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Switch to any value % from this page to resize cheat sheet text: % www.emerson.emory.edu/services/latex/latex_169.html \footnotesize % Small font. \begin{multicols*}{2} \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{x{3.36 cm} x{4.64 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{brief overview of interface settings}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `show ip interface brief` & can also be typed as `sh ip int br` \tn % Row Count 2 (+ 2) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}--} \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{interface, ip address, OK?, Method, Status, Protocol \newline \newline example: \newline \newline `GigabitEthernet1 YES NVRAM up up`} \tn \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}--} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{x{4 cm} x{4 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{TFTP config}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `copy tftp run` & configure the router via TFTP (`copy tftp running-config`) \tn % Row Count 3 (+ 3) % Row 1 \SetRowColor{white} "address or name of remote host {[}{]}?" & input ip address of remote host \tn % Row Count 5 (+ 2) % Row 2 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} "source filename {[}{]}?" & name of file of TFTP server \tn % Row Count 7 (+ 2) % Row 3 \SetRowColor{white} "destination filename {[}running-config{]}?" & hit `Enter`; overwrite running config \tn % Row Count 9 (+ 2) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}--} \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{Reinstalling config to router from remote IP address using Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP); \newline \newline {\bf{remember to `copy run start` to maintain config across reboots!}}; \newline \newline Note: {\emph{TFTP is an insecure protocol (no authentication, no encryption of data in transit)}}; use {\bf{SCP (Secure File Copy) in production envs instead, which uses SSH (Secure Shell) protocol}}} \tn \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}--} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{x{4 cm} x{4 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Cisco IOS 16 router config cmds}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `\textasciicircum{}Ctrl` + `Z` & exit completely out of Config mode \tn % Row Count 2 (+ 2) % Row 1 \SetRowColor{white} `aaa new-model` & use new model for AAA: uses user IDs and passwords \tn % Row Count 5 (+ 3) % Row 2 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `area 0 authentication message-digest` & configure {\emph{OSPF Area 0}} to use message-digest authentication \tn % Row Count 8 (+ 3) % Row 3 \SetRowColor{white} `banner motd \#Authorized access onlyl!\#` & set a "message of the day" banner \tn % Row Count 10 (+ 2) % Row 4 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `clock timezone utc 0` & set clock to UTC timezone \tn % Row Count 12 (+ 2) % Row 5 \SetRowColor{white} `configure replace \seqsplit{tftp://} force` & router config file on TFTP server; will apply all necessary additions \& deletions \tn % Row Count 17 (+ 5) % Row 6 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `configure terminal` & config router from terminal (current window); {\emph{can also be written `conf t`}} \tn % Row Count 21 (+ 4) % Row 7 \SetRowColor{white} `copy running-config startup-config` & copies current config from volatile RAM to non-volatile RAM (NVRAM); saves current config to default name; also `copy run start` \tn % Row Count 28 (+ 7) % Row 8 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `copy startup-config tftp` & copy saved (startup) config to TFTP server \tn % Row Count 31 (+ 3) \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \vfill \columnbreak \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{x{4 cm} x{4 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Cisco IOS 16 router config cmds (cont)}} \tn % Row 9 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `copy tftp running-config` & config router via TFTP; also `copy tftp run` \tn % Row Count 3 (+ 3) % Row 10 \SetRowColor{white} `crypto key generate rsa general-keys modulus 2048` & create public/private asymmetric key pair to enable SSH connections \tn % Row Count 7 (+ 4) % Row 11 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{`disable`} \tn % Row Count 8 (+ 1) % Row 12 \SetRowColor{white} `enable` & access Enable mode, elevated priv \tn % Row Count 10 (+ 2) % Row 13 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `enable secret placeholder` & set password on `Enable` mode with `placeholder` as password \tn % Row Count 13 (+ 3) % Row 14 \SetRowColor{white} `exclude` & like `grep -v`; also `e` \tn % Row Count 15 (+ 2) % Row 15 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `exec-timeout 0 0` & disable timeout of Telnet sessions; {\bf{insecure}} only for class effeciency \tn % Row Count 19 (+ 4) % Row 16 \SetRowColor{white} `exit` & exit Line Config mode; (`CTRL` + `Z` to exit Config mode completely) \tn % Row Count 23 (+ 4) % Row 17 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `hostname routerName` & set hostname; prompt immediately changes \tn % Row Count 25 (+ 2) % Row 18 \SetRowColor{white} `include` & simple pattern searching, like `grep`; also `i` \tn % Row Count 28 (+ 3) % Row 19 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `int g1` & edit definition for interface GigabitEthernet 1 \tn % Row Count 31 (+ 3) \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \vfill \columnbreak \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{x{4 cm} x{4 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Cisco IOS 16 router config cmds (cont)}} \tn % Row 20 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `int gig 1` & interface Gigabit 1 \tn % Row Count 1 (+ 1) % Row 21 \SetRowColor{white} `int gigabitEthernet 1` & select first gigabitEthernet interface \tn % Row Count 3 (+ 2) % Row 22 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `int loop 0` & config interface loopback 0 \tn % Row Count 5 (+ 2) % Row 23 \SetRowColor{white} `int loopback 0` & create loopback interface \tn % Row Count 7 (+ 2) % Row 24 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `ip address` & assign ip and specific subnet mask \tn % Row Count 9 (+ 2) % Row 25 \SetRowColor{white} `ip domain-name DOMAIN.com` & config router's domain name (prereq for creating crypto keys) \tn % Row Count 13 (+ 4) % Row 26 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 somesecretkey` & add MD5 digest key to OSPF packets - with passphrase "somesecretkey" \tn % Row Count 17 (+ 4) % Row 27 \SetRowColor{white} `ip ssh version 2` & enforce SSHv2 only (v1 is subject to MITM attacks) \tn % Row Count 20 (+ 3) % Row 28 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `line console 0` & config the console \tn % Row Count 21 (+ 1) % Row 29 \SetRowColor{white} `line vty 0 4` & config network connections to {\emph{virtual teletype/terminal lines}} (ie Telnet) \tn % Row Count 25 (+ 4) % Row 30 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `logging host \textless{}Windows Syslog Server ip\textgreater{}` & send logs to syslog server \tn % Row Count 28 (+ 3) % Row 31 \SetRowColor{white} `logging source-interface gig 1` & explicitly set source interface for syslog \tn % Row Count 31 (+ 3) \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \vfill \columnbreak \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{x{4 cm} x{4 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Cisco IOS 16 router config cmds (cont)}} \tn % Row 32 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `logging source g1` & set interface GigabitEthernet 1 as logging source \tn % Row Count 3 (+ 3) % Row 33 \SetRowColor{white} `logging synchronous` & prevent log msgs from interrupting cmd entry \tn % Row Count 6 (+ 3) % Row 34 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `logging trap debug` & log msgs at \textgreater{}= debug (severity debug or higher) \tn % Row Count 9 (+ 3) % Row 35 \SetRowColor{white} `login on-failure log` & log failed logins \tn % Row Count 11 (+ 2) % Row 36 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `login on-success log` & log successful logins \tn % Row Count 13 (+ 2) % Row 37 \SetRowColor{white} `network area 0`; `network area 0` & add network to routing process in area 0 \tn % Row Count 17 (+ 4) % Row 38 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `no ip directed-broadcast` & disable directed broadcasts \tn % Row Count 19 (+ 2) % Row 39 \SetRowColor{white} `no ip domain lookup` & disable IP domain (ie DNS) lookups - else every typo will be read as hostname and router will try to Telnet \tn % Row Count 25 (+ 6) % Row 40 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `no ip proxy-arp` & disable proxy ARP \tn % Row Count 26 (+ 1) % Row 41 \SetRowColor{white} `no ip redirects` & disable IP redirection \tn % Row Count 28 (+ 2) % Row 42 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `no ip source-route` & disable source routing \tn % Row Count 30 (+ 2) \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \vfill \columnbreak \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{x{4 cm} x{4 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Cisco IOS 16 router config cmds (cont)}} \tn % Row 43 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `no shutdown` & start up interface (by indicating its not shutdown) \tn % Row Count 3 (+ 3) % Row 44 \SetRowColor{white} `no user admin` & remove admin user acct with cleartext passwd \tn % Row Count 6 (+ 3) % Row 45 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `ntp source gig 1` & explicitly set source interface for NTP \tn % Row Count 8 (+ 2) % Row 46 \SetRowColor{white} `rat ./\textless{}RATauditFileName\textgreater{}` & CIS Router Assessment Tool (RAT) \tn % Row Count 10 (+ 2) % Row 47 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `router ospf 1` & create/edit {\emph{OSPF routing process}} \tn % Row Count 12 (+ 2) % Row 48 \SetRowColor{white} `show crypto key mypubkey rsa` & view RSA public keys generated \tn % Row Count 14 (+ 2) % Row 49 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `show ip interface brief` & interface settings; also `sh ip int br` \tn % Row Count 16 (+ 2) % Row 50 \SetRowColor{white} `show run` & show router's running config \tn % Row Count 18 (+ 2) % Row 51 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `show run | i pas` & narrow search by including "pas" like {\emph{password}}; also `show run i pas` \tn % Row Count 22 (+ 4) % Row 52 \SetRowColor{white} `show run | i enable` & search for `enable` \tn % Row Count 24 (+ 2) % Row 53 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `snmp-server trap-source gig1` & explicitly set source interface for SNMP traps \tn % Row Count 27 (+ 3) % Row 54 \SetRowColor{white} `stand 1 ip \textless{}ip address\textgreater{}` & set {\emph{HSRP standby address}} \tn % Row Count 29 (+ 2) % Row 55 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `stand 1 priority 120` & set standby priority \tn % Row Count 31 (+ 2) \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \vfill \columnbreak \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{x{4 cm} x{4 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Cisco IOS 16 router config cmds (cont)}} \tn % Row 56 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `standby 1 authentication md5 key-string PASSWORD` & set MD5 authentication strong of "PASSWORD" \tn % Row Count 3 (+ 3) % Row 57 \SetRowColor{white} `standby 1 name CONFIGname` & name standby config `CONFIGname` (case-sensitive) \tn % Row Count 6 (+ 3) % Row 58 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `standby 1 preempt` & after an outage, device configured as primary will "preempt" ctrl required to regain desired state \tn % Row Count 11 (+ 5) % Row 59 \SetRowColor{white} `username user privilege 15 password pass` & create new user `user`, with password `pass` \tn % Row Count 14 (+ 3) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}--} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{x{4 cm} x{4 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{Audit Router Config}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `cd` & change to home dir \tn % Row Count 1 (+ 1) % Row 1 \SetRowColor{white} `mkdir -p rtaudit.1` & make sub-dir for this lab (`-p` = no errors if it already exists \tn % Row Count 5 (+ 4) % Row 2 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `cd rtaudit.1` & change to that sub-dir \tn % Row Count 7 (+ 2) % Row 3 \SetRowColor{white} `cp \seqsplit{/srv/tftp/routerConfigFile} routerName-audit01` & copy the TFTP'd config file for \textless{}router\textgreater{} from TFTP server dir to current dir with name `\textless{}routerName-audit01\textgreater{}` \tn % Row Count 13 (+ 6) % Row 4 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `rat \seqsplit{./routerName-audit01`} & run `rat` against that file \tn % Row Count 15 (+ 2) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}--} \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{Auditing our initial config using CIS Router Assessment Tool (RAT). \newline \newline {\emph{Note: RAT is deprecated, but sufficient for this exercise. CIS now has CIS-CAT Pro which requires membership fee.}} \newline \newline Other audit tools such as `Tenable's Nessus` can also perform CIS assessments against router configs.} \tn \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}--} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{X} \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{initial config}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{`enable`} \tn % Row Count 1 (+ 1) % Row 1 \SetRowColor{white} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{`configure terminal`} \tn % Row Count 2 (+ 1) % Row 2 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{`int gigabitEthernet 1`} \tn % Row Count 3 (+ 1) % Row 3 \SetRowColor{white} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{`ip address \textless{}router ip\textgreater{}`} \tn % Row Count 4 (+ 1) % Row 4 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{`no shutdown`} \tn % Row Count 5 (+ 1) % Row 5 \SetRowColor{white} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{`hostname routerName`} \tn % Row Count 6 (+ 1) % Row 6 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{`ip domain-name DOMAIN.com`} \tn % Row Count 7 (+ 1) % Row 7 \SetRowColor{white} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{`crypto key generate rsa general-keys modulus 2048`} \tn % Row Count 9 (+ 2) % Row 8 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{`exit`} \tn % Row Count 10 (+ 1) % Row 9 \SetRowColor{white} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{`configure replace tftp://\textless{}TFTP server IP\textgreater{}/restore/routerName-base force`} \tn % Row Count 12 (+ 2) % Row 10 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{`copy running-config startup-config`} \tn % Row Count 13 (+ 1) % Row 11 \SetRowColor{white} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{`disable`} \tn % Row Count 14 (+ 1) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}-} \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{tasks: \newline - assign hostname \newline - enable over-network access, which requires: \newline 1. login username and password \newline 2. password for `enable` cmd \newline 3. public/private key pair (to identify router to remote host for SSH)} \tn \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}-} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{X} \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{remote connect TO router via TELNET}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{`telnet \textless{}router ip\textgreater{}`} \tn % Row Count 1 (+ 1) % Row 1 \SetRowColor{white} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{`\textless{}username\textgreater{}`} \tn % Row Count 2 (+ 1) % Row 2 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{`\textless{}user password\textgreater{}`} \tn % Row Count 3 (+ 1) % Row 3 \SetRowColor{white} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{`enable`} \tn % Row Count 4 (+ 1) % Row 4 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{`\textless{}enable password\textgreater{}`} \tn % Row Count 5 (+ 1) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}-} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{x{3.04 cm} x{4.96 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{show running config}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `show run` & show router's running config \tn % Row Count 2 (+ 2) % Row 1 \SetRowColor{white} `show run | include pas` & narrow search by piping output to `include` and look for 'pas' (short for {\emph{password}}) \tn % Row Count 6 (+ 4) % Row 2 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} `show run | i pas` & same as above, can shorten `include` to `i` \tn % Row Count 8 (+ 2) % Row 3 \SetRowColor{white} `show run | i enable` & searching for `enable` \tn % Row Count 10 (+ 2) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}--} \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{- `include` command (`i`) does simple pattern matching, like `grep` \newline - Cisco IOS requires space before and after pipe `|` \newline - there is also `exclude`, similar to `grep -v` and can be shortened to `e`} \tn \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}--} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{X} \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{remote connect TO router via SSH}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{`ssh username@\textless{}router ip address\textgreater{}`} \tn % Row Count 1 (+ 1) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}-} \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{{\bf{SSH is only available when RSA crypto keys have been previously generated}}; {\emph{keys CANNOT be imported via TFTP}}} \tn \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}-} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{X} \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{view RSA public keys generated}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{1}{x{8.4cm}}{`show crypto key mypubkey rsa`} \tn % Row Count 1 (+ 1) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}-} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} \begin{tabularx}{8.4cm}{p{0.8 cm} p{0.8 cm} } \SetRowColor{DarkBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{\bf\textcolor{white}{copy saved (startup) config to TFTP server}} \tn % Row 0 \SetRowColor{LightBackground} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{`copy startup-config tftp`} \tn % Row Count 1 (+ 1) % Row 1 \SetRowColor{white} \mymulticolumn{2}{x{8.4cm}}{`\textless{}TFTP Server IP\textgreater{}`} \tn % Row Count 2 (+ 1) \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{DarkBackground}}--} \end{tabularx} \par\addvspace{1.3em} % That's all folks \end{multicols*} \end{document}