Sixteen & Dezesseis \tn 
% Row Count 17 (+ 1)
% Row 17
Seventeen & Dezesete \tn 
% Row Count 18 (+ 1)
% Row 18
Eighteen & Dezoito \tn 
% Row Count 19 (+ 1)
% Row 19
Nineteen & Dezenove \tn 
% Row Count 20 (+ 1)
% Row 20
Twenty & Vinte \tn 
% Row Count 21 (+ 1)
% Row 21
Thirty & Trinta \tn 
% Row Count 22 (+ 1)
% Row 22
Forty & Quarenta \tn 
% Row Count 23 (+ 1)
% Row 23
Fifty & Cinquenta \tn 
% Row Count 24 (+ 1)
% Row 24
Sixty & Sessenta \tn 
% Row Count 25 (+ 1)
% Row 25
Seventy & Setenta \tn 
% Row Count 26 (+ 1)
% Row 26
Eighty & Oitenta \tn 
% Row Count 27 (+ 1)
% Row 27
Ninety & Noventa \tn 
% Row Count 28 (+ 1)
% Row 28
One hundred & Cem \tn 
% Row Count 29 (+ 1)
% Row 29
One thousand & Um mil \tn 
% Row Count 30 (+ 1)

\begin{tabularx}{5.377cm}{x{2.73735 cm} x{2.23965 cm} }
\mymulticolumn{2}{x{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Numbers (cont)}}  \tn
% Row 30
One million & Um milhão \tn 
% Row Count 1 (+ 1)

\begin{tabularx}{5.377cm}{x{2.38896 cm} x{2.58804 cm} }
\mymulticolumn{2}{x{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Time}}  \tn
% Row 0
Afterward & Depois \tn 
% Row Count 1 (+ 1)
% Row 1
Soon & Logo \tn 
% Row Count 2 (+ 1)
% Row 2
Before & Antes \tn 
% Row Count 3 (+ 1)
% Row 3
Early & Mais cedo \tn 
% Row Count 4 (+ 1)
% Row 4
Late & Mais tarde \tn 
% Row Count 5 (+ 1)
% Row 5
Later & Mais tarde/Depois \tn 
% Row Count 6 (+ 1)
% Row 6
Never & Nunca \tn 
% Row Count 7 (+ 1)
% Row 7
Now & Agora \tn 
% Row Count 8 (+ 1)
% Row 8
Once & Uma vez \tn 
% Row Count 9 (+ 1)
% Row 9
Many times & Muitas vezes \tn 
% Row Count 10 (+ 1)
% Row 10
Sometimes & Algumas vezes \tn 
% Row Count 11 (+ 1)
% Row 11
Always & Sempre \tn 
% Row Count 12 (+ 1)
% Row 12
What time is it? & Que horas são? \tn 
% Row Count 13 (+ 1)
% Row 13
At what time? & A que horas? \tn 
% Row Count 14 (+ 1)
% Row 14
For how long? & Por quanto tempo? \tn 
% Row Count 15 (+ 1)

\begin{tabularx}{5.377cm}{x{2.28942 cm} x{2.68758 cm} }
\mymulticolumn{2}{x{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Weather}}  \tn
% Row 0
Sun & Sol \tn 
% Row Count 1 (+ 1)
% Row 1
Sky & Céu \tn 
% Row Count 2 (+ 1)
% Row 2
Cloud & Nuvem \tn 
% Row Count 3 (+ 1)
% Row 3
Rainbow & Arco-íris \tn 
% Row Count 4 (+ 1)
% Row 4
Cold & Frio \tn 
% Row Count 5 (+ 1)
% Row 5
Hot & Quente \tn 
% Row Count 6 (+ 1)
% Row 6
It is hot & Está quente \tn 
% Row Count 7 (+ 1)
% Row 7
It is cold & Está frio \tn 
% Row Count 8 (+ 1)
% Row 8
It is sunny & Está ensolarado \tn 
% Row Count 9 (+ 1)
% Row 9
It is cloudy & Está nublado \tn 
% Row Count 10 (+ 1)
% Row 10
It is humid & Está úmido \tn 
% Row Count 11 (+ 1)
% Row 11
It is raining & Está chovendo \tn 
% Row Count 12 (+ 1)
% Row 12
It is snowing & Está nevando \tn 
% Row Count 13 (+ 1)
% Row 13
How is the weather? & Como está o tempo? \tn 
% Row Count 15 (+ 2)
% Row 14
Good weather & Bom tempo \tn 
% Row Count 16 (+ 1)
% Row 15
Bad weather & Mau tempo \tn 
% Row Count 17 (+ 1)
% Row 16
What is the temperature? & Quantos graus está fazendo? \tn 
% Row Count 19 (+ 2)
% Row 17
It is 11 degrees & Está fazendo 11 graus \tn 
% Row Count 21 (+ 2)

\begin{tabularx}{5.377cm}{x{1.44333 cm} x{3.53367 cm} }
\mymulticolumn{2}{x{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Seasons}}  \tn
% Row 0
Spring & Primavera \tn 
% Row Count 1 (+ 1)
% Row 1
Summer & Verão \tn 
% Row Count 2 (+ 1)
% Row 2
Autumn & Outono \tn 
% Row Count 3 (+ 1)
% Row 3
Winter & Inverno \tn 
% Row Count 4 (+ 1)
% Row 4
Seasons & Estações do ano \tn 
% Row Count 5 (+ 1)

\begin{tabularx}{5.377cm}{x{2.4885 cm} x{2.4885 cm} }
\mymulticolumn{2}{x{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Months}}  \tn
% Row 0
January & Janeiro \tn 
% Row Count 1 (+ 1)
% Row 1
February & Fevereiro \tn 
% Row Count 2 (+ 1)
% Row 2
March & Março \tn 
% Row Count 3 (+ 1)
% Row 3
April & Abril \tn 
% Row Count 4 (+ 1)
% Row 4
May & Maio \tn 
% Row Count 5 (+ 1)
% Row 5
June & Junho \tn 
% Row Count 6 (+ 1)
% Row 6
July & Julho \tn 
% Row Count 7 (+ 1)
% Row 7
August & Agosto \tn 
% Row Count 8 (+ 1)
% Row 8
September & Setembro \tn 
% Row Count 9 (+ 1)
% Row 9
October & Outubro \tn 
% Row Count 10 (+ 1)
% Row 10
November & Novembro \tn 
% Row Count 11 (+ 1)
% Row 11
December & Dezembro \tn 
% Row Count 12 (+ 1)

\begin{tabularx}{5.377cm}{x{2.04057 cm} x{2.93643 cm} }
\mymulticolumn{2}{x{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Days of the Week}}  \tn
% Row 0
Monday & Segunda-feira \tn 
% Row Count 1 (+ 1)
% Row 1
Tuesday & Terça-feira \tn 
% Row Count 2 (+ 1)
% Row 2
Wednesday & Quarta-feira \tn 
% Row Count 3 (+ 1)
% Row 3
Thursday & Quinta-feira \tn 
% Row Count 4 (+ 1)
% Row 4
Friday & Sexta-feira \tn 
% Row Count 5 (+ 1)
% Row 5
Saturday & Sábado \tn 
% Row Count 6 (+ 1)
% Row 6
Sunday & Domingo \tn 
% Row Count 7 (+ 1)

\begin{tabularx}{5.377cm}{x{1.74195 cm} x{3.23505 cm} }
\mymulticolumn{2}{x{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Office}}  \tn
% Row 0
Desk & Escrivaninha \tn 
% Row Count 1 (+ 1)
% Row 1
Office chair & Cadeira de escritório \tn 
% Row Count 2 (+ 1)
% Row 2
Table lamp & Luminária \tn 
% Row Count 3 (+ 1)
% Row 3
Computer & Computador \tn 
% Row Count 4 (+ 1)
% Row 4
Printer & Impressora \tn 
% Row Count 5 (+ 1)
% Row 5
Notebook & Caderno \tn 
% Row Count 6 (+ 1)
% Row 6
Pen & Caneta \tn 
% Row Count 7 (+ 1)

\begin{tabularx}{5.377cm}{x{1.74195 cm} x{3.23505 cm} }
\mymulticolumn{2}{x{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Kitchen}}  \tn
% Row 0
Stove & Fogão \tn 
% Row Count 1 (+ 1)
% Row 1
Oven & Forno \tn 
% Row Count 2 (+ 1)
% Row 2
Microwave & Microondas \tn 
% Row Count 3 (+ 1)
% Row 3
Freezer & Geladeira \tn 
% Row Count 4 (+ 1)
% Row 4
Refrigerator & Refrigerador \tn 
% Row Count 5 (+ 1)
% Row 5
Dishwasher & Máquina de lavar louça \tn 
% Row Count 6 (+ 1)
% Row 6
Table & Mesa \tn 
% Row Count 7 (+ 1)
% Row 7
Chair & Cadeira \tn 
% Row Count 8 (+ 1)
% Row 8
Glass & Copo \tn 
% Row Count 9 (+ 1)
% Row 9
Cup & Xícara \tn 
% Row Count 10 (+ 1)
% Row 10
Mug & Caneca \tn 
% Row Count 11 (+ 1)
% Row 11
Plate & Prato \tn 
% Row Count 12 (+ 1)
% Row 12
Cutlery & Talheres \tn 
% Row Count 13 (+ 1)
% Row 13
Knife & Faca \tn 
% Row Count 14 (+ 1)
% Row 14
Fork & Garfo \tn 
% Row Count 15 (+ 1)
% Row 15
Spoon & Colher \tn 
% Row Count 16 (+ 1)
% Row 16
Pot & Panela \tn 
% Row Count 17 (+ 1)
% Row 17
Bowl & Tigela \tn 
% Row Count 18 (+ 1)
% Row 18
Kitchen trash & Lixeira de cozinha \tn 
% Row Count 19 (+ 1)

\begin{tabularx}{5.377cm}{x{2.09034 cm} x{2.88666 cm} }
\mymulticolumn{2}{x{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Bathroom}}  \tn
% Row 0
Sink & Pia \tn 
% Row Count 1 (+ 1)
% Row 1
Toilet & Vaso sanitário \tn 
% Row Count 2 (+ 1)
% Row 2
Shower & Chuveiro \tn 
% Row Count 3 (+ 1)
% Row 3
Bathtub & Banheira \tn 
% Row Count 4 (+ 1)
% Row 4
Mirror & Espelho \tn 
% Row Count 5 (+ 1)
% Row 5
Bath mat & Tapete de banho \tn 
% Row Count 6 (+ 1)
% Row 6
Shower curtain & Cortina de chuveiro \tn 
% Row Count 7 (+ 1)
% Row 7
Soap & Sabonete \tn 
% Row Count 8 (+ 1)
% Row 8
Soap dish & Saboneteira \tn 
% Row Count 9 (+ 1)
% Row 9
Towel & Toalha \tn 
% Row Count 10 (+ 1)
% Row 10
Toothpaste & Pasta de dente \tn 
% Row Count 11 (+ 1)
% Row 11
Toothbrush & Escova de dente \tn 
% Row Count 12 (+ 1)

\begin{tabularx}{5.377cm}{x{2.14011 cm} x{2.83689 cm} }
\mymulticolumn{2}{x{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Bedroom}}  \tn
% Row 0
Bed & Cama \tn 
% Row Count 1 (+ 1)
% Row 1
Mattress & Colchão \tn 
% Row Count 2 (+ 1)
% Row 2
Closet & Guarda-roupa \tn 
% Row Count 3 (+ 1)
% Row 3
Dresser & Cômoda \tn 
% Row Count 4 (+ 1)
% Row 4
Pillow & Travesseiro \tn 
% Row Count 5 (+ 1)
% Row 5
Sheet & Lençol \tn 
% Row Count 6 (+ 1)
% Row 6
Blanket & Cobertor \tn 
% Row Count 7 (+ 1)
% Row 7
Nightstand & Criado-mudo \tn 
% Row Count 8 (+ 1)
% Row 8
Bedside lamp & Abajur \tn 
% Row Count 9 (+ 1)
% Row 9
Rug & Tapete de quarto \tn 
% Row Count 10 (+ 1)

\begin{tabularx}{5.377cm}{x{2.38896 cm} x{2.58804 cm} }
\mymulticolumn{2}{x{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Home's objects and furniture}}  \tn
% Row 0
Sofa/couch & Sofá \tn 
% Row Count 1 (+ 1)
% Row 1
Armchair & Poltrona \tn 
% Row Count 2 (+ 1)
% Row 2
Television & Televisão \tn 
% Row Count 3 (+ 1)
% Row 3
Fireplace & Lareira \tn 
% Row Count 4 (+ 1)
% Row 4
Telephone & Telefone \tn 
% Row Count 5 (+ 1)
% Row 5
Carpet & Tapete \tn 
% Row Count 6 (+ 1)
% Row 6
Curtain & Cortina \tn 
% Row Count 7 (+ 1)
% Row 7
Painting & Pintura \tn 
% Row Count 8 (+ 1)
% Row 8
Picture & Fotografia \tn 
% Row Count 9 (+ 1)
% Row 9
Picture frame & Porta-retrato \tn 
% Row Count 10 (+ 1)
% Row 10
Dining table & Mesa de jantar \tn 
% Row Count 11 (+ 1)
% Row 11
Chair & Cadeira \tn 
% Row Count 12 (+ 1)
% Row 12
Cupboard & Cristaleira \tn 
% Row Count 13 (+ 1)

\begin{tabularx}{5.377cm}{x{2.09034 cm} x{2.88666 cm} }
\mymulticolumn{2}{x{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{External parts of a house}}  \tn
% Row 0
Backyard & Quintal \tn 
% Row Count 1 (+ 1)
% Row 1
Balcony & Sacada \tn 
% Row Count 2 (+ 1)
% Row 2
Courtyard & Pátio \tn 
% Row Count 3 (+ 1)
% Row 3
Deck & Terraço \tn 
% Row Count 4 (+ 1)
% Row 4
Front yard & Pátio frontal \tn 
% Row Count 5 (+ 1)
% Row 5
Garage & Garagem \tn 
% Row Count 6 (+ 1)
% Row 6
Garden & Jardim \tn 
% Row Count 7 (+ 1)

\begin{tabularx}{5.377cm}{x{2.14011 cm} x{2.83689 cm} }
\mymulticolumn{2}{x{5.377cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Internal parts of a house}}  \tn
% Row 0
Attic & Sótão \tn 
% Row Count 1 (+ 1)
% Row 1
Basement & Porão \tn 
% Row Count 2 (+ 1)
% Row 2
Bathroom & Banheiro \tn 
% Row Count 3 (+ 1)
% Row 3
Bedroom & Quarto de dormir \tn 
% Row Count 4 (+ 1)
% Row 4
Cellar & Dispensa \tn 
% Row Count 5 (+ 1)
% Row 5
Dining room & Sala de jantar \tn 
% Row Count 6 (+ 1)
% Row 6
Laundry room & Lavanderia \tn 
% Row Count 7 (+ 1)
% Row 7
Living room & Sala de estar \tn 
% Row Count 8 (+ 1)
% Row 8
Kitchen & Cozinha \tn 
% Row Count 9 (+ 1)
% Row 9
Office & Escritório \tn 
% Row Count 10 (+ 1)
% Row 10
TV room & Sala de TV \tn 
% Row Count 11 (+ 1)

% That's all folks
